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Lots of vocalists only focus on the higher part of their range but knowing how to sing low notes is just as important.

If we don’t practice our low register and we sing a song that goes really low for our vocal range, we’ll either get out of tune or we’ll have no power and our audience won’t understand our words.

Think about P!nk. She is so good at belting high notes even with the head upside down. But her low notes are still timbered and easily understandable like in Who Knew, in the verses lyrics “That’s right”.

So you gotta learn How to Sing LOW Notes!

to Spice Up Your Vocals!

7 Vocal Tips to Master Your Low Range

how to master low notes
Credits Melanie van Leeuwen


Make sure you sing a song not too low for your range.

For example, the song may be in a perfect key for a baritone and if you’re a tenor, it may be impossible for you to reach the lower notes.

What you can do is either:

  • look for a “higher key” karaoke or
  • change the key yourself if you’re a musician or
  • change those low notes to other notes (higher) but easier for you to sing. In that case make sure to respect the style of the song, the intention and the mood those words are supposed to convey. And, of course, make sure to choose those higher notes within the original key so you don’t go out of tune.


In my videos, I often tell you to check your body alignment. By that, I mean to stand straight but not stiff. Shoulders down or slightly back and be proud with your chest being high.

We are tempted to accompany the sounds we make with our eyes but also with our chin. The mistake here would be to lower your chin to your chest when singing low notes.

What it’s gonna do is that it’s going to prevent your larynx to be free floating and it will just crush your larynx.

What you can do is:

  • keep staring at a far away point just in front of you so you keep your chin parallel to the floor and slightly tucked in or back
  • always check your singing posture in between the songs until your ideal posture has become a habit, a reflex.


As for the high notes, your breath support will help you when you sing in your low register. If it’s not strong enough, the notes are gonna be breathy and dying.

What you can do is:

  • keep the belly expanded and don’t let it collapse!


Don’t be discouraged, by definition your low notes are not going to be as powerful as your high notes. It is perfectly normal.

When you sing low, the vocal folds are shorter and relaxed and more air can pass through them. So you can easily go out of tune and have a breathy tone and a not very timbered voice.

Train yourself to have a clearer sound going low!

What you can do is:

  • exercise your voice to have a clearer sound, start in your middle range and go down slowly with a clear sound
  • as soon as it’s not as clear, go back up and do it again. I’ll show you some exercises at the end of the video.


With the clarity of your low notes, if you add resonance to it, you can correct the fact you have a lower volume.

So, don’t think in terms of volume, think about clarity and resonance and the microphone will do the rest.

What you can do is:

  • feel the resonance in your face when singing the low notes
  • train your voice regularly to feel that resonance and to make it a reflex (exercise at the end of the video).


Of course, just as you pull the mic away back from your mouth when singing a powerful high note, you gotta bring it closer to your mouth when singing very low.

As long as your sound is clear and it resonates in your face, the mic is going to love that sound and it can amplifies it. If it’s a airy sound, it will NOT be able to amplify it.

What you can do is:

  • check all the previous points above
  • bring the mic closer to your mouth. Make sure it is Your mic, I always say a mic is like a toothbrush, it’s personal and if you sputter in it, well it’s yours.


Warming-up is not only for beginners! It is even more useful for professional.

If you don’t warm-up your voice and never exercise, you’re gonna see your —-vocal limits at one moment.  And it’s not gonna be because you can’t sing this or that. It is because you will not have done your possible to make the best of your voice.

What you can do is:

  • have a vocal plan
  • warm-up, exercise, learn to know your voice
  • sing e-ve-ry-day!


Now, I gave you all my tips so you can master your low notes.

I hope you understood that it’s different from how to sing your high notes but it’s as important and it’s possible to make the mic love your low voice and have people understand the lyrics.

Let me know how it went, if it helped you, what song you were struggling with and how you managed to nail it!

to Spice Up Your Vocals!

Further Reading:







About the Author Vahn Petit

I am a voice teacher and a vocal coach. I help contemporary singers use their voice more efficiently, in a safe and funky way!

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