The Jean Jacket Is the New Cardigan

Layering a trucker jacket under a coat is a move that marched straight off the runways and into Hollywood. Here, five men of style demonstrate how to do it right

2010 Marcel Thomas

Buttoning your denim jacket to the neck but leaving the bottom undone—like style master David Beckham—is a move nabbed from L.A. street kids.

Double-O Seven in double denim? Daniel Craig never leaves the house unless he's dressed for the ages. So yeah, this move has staying power.

2010 Anita Bugge

Wearing a denim jacket loose and open like Usher is a smart, non-bulky way to add a few degrees of warmth under an overcoat.

Danny Martindale/Getty Images

As Kanye West demonstrates, you can get away with wearing two forms of washed-out denim just as long as you layer them with a suit-ready trench coat.

Alo Ceballos/FilmMagic

The jean jacket under-layer even works as an accent piece for your more spiritual garb. Do it right and you can look as good as pop guitarist-turned folk rocker John Mayer.