10 Habits To Make Your 2016 the Happiest and Most Successful Ever

From the pros who practice them every day.
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As we approach the New Year, many of us are reevaluating our lives and setting goals for 2016. Whether those goals are personal, professional, or a combination of both, it can’t hurt to heed inspiration and advice from others to set us on the right track. So, we spoke with some seriously high-achieving people, from entrepreneurs to life coaches, to find out their formulas for success.

1. Use To-Do Lists and Set Tangible Goals.
In today’s world that’s full of distractions, it’s nearly impossible to keep track of your tasks and goals without a tangible reminder. Take time to write a to-do list every day (or every night, for the next day), and prioritize the items on it. “Create a daily plan of action,” says Jess Ekstrom, CEO of Headbands of Hope and author of The Freshman Fabulous: The Girl’s Guide to College. “If it’s not written down on my ToDoist app, it’s probably not going to get done. I write down exactly what I need to do for each day to not only remember, but to [also] hold myself accountable.”

And when your list gets long, resist the temptation to do the easy things first. “Do your most dreaded task first,” Sarah Evans, co-founder of J Public Relations told us. “You’ll feel accomplished and save yourself the agony of thinking about it.” If those tough tasks seem too overwhelming, just break them down into smaller, manageable chunks. “Achieving the small [steps spur] you on to the next task,” says Jonathan Edwards, founder of MilanStyle.com. “If you don’t break large goals into small tasks, they can feel insurmountable.”

Christy Whitman, author of New York Times bestseller, The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance, agrees and recommends writing down six of those small steps toward any goal each morning and knocking them out before you even check your email. “If you have a goal of writing a book, you wouldn’t put one of the items [on your list] as ‘write the book,’ but instead one of the items might be, ‘write for one hour today.’”

2. Wake Up Early.
For most of us, it’s not exactly easy to pop out of bed when our alarms go off at an early hour — but once you’re up, you have the chance to make the most out of your day. “Wake up before dawn,” says Steven Izen, the founder and CEO of Lokai, a bracelet loved by the likes of Khloe Kardashian and Gigi Hadid. “Success takes time, so get everywhere first.” Plus, rising early also gives you the opportunity to spend some quality time alone before getting bombarded with the day.

3. Trust Your Gut.
There’s no doubt that throughout life — in school, work, and otherwise — you’ll be faced with tons of difficult decisions. And sometimes, you have to just go with your gut, even if what you ultimately decide is controversial or unpopular. “If I were to stall and apologize for every imperfect decision that I have ever made, I would have never achieved success,” says Kirsten Helvey, COO of Cornerstone OnDemand. “When making tough decisions, it’s important to follow your instincts and remember to stand by your convictions.”

Diana House, a laywer-turned-entrepreneur who’s started companies like Tiny Devotions and Cole + Parker, agrees. “There are many decisions in life where a spreadsheet will not tell you what to do,” she told us. “You have to learn how to listen to your body, your intuition, and follow your gut — on people, on opportunities, and on virtually every other decision you make.”

4. Ask for Help.
Trusting your gut doesn’t mean acting as an island, though. It’s important to recognize when you need help. “It’s irresponsible to assume that you will always have the right answers,” Helvey said. “It’s important to know when we should look to others for support and guidance — this is the sign of a strong leader.”

Meredith Liepelt, personal branding expert at Rich Life Marketing, stressed that importance and says, “Get in the habit of realizing and knowing where your expertise ends. Don’t fake it. Get others around you who can help you make informed decisions instead of thinking you need to know it all. Because you don’t and never will.”

5. Mind Your Money.
Even if you reach the point where you’re making more money than you ever could have imagined, it’s important to be smart about how you spend — and save — that money. “Highly successful people live below their means,” Stephanie Genkin, a certified financial planner and former CNN producer, says. “People who understand how their money can work for them, instead of being slaves to their money in an effort to acquire the latest things, tend to be highly successful people. I cannot stress the importance of minding your money. It has allowed me to travel the world, take risks in my career, go back to school to retrain, and become an entrepreneur.” In short: Avoid the temptation to always buy the newest iPhone, handbag, or sweater. Instead, create a savings account and start contributing to it with whatever money you’re making.

6. Surround Yourself With the Right People.
That means other successful people, as well as family and friends who support and encourage you. “I make sure to leave two hours of every day to spend with friends,” Izen says. “I’ve learned that these relationships, while they keep me balanced, have led to some exciting business opportunities. So, I’m socializing, but (without even intending it) networking also.”

House agrees with Izen’s sentiment. “A massive contributing factor to your success is who you hang with — your peers, your coworkers, your friends, your coaches, and mentors,” she says. “If you want to accelerate your success, start hanging out with people smarter, older, and more experienced than you.”

7. Take Risks and Don’t Be Afraid of Failure.
No matter what your ultimate goals in life, it’s hard to achieve them without taking some risks. The most successful people aren’t afraid to try new things and take chances — but they also know to do so wisely. “Don’t be afraid to take risks, but also be ready to take responsibility and have a solution when those risks don’t go as planned,” says Sandy Saputo, the chief marketing officer at cosmetics company BareEscentuals.

While risks don’t always work out, they usually pay off with a lesson. “The key is to never look back in regret, but to learn from your experiences and move forward,” Helvey says. “This concept of continuous learning is only possible if you take risks, recognize reward, and realize your potential without fear of failure.”

And when they do work out, you’ll be oh-so-grateful that you faced the fear. “Everyday I force myself to do something that is out of my comfort zone,” Raaja Nemani, CEO and co-founder of BucketFeet, told us. “If I hadn’t left my comfort zone back in 2008 to buy that one-way ticket to Buenos Aires, I never would have met my business partner Aaron Firestein, and BucketFeet would never exist.”

8. Never Stop Learning.
Seek opportunities to hone your craft, whether that’s by taking classes, networking with potential mentors, or soaking up tidbits from other successful people around you. “Successful people aren’t the ones who believe they’re the smartest in the room,” certified life coach Bridget Chambers tells us. “Successful people are the ones who find the smartest person in the room and begin asking questions.”

Ethan Song, the CEO and co-founder of high-end menswear brand Frank & Oak, says, “The best way to grow as a person and an entrepreneur is to constantly learn, and the best way to learn is to always seek out something new.”

9. Exercise and Mind Your Health.
“Even working out for a short amount of time helps take the edge off a busy day and refreshes your mind and body,” Izen says. Not only is it important to take time to maintain your health, but it’s also important to spend some time alone, processing your thoughts and recharging for what’s to come. He continues, “In my moments of solitude I have my greatest moments of creativity."

Catherine Courage, the senior vice president at DocuSign and one of Forbes’s “rising stars,” actually credits her outside hobbies and exercise with making her better at her job. “Making my alternative passions a priority…allows me to clear my head and decompress,” she tells us. “I often solve some of my toughest problems when I am out for a run, bike, or a swim.”

Annie Lawless, the 28-year-old creator of BLAWNDE.com, New York Times bestselling author, and founder of Suja Juice, recommends starting your day with quiet introspection or meditation. “Even if it’s just 15 minutes in the morning, meditating is a great way to set your intentions and focus. You’ll find you feel more balanced and productive throughout the day.”

And when you can’t find time for exercise or meditation, remember there’s another easy way to loosen up: “I make it a habit to try and have a good laugh everyday,” says Robby Sorensen, CEO of socially conscious company Finger Puppets Inc.. “Some days that’s easier than others, [but] if you can find a way to laugh out loud every day, even on the worst days, then you can handle anything.”

10. Be nice.
Bethan Vincent, CEO of Bright Ethics tells us that the most successful business owners she’s met through her own work all have one major thing in common: “They are always polite and generally respectful to everyone they meet, no matter whether they are a senior manager or an intern in their first week,” she says. “Business is an entirely personal affair and your success rests on your reputation. If you are horrible to work with, nobody will want to work with you.”

Bhavna Ahluwalia, the creator of Dickies Girl, echoed that sentiment, saying, “Honesty and integrity is what people will remember you by. When it’s 10 years down the road, and you need a favor from someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile, chances are they’ll remember you fondly if you were honest and demonstrated integrity, and they’ll come through on the favor. This is the kind of reputation you want to follow you for life.” And while you’re at it, leave your ego at the door. “Egos ruin relationships,” Ahluwalia says. “Try putting others’ interests before your own in your personal and professional relationships and watch how quickly they flourish.”


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