Online Finnish tutors
Private online Finnish lessons with native speaking teachers

Learn Finnish on Zoom, Teams or Skype
Build confidence, improve fluency and perfect your accent through live one to one classes with professional Finnish tutors.

Book your free trial today

Learn Finnish online anytime, anywhere

E-Learning Excellence: We provide an immersive virtual classroom experience that is both engaging and effective. Our interactive sessions ensure that you get the most out of every lesson.

Live conversation. Native speaking teachers

Our online Finnish lessons emphasize conversational skills, enabling you to speak Finnish confidently in real-world scenarios and develop your fluency in a supportive environment.

Tailor made classes matched to your learning goals

Enjoy customized classes delivered by expert online Finnish tutors. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our classes can cater to your unique learning style and individual goals.

Professional and passionate Finnish tutors

Learning a language is not just about grammar and vocabulary. It's about culture, history, and context. Our team comprises native Finnish speakers and certified educators who bring a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to each class.

United Kingdom
Sessions : 1477
 100% Positive
Sessions : 123
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Sessions : 37
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Tutor analysis and feedback

Get rapid tutor feedback on each core skill. Instant feedback from a native Finnish speaking teacher helps you monitor your progress, focus on areas of difficulty and stay motivated as you learn.

Wow... now you're speaking like a native! Great job. See you at our next class

Speaking - C1 - Advanced
Listening - B2 - Intermediate
Reading - C1 - Advanced
Writing - B1 - Intermediate

Track your progress in each core language skill of speaking, listening, reading and writing in line with the Common European Framework of References for Languages. Learn about progress tracking...

Trial classes. Easy booking

Booking lesson time is easy. Choose a tutor by availability, price, profile, student reviews and much more. Start with a trial class to get an evaluation of your existing fluency level and ability.

Wednesday   12/06/2024
09:00 AM
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All class times are displayed in your local time regardless of where you or your tutor are in the world and you can easily reschedule lessons if you need to.

Flexible scheduling
Free or discounted trial lessons available
Reschedule if you need to

Discover a better way to learn Finnish online.

Regular conversation practice is the key to fluency. There's no better way to build confidence, develop comprehension skills and an authentic accent. It's fun, effective and guaranteed to get you talking.

Start for free today. We've helped thousands of students learn a new language online and we can help you too.

A very effective E-Learning system delivering one to one tuition by putting you in direct touch with native speakers worldwide.
I needed a more intensive approach, and luckily I came across Verbalplanet. This service provided the framework and the means for an incredible educational experience.

John Reese

Award winning language training that's worth talking about. Find a language tutor anywhere in the world then arrange a mutually convenient time to have your lessons.

Get Started Today
Bring Learning Finnish to Life

Native tutors

Great pricing

Ultimate flexibility

© 2020