How To Clean A Ceramic Sink or Porcelain Sink

How To Clean A Ceramic or Porcelain Sink Without Scratching

A couple of years ago, I shared a post on showing How To Clean A Stainless Steel Sink, and have gotten tons of emails asking how to clean a ceramic sink. Well, last year, I replaced my stainless steel sink with a ceramic one, and now I can finally answer that question. I really didn't want to use bleach on my sink (you know chemical free as possible), so I made my own cleanser. It really doesn't take much, but gets rid of stains with very little effort on your part.

How To Clean A Ceramic Sink is my sink after leaving it alone for a week. A little rust, a little red wine, the left overs of some spaghettios, an a few scratches.

Homemade Soft Scrub Recipe - Chemical Free

Now comes my all natural Soft Scrub Recipe that is so easy to make, and chemical free. You probably have the ingredients in your pantry.

How To Clean A Ceramic Sink

Take a clean, damp white rag and dip it into your soft scrub. You don't need a ton. Lightly scrub your sink all over.

How To Clean A Ceramic Sink

If you have tough stains or scratches, let it the mixture sit there for a few minutes, then give a little scrub.

How To Clean A Ceramic Sink

Rinse with warm water and enjoy your clean sink! If you have really tough to remove stains or scratches, I recommend using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser...those things are crazy amazing...I even use them to take scratches off of my car! Hope this helps you keep your ceramic sink clean and smelling fresh!

To see all of my simple cleaning tricks and home tips, click HERE!


Happy Cleaning!


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