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Columns: Inside and Outside the House

Inspired by Grecian and Italian architecture, columns can make or break a room or porch. Although the upkeep may subside you decision, the beauty and texture of the right column set in the right space, will change your mind. Take a peek at some of our ideas and inspirations and decide whether or not you want to take on the challenge.

1. Backdoor Beauty.

Entryway white columns

Accent the backdoor near the breakfast nook or kitchen with a pair of these modern beauties. Just adds that extra bit of oomph needed to finish the space.

2. Hallway Hello.

Entryway white columns

Artistic and fun, we love the way these columns create a hallway to a hello from you! It paves the way to the front door in a festive, fashionable style.

3. Rustic Refuge.

Entryway white columns

Not all columns have to be white and pristine. Check out these rustic and design-worthy beauties that could easily set off a finished basement or “man cave.”

4. Outstanding Outline.

Entryway white columns

If you’ve got a big enough space, outline a room with some beautiful columns and arches. It’s unique and adds a certain classy pizazz.

5. Asian Accents.

Entryway white columns

Set off your Asian-inspired garden and porch with columns that have the same vibe. Remember, not ever column has to have that same look and style.

6. Bathtub Borders.

Entryway white columns

If you’re one of the lucky ones to have a beautiful spacious bathroom … with a tub, why not take it up a notch by adding some beautiful columns too? Give yourself a luxurious feeling in an easy way.

7. Parlor Partition.

Entryway white columns

Use columns to made a room divider. It’s more fashionable and certainly more suitable for entertaining guests. But it’s also an upgrade to the house!

8. Half Happy.

Entryway white columns

Yes, create more design elements by using half columns in the kitchen or patio! We love how this semi piece lays nicely on the counter but we also love the creativity behind it even more.

9. Wall Wonder.

Entryway white columns

With the right choice of column you can blend them right into the wall. It won’t be a stand alone piece, instead, it’ll be artistic and provide the right amount of texture and interest to an unsuspecting wall.

10. Front Door Fun.

Entryway white columns

Clean and smooth, modern and slick, columns are the best and most sophisticated way to greet your guests. They add an extra bit of fluff you need to finish off your home. It’ll also make styling and decorating the space so much more fun!