How To Take a Yearbook Photo That Won't Embarrass You For Eternity

A celeb photographer gives us all the tricks!
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Photo: Courtesy of Youtube

It’s that time of year again! School picture day is right around the corner, and we wanted to find out the tried and true tips for getting an Instagram-worthy pic without all the takes and filters — but you don’t do that anyway, riiiiight?

Alan Weissman is a celebrity headshot photographer in Los Angeles and he's worked with a super A-list clientele including Charlize Theron, Cameron Diaz, and Angelina Jolie. Even actors and models need coaching when it comes to looking great in front of the camera, so we asked him for his best tips on capturing your best angle. Check out what he had to say from a photographer’s point of view:

How to Prepare for Your Pic: Alan advises practicing your pose before the actual shot. He says it’s important not to try too hard because you’ll want to appear natural and relaxed in the pic. But there’s nothing wrong with looking in the mirror beforehand to find your best side. “Turn a little to the left, then to the right, and notice where your face looks most even or symmetric,” he says. “The photographer will probably not take the time to do that.”

It’s also important to stay healthy before picture day. “Drink plenty of water the week before your shoot and get a good night’s sleep.” And stay clear of energy drinks right before, he warns. It might give you a boost for a few minutes, but you’ll get antsy and anxious, which might be obvious in the photo.

How to Choose Your Clothes: For headshots, you only really need to worry about your top, but it’s important to choose wisely. Alan advises not to wait until the last minute to pick out what you’re going to wear on picture day.

When choosing, ask yourself two questions: “What color do I get the most compliments on?” and, “If I were going on a date, what would I wear?” You want to be in something you feel great in. One note: Alan says to avoid wearing white if possible. “If the photographer has the same lighting for everyone, the white is going to show up more on your face,” he explains.

How to Do Your Makeup: If this is a really important picture for you, say your senior portrait, you might want to consider getting professional makeup done beforehand. “Don’t underestimate what a professional can do,” Alan says. “You’re going to see a difference. Just as clothes complement skin tone, the same goes with makeup. Makeup artists also know what it’s going to look like on film.”

Of course, not everyone can have a pro helping them on picture day. Alan says that you should try to keep things natural-looking and as clump-free as possible. “Cameras are very sharp and show everything,” he says. So in other words, don’t cake it on.

How to Do Your Hair: “Clients will call me up and ask if they should get a haircut before their photoshoot, and I always say, ‘When do you look best in your haircut? Is it the week after your haircut? Is it the day of, right after you come out of the salon?” Alan says your answer to that question is what you should do before picture day.

How to Sit: “Angle your shoulder and make sure your feet are faced in the same direction — never square to the camera, so the photographer is almost shooting across your shoulder,” Alan says. “And lean in towards camera a bit.” You appear more confident when you’re forward.

Right before the picture is snapped, try to relax. “I tell people to try to get to a good place in your head. For example, I love my dog — maybe I would start thinking about how funny he looks,” he says with a laugh. He also shares another trick: Look off to the side for a bit and then back at the photographer. “The biggest mistake people make is focusing too hard.”

These are just a few tips to make you shine even brighter on picture day. Of course the biggest piece of advice is to just be yourself — after all, isn’t that what school pictures are there to capture anyway? Cheese!

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