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The 8 Best (And 8 Worst!) Foods For Dentures

Make navigating your plate a cinch with these smart picks

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If you've traded in your original teeth for a full or partial set of dentures, maintaining your usual diet can come with a special set of challenges. "Dentures are not a replacement for teeth insofar as restoring complete function," says Edmond Hewlett, DDS, professor of restorative dentistry at the University of California Los Angeles School of Dentistry and spokesperson for the American Dental Association. 

But before you think that wearing dentures has to mean giving up all your favorite foods, take heart: The key to learning to live with your prosthetic chompers is a bit of creativity and patience—not deprivation. "You can find new ways of enjoying foods you previously included in your diet," say Dr. Hewlett.

Here's what to eat, what to skip, and what to tweak for stress-free munching.

Bad bite: Coffee and tea

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While your morning Joe won't hurt in moderation—and won't stain dentures any more than it will natural teeth—large amounts can be dehydrating, meaning more dry mouth. 

Better bite: Curb the caffeine or switch to decaf If you need your coffee, just be sure you're also getting an adequate amount of non-diuretic fluids to help with saliva flow and comfort, says Dr. Hewlett. Denture wearers need to be especially vigilant about keeping a moist mouth, because without plenty of lubricating saliva, the friction from dentures will irritate the gums, says Dr. Hewlett.

More from Prevention: 25 Foods Dentists Won't Eat

Bad bite: Popcorn

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Everyone knows that a piece of popcorn lodged in your teeth can be real hull (ahem), and it’s no exception with dentures. "Anything with hard or sharp bits can be especially tough on denture wearers," says Dr. Hewlett, as getting hard bits of food stuck beneath the dentures can be extremely painful.

Better bite: Air-puffed veggie crisps If you're craving a salty snack, try trading popcorn for veggie chips. But beware, Dr. Hewlett cautions. "Some brands get sticky as you chew them, and this can be especially so for denture wearers who may have low saliva flow." Remember to drink plenty of fluids to increase saliva production, especially if you're indulging in salty snacks. You need enough moisture in your mouth to maintain a seal, similar to a suction cup, to keep the denture from slipping.

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Bad bite: Sticky candy

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Dentists aren't a fan of chewy, sticky candy for anyone, but especially for those with dentures: Anything sticky is almost guaranteed to dislodge your teeth. 

Better bite: Sugar-free gum For a sweet treat that won't wreck your teeth, pop some sugar-free gum. Bonus? Chewing gum can help with saliva production. "Finding the brand that works best with your particular denture is a matter of trial and error," say Dr. Hewlett. Wrigley's Freedent gum is one popular pick among denture wearers. 

Bad bite: Nuts

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Nuts about nuts? You might want to hold back, Dr. Hewlett suggests. In addition to having little (painful) pieces that can get under your partials, the way you eat nuts can make dentures unstable, he says. Why? Chewing on both sides of the mouth is a must for denture-wearers—chewing on just one side ups risk of the dentures coming loose or one side flipping up—but because most people only eat a couple nuts at once, they typically only chew on one side. 

Better bite: Pitted olives Easier to chew, yet still containing heart-healthy fats that help to lower cholesterol, pitted olives are a good replacement for nuts, says Dr. Hewlett. "Fresh seedless grapes and berries are also tasty and nutritious denture-friendly snacks."

Bad bite: Seeded bread or crackers

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You might love the nutty flavor of poppy seeds, but if you wear dentures, steer clear. "There's nothing worse than getting a seed stuck under your dentures," says Dr. Hewlett. "It's like having a stone in your shoe."

Better bite: Baked in goodness Replace those seeded buns with whole grain bread that has the grains baked in.

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Bad bite: Steak

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A big bite of hard-to-chew food like steak might be more than you can take on with dentures. Biting into tough foods can destabilize the teeth, upping the possibility of dislodging them. Plus, the additional pressure required to chew larger pieces of firm foods can also create sore spots under the dentures, says Dr. Hewlett. 

Better bite: Piece meal "Cutting up your meat into small pieces is certainly a way to enjoy it without giving it up," says Dr. Hewlett. Ground meats, chicken, and fish are also easier to handle. (Get the most out of your seafood with these 5 healthy recipes.)

Bad bite: Raw fruits and vegetables

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While no one should eliminate fruits and veggies from their diet, some particularly hard fruits and vegetables, like carrots, apples, and corn-on-the-cob, might be a problem for denture wearers, says Dr. Hewlett. Biting into hard foods puts a whole lot of pressure on the incisors (front teeth), which can dislodge the dentures.

Better bite: Whole fruit smoothie Pureeing the whole fruit—including the skin—is the best way to ensure none of those essential elements go missing from your diet. (May we suggest these 25 super smoothie recipes?) When it comes to corn-on-the-cob, simply cut the corn from the cob to still enjoy the fresh taste.

Bad bite: Nut butters

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"Peanut butter sticks to all surfaces," says Dr. Hewlett. And while you can work it off natural teeth with your tongue, it's not so easy with dentures, he says. 

Better bite: Hummus Choose non-sticky, protein-rich spreads such as hummus, tapenades, and spreadable salads (tuna, salmon, chicken, egg) to enjoy with your whole wheat breads and crackers, recommends Dr. Hewlett. (Hungry for hummus? Check out 4 new ways to dabble with the dip.)

Keely Savoie

Keely's writing on science and health has appeared in numerous publications and anthologies. In addition to being a writer, scientist, health fanatic and mom, she is a world traveler and tireless seeker of knowledge. After years of pushing, Keely finally passed 40, renewing her interest in improved health and longevity through nutrition and exercise. 


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