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Low-Pressure Ways to Tell Your Boyfriend You Want to Get Engaged

Some guys (maybe even most guys) don't know that their girlfriends are hoping for proposals. Why? Because these ladies never say a thing. Here's how to help him get a clue without forcing him into something he's not ready for.

Some guys (maybe even most guys) don't know that their girlfriends are hoping for proposals. Why? Because these ladies never say a thing. Here's how to help him get a clue without forcing him into something he's not ready for.

Couple sitting and chatting together

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Take advantage of attending friends' weddings.

When you're at a wedding together, point out things you think would appeal to your boyfriend. "How cool was that performance by the groomsmen? Your friends are so talented; if we got married, I'd love to have them do something like that for our wedding!" This way, you show him you're thinking about getting engaged without making it seem like you need a ring this second.

Talk about your friends' engagements.

When one of your gal pals gets a ring, tell your boyfriend. "Sarah just got engaged, and how James did it was so sweet. I'd love something private like that one day." Again, this makes it clear that engagement is on your mind, but the lack of a timeline keeps the mention low-key. Even more low-pressure: Talk about celebrity engagements.

Mention married couples you admire.

Maybe your parents are about to celebrate an anniversary. Maybe you're just in awe of your friends who manage to make time for each other despite demanding work schedules. Tell your boyfriend about these people, and talk about how you hope you two can be like that if you get married.

If your guy wouldn't pick up on the hints you're dropping with the above ideas, go ahead and be more direct: "Things have been so great with us for a while now. I just wanted to let you know I hope we wind up getting married." And depending on how brazen you're feeling, you can follow it up with, "What do you think?" Just don't start this conversation unless you suspect he's on the same page as you when it comes to marriage.

How will you let your boyfriend know that you want to get engaged? Do you prefer hint-dropping or getting straight to the point? Or would you rather stay mum and wait for a proposal?

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