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Community Guidelines

Guidelines for keeping the Amazon Community helpful, relevant, meaningful, and appropriate.

The community is a place to share your thoughts and experiences (positive and negative) with other customers. The following guidelines explain what's allowed and not allowed.

By using community features, you agree to our Conditions of Use and Privacy Notice. You also agree to follow these guidelines, which we update from time to time. Community features include:

  • Reviews (including star ratings)
  • Questions and answers
  • Helpful votes
  • Lists and registries
  • Profile pages
  • Amazon Follow
  • Shop by Interest (including comments and replies to comments)
  • Amazon Inspire
  • Amazon Influencer
  • Amazon digital and device forums
  • Reports of violations

Table of Contents

What the guidelines apply to

  • Actions you take, including:
    • Sharing text, photos, videos, or links
    • Marking a review as helpful
  • Interactions with other community members and Amazon

The guidelines don't apply to content in products or services sold on Amazon (for example, content of a book).

Who can participate

If you have an Amazon account, you can:

  • Create and update shopping lists, wish lists, or registries
  • Update your profile page
  • Participate in digital and device forums

You must have spent $50 on Amazon.com, using a credit or debit card, in the past 12 months, to:

  • Create reviews (including star ratings)
  • Answer customer questions
  • Submit helpful votes
  • Create idea lists
  • Follow other contributors
  • Create posts on Amazon Inspire
  • Comment on Shop by Interest posts, reply to others comments

Promotional discounts don't count towards the $50 minimum spending requirement.

What's not allowed

Seller, order, or shipping feedback

We don't allow reviews or questions and answers that focus on:

  • Sellers and the Customer Service they provide
  • Ordering issues and returns
  • Shipping packaging
  • Product condition and damage
  • Shipping cost and speed

Why not? Community content is meant to help customers learn about the product itself, not an individual experience ordering it. We definitely want to hear your feedback about sellers and packaging, but not in reviews or questions and answers.

Comments about pricing or availability

If it's related to the value of the product, it's OK to comment on price. For example, For only $29, this blender is really great.

Pricing comments related to an individual experience aren't allowed. For example, Found this item here for $5 less than at my local store.

These comments aren't allowed because they aren't relevant for all customers.

Some comments about availability are OK. For example, I wish this book was also available in paperback.

However, we don't allow comments about availability at a specific store. The purpose of the community is to share product-specific feedback that will be relevant to all other customers.

Content written in unsupported languages

We only allow content to be written in the supported languages of the Amazon site where it will appear. For example, we don't allow reviews written in French on Amazon.com. It only supports English and Spanish. Some Amazon sites support multiple languages, but content written in a mix of languages isn't allowed.

Learn which languages are supported on this Amazon site.

Repetitive text, spam, or pictures created with symbols

We don't allow contributions with distracting content and spam. This restriction includes:

  • Repetitive text
  • Nonsense and gibberish
  • Content that's just punctuation and symbols
  • ASCII art (pictures created using symbols and letters)
Private information

Don't post content that invades privacy or shares your own personal information, including:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Mailing address
  • License plate
  • Data source name (DSN)
  • Order number
Profanity or harassment

It's OK to question beliefs and expertise, but be respectful. We don't allow:

  • Profanity, obscenities, or name-calling
  • Harassment or threats
  • Attacks on people you disagree with
  • Libel, defamation, or inflammatory content
  • Drowning out opinions. Don't post from multiple accounts or coordinate with others.
Hate speech

You are not allowed to express hatred for people based on characteristics like:

  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Disability

It's also not allowed to promote organizations that use such hate speech.

Sexual content

It's OK to discuss sex and sensuality products sold on Amazon. The same goes for products with sexual content (books, movies). That said, we still don't allow profanity or obscene language. We also don't allow content with nudity or sexually explicit images or descriptions.

External links

We allow links to other products on Amazon, but not to external sites. Don't post links to phishing or other malware sites. We don't allow URLs with referrer tags or affiliate codes.

Ads, conflicts of interest, promotional content

We don’t allow content if its main purpose is to promote a company, website, author, or special offer. We also don’t allow people to create, edit, or post content about their own products or services. The same goes for products and services offered by:

  • Friends
  • Relatives
  • Employers
  • Business associates
  • Competitors

We don't allow reviews written as a form of promotion. We remove reviews posted by someone with financial interest in the product, or any other conflict of interest. See more examples of reviews that we don’t allow.

We don’t allow anyone with a financial or personal connection to the brand, seller, author, or artist to post questions. They can post answers, but only if they clearly and conspicuously disclose their connection. Example: “I represent the brand for this product.” We automatically label some answers from sellers and manufacturers. In that case, additional disclosure is unnecessary.

Excluding reviews and questions and answers, you can post about products to which you are financially or personally connected. It is mandatory, though, that you clearly and conspicuously disclose the connection. Example: “I was paid for this post.” However, brands and businesses can’t participate in the community in ways that divert Amazon customers to non-Amazon environment. That includes advertising, special offers, or "calls to action." Content posted through brand, seller, author, or artist accounts about their own products or services doesn’t need additional labeling.

For details and more examples, read our promotional content guidelines.

Compensated reviews

Reviews should reflect your honest opinion. We don’t allow reviews that are created, edited, or removed in exchange for compensation. Compensation includes cash, discounts, free products, gift cards, and refunds. Some common examples of what’s not allowed:

  • Your order arrives, and there’s a gift card in the package. To redeem it, you first have to post a positive review.
  • After leaving a negative review, you get an email offering a refund if you change or remove the review.
  • You receive a text message that promises full reimbursement for buying a product and posting a review about it.


  • We allow reviews of free products received through the Amazon Vine program. We label these reviews with “Vine Customer Review of Free Product.”
  • It’s OK to review a free or discounted book (advanced reader copy) that you received from an author or publisher. However, they can’t require a review in exchange or try to influence the review.

Plagiarism, infringement, or impersonation

Only post your own content or content that you have permission to use on Amazon. This restriction includes text, images, and videos. You're not allowed to:

  • Post content that infringes on intellectual property (including copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets) or other proprietary rights
  • Interact with community members in ways that infringe on intellectual property or proprietary rights
  • Impersonate someone or an organization
Illegal activities

Don't post content that encourages illegal activity like:

  • Violence
  • Illegal drug use
  • Underage drinking
  • Child or animal abuse
  • Fraud

We don't allow content that advocates or threatens physical or financial harm to yourself or others. This restriction includes terrorism. Jokes or sarcastic comments about causing harm aren't allowed.

It's also not allowed to offer fraudulent goods, services, promotions, or schemes (make money fast, pyramid).

You are not allowed to encourage the dangerous misuse of a product.

Medical claims

We don't allow any statements or claims related to preventing or curing serious medical conditions or severe symptoms. This applies to all products, including foods, beverages, supplements, cosmetics, and personal care/general products.

Consequences for violations

Violations of our guidelines make the community less trustworthy, safe, and useful. If someone violates the guidelines, we may:

  • Remove their content
  • Limit their ability to use community features
  • Remove related products
  • Suspend or terminate their account
  • Withhold payments

If we find unusual reviewing behavior, we might limit the ability to submit reviews. If we reject or remove your review for guidelines violation, you won't be allowed to review that product again.

If someone violates state and federal laws, including the Federal Trade Commission Act, we might take legal action. This action may result in civil and criminal penalties.

How to report violations

Use the Report link near the content that you want to report.

If someone offers you compensation to create, edit, or remove a review, report it using the Report Review Compensation form.

After we receive your report, we'll investigate and take appropriate action.

To find more information about the Amazon Community and how to contact us, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Customer Service.
  2. Select Help with something else (if this button is displayed).
  3. Select Something else.
  4. Select Amazon Community.
  5. Select the most appropriate option from the list of Amazon Community features.

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