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Learn how to appreciate art in a few minutes

Written by Anthony Dejolde
TV/Radio personality who educates his audience on entrepreneurship, productivity, and leadership.
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For someone who has not studied art, looking at a painting or a sculpture especially if its abstract, can be an experience similiar to staring at a work of art done by an alien. Yep, an art major may enjoy paintings, sculptures, prints, designs, photography, and other forms of visual art simply because he has studied art. On the other hand, a non-art major may not be able to appreciate those art forms because he doesn’t understand the elements of art involved.

For instance, in the world of visual art like sculpture or painting, our senses can perceived elements such as form, shape, texture, line, color and value, or what we may call tone. Each of these elements play a particular role in every art piece.

In case you are one of those whose degree doesn’t include art history or any art related subject, you may not be able to enjoy paintings or sculptures especially the kind which are hard to grasp. No worries, Incidental Comics Grant Snider can help you learn art appreciation fast and easy. The best part is you can begin to appreciate the classics and even the pieces on parks after taking the time to peruse the graphic presented here.


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