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Nine Positive Ways To Give Productive Employee Feedback

Forbes Coaches Council
Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Jul 13, 2017, 10:58am EDT

As an entrepreneur, it is your responsibility to provide feedback to your employees, whether it’s positive or negative, so as to help them improve their performance on the job. However, giving feedback is a delicate process. If done right, it can provide great value and pave the way to enhanced communication and collaboration, resulting in improved performance and productivity. But if it's delivered from a position of superiority, lacking empathy and understanding, it can result in anger, lack of motivation and respect, significantly deteriorating the relationship with that employee, as well as their overall dedication to the job.

Keeping in mind that without honest feedback, employees would not be able to improve their skills and performance, here are nine positive ways a business leader can connect with their staff in one-on-one conversations to provide useful insight and advice, as recommended by Forbes Coaches Council experts.

Members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss how you can give employee feedback that will truly result in the improvements you're looking for.

All images courtesy of Forbes Councils members.

1. Start With What's Been Working Well

Start with the positive. Acknowledge your commitment to helping the employee succeed and point out some of their positive contributions. Share that there are opportunities for improvement. Give examples of what didn't work and how it could be done better. Work together to agree upon an action plan with regularly scheduled check-ins so the employee feels supported and encouraged going forward. - Gina Gomez, Gina Gomez, Business & Life Coach

2. Be Direct And Offer Support

Never beat around the bush in these situations or fall prey to the idea of starting with the positive, hoping a smooth transition into the negative happens. Start the conversation with words that express your intention and support: "I have feedback for you around things you need to change. I will share them as well as discuss how to support you." Be direct, thoughtful, and supportive. - Leila Bulling Towne, The Bulling Towne Group, LLC

3. Champion, Critique, Connect

First, let the employee know what you believe they have excelled or championed in. Then, address the area of concern through critique, letting them know how they can strengthen that area. Lastly, make the connection between their champion area and the area of concern. Encourage them to work on it so they can champion in that too. Connecting the dots makes it easy. - Maleeka T. Hollaway, The Official Maleeka Group, LLC.

4. Ask Questions, Be Specific

First, ask employees how they think they are doing and have them describe specifically what they are doing well and where they would like to improve. Then, adjust your conversation based on their answers. Be sure to give feedback regularly, both positive and negative, and make sure your feedback is specific. - Michelle Braden, MSBCoach, LLC

5. Ask For Their Feedback First

Ask the employee how they think their performance is, where they see strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. You may find they realize there's a weakness in their performance but they've been afraid to seek help or don't know how to improve. This opens the door for some wonderful mentorship: working as a team towards a common goal versus being a leader who points out flaws. - Jessica Hernandez, Great Resumes Fast

6. Let Them Set Their Own Improvement Goals

Most employees already know what they're good at and what they're not. Ask them for feedback on how they think things are going: "What's going well" and "What's not going so well?" Explain that as a leader, it's your job to help them do the best job possible and ask what they need to from you to make that happen. Remind them of your expectations and allow them to set goals for self-improvement. - Tamiko Cuellar, Pursue Your Purpose LLC

7. Grab A Whistle And A Clipboard

Leaders who realize that the goal of feedback is to improve, not punish performance, embody positive energy when delivering the message. Leaders who adopt this "coaching mindset" appreciate that the way talent grows is with guidance to sharpen skills. Start the conversation with lessons learned. Strategize to create different outcomes in the future. Turn a failure into a future success. - Deborah Goldstein, DRIVEN Professionals

8. Ask First, Then Engage And Empower

Ask how they see their performance first: What is going well? What could be developed? Engage by adding your two cents: What you agree is going well and what you want them to improve or change. Empower them: Ask them what they will do to improve their performance (this creates buy-in and accountability). By asking them first, instead of telling, you create an open mindset and forum for partnership. - Loren Margolis, Training & Leadership Success LLC

9. Frame It From Negative To Productive Change

Managers can package negative feedback in a form that is not a reprimand but something the employee can change or see for themselves that needs to be done to improve. So don't frame it as a negative. For example, employees should clearly see that their behavior can be productive or not productive. You can show them the way to productive behavior even when you need to let them go. Find that way. - John O'Connor, Career Pro Inc.