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About Dani Spies

Dani Spies is the founder and host of Clean & Delicious; a weekly cooking show on YouTube and a healthy eating blog that celebrates real, whole foods! She takes a holistic approach to health and wellness and is loved for her approachable, down to earth style both in and out of the kitchen.

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  1. Greta says

    5 stars
    I love zoodles! When my family has Italian night, I serve my red sauce over zoodles rather than pasta, so I enjoy it along with everyone else! And I don’t even cook them–when raw, the zucchini has a slightly al dente texture and I love it. For Asian night, I add some sesame dressing to my (raw) zoodles and have instant Sesame noodles at a fraction of the cost and calories. My machine is the Spiralizer, but only because that is what my foodie friend told me to buy. Yours looks very simple!

  2. Karen says

    5 stars
    I am a vegetarian and coming up with quick and easy meal that provides variety and nutrition is not always easy, but Zoodles is a great answer! I do not own a microwave, but use a steamer for a few minutes to help soften the zucchini. My favorite dish using Zoodles is heating olive oil in a pan then adding onion, garlic, artichoke hearts, olives, grape tomatoes and the zucchini until heated through. Sprinkle w/salt and pepper for seasoning and serve immediately.

  3. Suzy James says

    5 stars
    We love zoodles so much!! My Husband and I eat oodles and oodles of zoodles with a very quick and easy primavera sauce. We sometimes add meatballs or even some deboned chicken that I keep in the fridge. I use vegetti and all my friends have bought one too.

  4. Megan C says

    5 stars
    I found the Veggetti for $10.00 at Marshall’s!! Was so excited that I had to try it out tonight. Just cooked some zoodles with red pepper and Parmesan and loooovvved it!! Thanks Dani!!

  5. Toni V. says

    5 stars
    Wow!  Zoodles sound like a great substitute for pasta.  My husband and I eat “non-grain,” so zoodles would be perfect for us.  Can’t wait to get a Veggetti and get started!  Thanks, Dani!

  6. Lindsay Maxfield says

    5 stars
    Just found your website today via YouTube (I recently bought a Veggetti and wanted a demo). I love your channel! I’ve been thinking of doing something similar for my own website — creating a series of Nutrition 101 clips — and your videos get me pumped. My audience is people who want to start eating healthy but don’t really know how or who are intimidated to make changes, and the more I connect with readers the more I realize that Americans are in desperate need of even basic nutrition info. Your videos remind me that there are lots of fun ways to inspire and educate. And, people clearly want the information. I can tell by your huge following 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! 

  7. Rhea Chladek says

    5 stars
    I just made my first batch of “Zoodles,” and it definitely won’t be my last. I sauteed them in butter, minced garlic, and then added some meat I had cooked up for my children’s chicken alfredo. However, I wasn’t feeling in the mood for alfredo sauce, so I topped mine with fresh salsa. So delicious!

  8. Ileana says

    5 stars
    Hi Dani! I just prepared my first zoodles dish from zucchini and both me and my husband enjoy it very much! I’ve heard about zoodles before, but only when I received your email last week, I started looking for the special tool. I received it yesterday and today I used it! Thank you!

  9. Myrtha G. Manzano says

    Hi, I made and ate my first Zoodles and they were delicious …
    I made them in the microwave with some salt, pepper, garlic a splash of water and when they were done, I put some Alfredo Sauce, Turkey Franks and some Parmesan Cheese …
    Really out of this world!!!