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Paranormal Games: Red Door, Yellow Door



Red Door Yellow Door

Let’s play a game: Red Door, Yellow Door

Also Known As Doors Of The Mind

Spooky games that border on the paranormal are a mainstay at slumber parties around the world. From light as a feather, stiff as a board… to the classic Ouija board, we’ve all played at least one, but there are others out there, perhaps less well known, and one of the spookiest is Red Door, Yellow Door. Doors of the Mind

What is Red Door Yellow Door?

Sometimes this paranormal game is called Doors of the Mind or Black Door, White Door, and well, any other combination of colors, you can think of.

Red Door, Yellow Door takes two to play.  However, it’s perfect for a late-night audience of scared teens, so it’s no surprise that it’s made a resurgence in recent years.

The Game Rules

The rules are simple, but the outcome could be dire, or so the urban legends claim. One player is the guide, and the other is the subject.

  • The guide sits on the floor, cross-legged with a pillow in their lap.
  • The subject will then lie on the ground with their head in the guide’s lap and their hands raised in the air.
  • The guide should, at this point, begin to massage the subject’s temples in a circular motion chanting, “Red Door, Yellow Door, any other color door” over and over again, joined by any witnesses to the game. Doors of the Mind
  • As the subject slips into the trance, they will find themselves in a room in their mind and at that point, they should lower their arms to the floor signaling the guide and any witnesses to stop chanting.

The game has officially begun.

At this point, the person acting as the guide will begin to ask questions to the subject in order to get them to describe the room. Any witnesses should be silent so that there is no sound except for the voice of the guide and the voice of the subject answering the guide’s question.

red door yellow door game
Red Door, Yellow Door Paranormal Game

The instructor might ask what colors the doors to the room are, how they feel about the doors, and instruct them to go through varying doors into other rooms.

The subject is encouraged to answer all questions honestly until the guide decides to end the game, but there are some warnings and signs of danger to keep in mind.

Dangers To Keep In Mind Doors of the Mind

According to Scary for Kids:

  1. If you encounter people in the room, it may be best not to interact with them. They may be evil and try to trick you.
  2. If you find yourself in a room full of clocks, leave immediately. Clocks can trap you.
  3. You can go wherever you want, but it is safer to go up than down.
  4. Light things and light colors tend to be better than dark things and dark colors.
  5. If you should find yourself trapped in a room, you must try to wake up. If you don’t, you might be trapped forever.
  6. If you die in the game, you will supposedly die in real life.
  7. If you encounter a man in a suit who makes you uncomfortable, end the game immediately.
  8. If the guide is having a hard time waking the subject from the trance, they should shake them roughly to bring them into wakefulness.

Sounds creepy, right?!

The whole point of the Red Door, Yellow Door, seemingly, is to explore the inner workings of your own mind and to also understand that there are also dark sides to everyone.

Some of the things you might encounter inside the game may be those very things about yourself that you don’t wish to face.

Have you ever played Red Door, Yellow Door or any variation of this spooky game? Let us know in the comments!

This article has been updated. it was originally posted in February 2020.

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Red Door, Yellow Door: The Paranormal Game Explained

Red Door, Yellow Door Paranormal Game

If you’re into paranormal games and challenges, chances are you’ve heard of Red Door, Yellow Door. This creepy game has been circulating online for a while now, and it’s gained a reputation for being one of the most unsettling and mysterious experiences you can have.

But what exactly is Red Door, Yellow Door, and how does it work? In this article, we’ll delve into the history and mechanics of the game, and explore some of the most popular variations and interpretations.

The Basics of Red Door, Yellow Door

The origins of Red Door, Yellow Door are shrouded in mystery, but it’s believed to have its roots in ancient folklore and ritualistic practices. The game is typically played by two or more people, with one person acting as the “guide” or “leader” and the others as “explorers.” The guide sits behind the explorer(s), who lie on the ground with their heads in the guide’s lap. The guide then begins to hypnotize the explorers, leading them into a trance-like state.

Once the explorers are sufficiently entranced, the guide instructs them to imagine a red door and a yellow door in their minds. The explorers are told to choose one of the doors and “enter” it in their minds, visualizing themselves walking down a long, dark hallway. Along the way, they may encounter various entities or experiences, depending on the variation of the game being played.

Some versions of Red Door, Yellow Door involve exploring a haunted mansion or encountering ghostly figures. Others involve traveling through a maze or facing off against supernatural entities like demons or witches. The guide may provide prompts or directions to the explorers, or they may be left to their own devices to explore the imaginary world.

The Risks and Rewards of Red Door, Yellow Door

Part of the appeal of Red Door, Yellow Door is the sense of danger and risk involved. Some players believe that the game can lead to actual supernatural experiences, and that the entities encountered in the game can follow them back into the real world. Others see it as a purely psychological exercise, a way to explore their own subconscious and confront their fears and anxieties.

Regardless of your beliefs about the paranormal, it’s important to approach Red Door, Yellow Door with caution. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool, and it’s possible to experience unintended side effects like headaches, dizziness, or disorientation. It’s also important to establish clear boundaries and guidelines before playing, and to have a trusted guide who can help you navigate any unexpected situations.

Step-by-Step Guide to play Red Door, Yellow Door

We found a nice step-by-step guide to playing Red Door, Yellow Door on WikiHow:

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Social Media Clues Fuel Rumors of ‘Friday the 13th The Game’ Returning



Friday the 13th game

Could the covert action of following someone on social media be the future of the news scoop? Probably not, but it can cause lots of speculation and that is what’s happening to the Jason Universe account on X, specifically the literal reboot of Friday the 13th The Game.

Writer Cody Hamman over at is putting some clues together about the future of the video game but insists that it is all fan theory and hopeful folderol. Still, it’s an interesting take on what has become one of the most convoluted rights issues in horror movie history.

Basically, producer Sean S. Cunningham and writer Victor Miller came to litigious blows on who owned the rights to the original Friday the 13th. In the end, Miller won the case for domestic rights to the first film, but Cunningham scored the intellectual properties for everything that came after, including Jason himself. Consequently, the Friday the 13th game had to shut down its servers since Mr. Voorhees is the protagonist. Whew!

Fast-forward to May of this year and it gets even more complicated. Robert Barsamian CEO of Horror, Inc (and EP of Friday the 13th: The Game) rolled out something called Jason Universe in which they say they are “excited” to work with Victor Miller, however, Miller is not part of the company. Futhermore, Jason Universe uses a hockey mask (weren’t those rights secured by Cunningham?) in its logo which implies the company is focusing on the big guy himself. If anyone can figure out how that works, let us know in the comments. Could it be a fair use issue?

Now comes the kicker, in Hamman’s article he points out that the Jason Universe X account has started following the Friday the 13th Game account and its developer Gun Media. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing. But it does create some circumstantial evidence that Horror Inc, might be doing something with the project given most of their other “follows” are company-related. Pages such as Peacock who is rolling out Crystal Lake, a series based on Friday the 13th, and Fortnite because there might be an in-game tie-in.

Again, none of this matters since Jason Universe isn’t confirming anything. However, Sheri Conn, Global GM of Horror, Inc said to IGN in May, “We can’t wait to introduce new Jason Universe activations to these amazing fans.” Could the game be a part of these so-called “activations”? And the bigger question: What exactly is an activation?

We will let you know once we learn more.

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Beyond Fear: Epic Horror Games You Can’t Miss



Let’s be real, the horror genre has been dishing out scares since time immemorial. But lately? It feels like there’s a genuine resurgence happening. We’re not just getting jump scares and cheesy gore anymore (well, sometimes). Nowadays, epic horror games hit differently. These games aren’t just a fleeting thrill. They are experiences that sink their claws into you, forcing you to confront the darkness, both outside and within. The immersive power of modern tech ups the ante. You can probably imagine the hair-raising details as you navigate a decaying asylum or the heart-pounding tension as you’re relentlessly pursued by something unseen.

Horror games bleed into other genres as well. We went beyond startling jump scares long ago. Horror’s left a darker, grittier mark. Survival games snag its knack for desperate resource management, forcing tough calls with what little you can scavenge. Action titles borrow its unsettling atmosphere, playing up disturbing environments alongside swarms of foes. Even RPGs aren’t immune. Some now feature sanity meters and sanity-shattering events, blurring the line between combat and psychological struggle. And if that’s not enough, can you imagine casino slot games featuring horror themes? Because the genre found its way to free play slot games online as well. Honestly, it’s not much of a surprise for us gamers, as the casino industry is often borrowing from the gaming industry, especially in terms of graphics and visual elements. But without further ado, here’s our list of epic horror games you shouldn’t miss.

Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil

Resident Evil Village isn’t a masterpiece of pure terror, but don’t call it a simple action game with fangs either. Its greatness lies in variety. A wild, unpredictable ride that keeps you guessing. One moment, you’re creeping through Lady Dimitrescu’s gothic castle, its oppressive atmosphere making every creak a threat. The next, you’re blasting werewolves in a grimy village, and pure survival action kicks in.

Then, there’s the House Beneviento sequence which is less about guns and more about mind-bending psychological horror. Village’s strength isn’t any one element done to perfection, but rather, its refusal to settle. It might not leave you with the lingering dread of true classics, but its restless energy and varied horrors make for a thrilling, unpredictable experience that proves the Resident Evil series still has bite.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

It’s hard to mention only one title from the Amnesia series, but Dark Descent left a big mark because it trades cheap thrills for something far more insidious. It’s actually a relentless assault on the mind. Which is worse than just gore and guts. It’s psychological terror at its finest. It’s one of those horror games you probably didn’t miss even if you’re not a huge fan of horrors. But, in case you did, imagine every flickering candle, every creaking floorboard building an atmosphere of overwhelming dread. In this game, you’re not helpless, but combat is clumsy and desperate. Instead, you run, you hide, and you pray whatever lurks in the darkness doesn’t find you. And that’s Amnesia’s genius. It’s the creeping fear of the unknown, the fragility of your own mind turning against you. It’s a slow burn, a descent into madness that’ll leave you breathless, questioning not only what lurks in the castle, but what might lurk within yourself.



The genius of Outlast lies in its suffocating atmosphere. Darkness is both enemy and ally. Claustrophobic corridors, the flicker of dying lights, and the disturbing moans of the unseen ramps up the tension. It’s a relentless assault on your nerves. The only way out is to face your fears: sneak, hide, or run like hell. Expect to scream, a lot. There’s a twisted story lurking in the shadows, uncovered through documents and chilling recordings. It’s a descent into madness that will make you question your own sanity right alongside Miles. No guns, no superpowers in this game. It’s pure, raw survival.

Manhunt and Manhunt 2


The Manhunt series didn’t invent stealth horror, but it perfected a certain vicious kind. There’s no creeping through ancient mansions or fumbling in the dark. This is raw, ugly, and deeply unsettling. You’re trapped in urban hellscapes, hunted by merciless gangs. The atmosphere crackles with grimy despair, the soundtrack a low throb of industrial menace. Combat isn’t about skill, it’s about brutality. Every kill is a desperate, sickening spectacle. The executions are the stuff of nightmares, each more depraved than the last. These were very controversial titles for sure, but it’s a horror experience that sometimes hits harder than any jumpscare ever could.

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The Best Horror-Themed Casino Games



Horror Slot

Horror-themed entertainment enjoys significant popularity, captivating audiences with movies, shows, games, and more that delve into the eerie and supernatural. This fascination extends into the world of gaming, particularly in the realm of slot games.

horror casino games

Several standout slot games have successfully incorporated horror themes, drawing inspiration from some of the genre’s most iconic films, to create immersive and thrilling gaming experiences year-round.



If you have been looking for an online mobile casino for your horror fix, perhaps the best game to start with is the 1979 sci-fi horror classic. Alien is the kind of movie that has transcended its genre and become a classic to the point that some people don’t immediately remember it as a horror movie.

In 2002, the movie was given official status: it was given an award by the Library of Congress as a historically, culturally, or aesthetically significant piece of media. For that reason, it only stands to reason that it would get its own slot title.

The slot game offers 15 pay lines while paying homage to many of the best original characters. On top of that, there are even little nods to many of the actions that happen throughout the film, making you feel right in the heart of the action. On top of that, the score is quite memorable, creating an immersive experience in one of the greatest movies ever.


Tightwad Terror Tuesday – Free Movies for 4-12-22
Psycho (1960), courtesy Paramount Pictures.

Arguably the one that started it all. Dedicated horror fans will no doubt reference this horror classic, which originated in 1960. Created by masterful director Alfred Hitchcock, the movie itself was actually based on a novel of the same name.

As all of the classics were, it was filmed in black and white and can be thought of as quite low-budget, especially compared to many blockbuster horror movies of today. That said, it might be the most memorable of the bunch and that led to the creation of a memorable slot title as well.

The game offers a whopping 25 pay lines, delivering heart-pumping excitement in much the same way that the movie does. It visually captures the look and feel of Psycho in every way, making you feel the suspense of Hitchcock’s creation.

The soundtrack and backdrop add to the chill factor as well. You can even see the most iconic sequence – the knife scene – as one of the symbols. There are plenty of callbacks to enjoy and this game will make even the most critical of Psycho lovers fall in love as they attempt to win big.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare On Elm Street

Fredy Kreuger is one of the most iconic characters in not only horror, but pop culture. The sweater, the hat, and the slashing claws are all trademarks. They come to life in this 1984 classic and the supernatural slasher feels immersive in this slot machine title.

In the movie, the story centers around teenagers who are haunted by the dead serial killer in their dreams. Here, you will have to attempt to win with Freddy haunting the background. He appears in all five reels, providing a win over 30 potential pay lines.

If you get lucky, Freddy can make you pay: up to 10,000x your bet. With huge jackpots, the most recognizable characters from the original film, and the feel of being right there on Elm Street, this is one of those games that you will come back to again and again much like the many sequels that followed.

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