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Winter is coming but here’s how to hold on to summer

The days are growing shorter but summer colours are still on show in the garden at Beechgrove — although perhaps not for much longer.

So as those nights draw in, take a leaf out of presenter Kirsty Wilson’s gardening book by preserving those vibrant summery shades to enjoy all year round.

Smart and stylish ideas for dried flowers

Crafty ways of keeping your flowers on show all year round.

“You can dry any flower if you give them the right conditions," says Kirsty. “It needs to be in a dry space that is out of direct sunlight. Your garage or shed is perfect.”

Among Kirsty’s favourites are Xerochrysum bracteatum (Straw flower) for its bright colours, Lunaria annua (Honesty) for its papery, transparent seed heads and Allium crisophii (Star of Persia) which creates a striking addition to any flower display.

And for those inspired to give flower drying a go, Kirsty shares an expert tip: “If the stems wilt a little bit, [wrap them with] wire and they can then creatively be wired into your floral arrangement”.

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