The 9 Most Common Foundation Mistakes (and Exactly How to Avoid Them)

Complexion perfection.
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Unlike moisturizer or shampoo, foundation isn’t quite an obvious thing to master. Unless you were born with Kendall Jenner-like poreless skin, chances are you’ve spend a lot of time experimenting with the right formulas, shades and methods of application. Then add the fact that there are literally thousands of options on the market, it’s no wonder not many of us have truly mastered the art of foundation. That’s probably why makeup pros, even with years of practice und their belts, are still striving to uncover the best ways to get foundation down pat (excuse the pun). And lucky for you, they’re willing to share their best-kept secrets they've learned along the way so you don't make the same mistakes they did. Take a cue from the experts below on how to avoid foundation mishaps — we live and we learn, right?

You test it under the wrong light.
Not everyone has a Glam Room with proper selfie lighting built into their houses like Kylie Jenner, but good lighting does play an important role when picking the right foundation. "Most department stores have terrible gray lighting, which makes the face look dull when you're testing makeup products at a counter," says celebrity makeup artist Justin Tyme. "Then there's the yellow-ish bedroom or bathroom lighting you typically have at home that can make you think you need more foundation than you actually need." Bring a mirror to a window to observe your makeup in natural light to make sure it matches your neck and body in tone and consistency.

You don't use it with the right tools.
Navigating the makeup tools section at Sephora can be as confusing as calculus class. While a Beautyblender has recently proved to be the closest one-size-fits-all option we've seen in recent years, certain formulas truly shine if you're willing to invest in the right tools. "I love using my Bobbi Brown Foundation Brush to apply a foundation then blend them again using a wet Beautyblender," says makeup artist Archangela Chelsea Yusuf. "However, if you need more coverage or help evening out your skin texture, a synthetic brush with a cream or liquid foundation might blend more easily for you. Then there's powder foundations, which works best with a natural fiber or kabuki brush to buff it flawlessly onto your skin." It's all about nailing the perfect formula for your skin type, and figuring out if a brush, sponge or your own fingers will work the best.

And you forget to wash them.
You spent your hard-earned money on a fancy new makeup brush, and after the first week you notice it's not working as well as it did on day one—what gives? "Your foundation brushes and sponges easily get gunked up, so they ideally need to be washed after every use to ensure they're working to their fullest potential. Plus, you minimize the risk of spreading bacteria and germs around your face by keeping your tools clean," says artistic beauty director and global makeup artist for Paul & Joe Beauté Craig-Ryan French.

You don't switch your coverage with the changing weather.
You swap your skincare routine for the colder weather—the same should go for your foundation. "If you live someplace that experiences all four season, I recommend having a 'winter' foundation and a 'summer' foundation. Not only should you be thinking about how your skin color is darker in the warmer months thanks to the stronger sun, but humidity or dryness in the air also plays an important role," says celebrity makeup artist Mai Quynh. In the winter, your dry skin might be craving coverage that's more hydrating like a tinted moisturizer or liquid foundation, while powder formulas work well to counteract sweat and humidity during the spring and summer months.

You don't throw out your foundation when you're supposed to.
Not only is it possible for an ancient compact to be a petri dish of bacteria, but as foundation is exposed to air, it can dry out and change color. "Foundation can oxidize and get darker as it reacted with air. Now when I apply foundation I always put the product on the back of my hand and check the boarders of the foundation after about 10-15 minutes," says celebrity makeup artist Fiona Stiles. "If the boarders are a shade or two darker than the center then I know the formula isn't stable and I'll use something different."

You lay it on too thick.
"Apply makeup to your face based upon the thickness of the supporting tissue. This means the lightest and thinnest application of makeup should be where the skin itself is the thinnest—for example your forehead, around the eyes and bridge of the nose," says French. "Use a heavier application of foundation on the thicker areas of the face (cheeks, nostrils, upper lip, chin, and jaw) where more coverage may be required because the skin structure can better support a more opaque product." If you're using a liquid foundation, try placing a couple of drops on the back of your hand or on a palette instead of directly on the sponge or brush to control the amount of makeup you apply on your face.

You use it to cover your pimples.
It's tempting to double up on foundation on zits when the formula looks similar to that of a concealer. "But using an ultra thick layer of foundation to cover up imperfections just ends up appearing cakey, dry and sits in your pores and lines," says celebrity makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury. "Instead of masking zits and pimples with a heavier layer of foundation, target imperfections with a concealer like the Charlotte Tilbury Retoucher that's designed to reflect light in a flattering way. Concealers have greater pigment than foundation so you can spot treat certain areas that need more attention and coverage without cakiness."

You don't blend your foundation past your jawline.
When it comes to makeup, there isn't a word in the English language that's more important than "blend." "The space around your jaw and neck are usually overlooked, and blending those areas are particularly the key to a seamless look. You don't want it to look like your neck and face are two entirely different colors and textures," says Tilbury. "And of course, blending foundation across the cheek area and tricky places like around the eyes, nostrils and mouth are important, too."

You don't set it correctly.
A light dusting of finishing powder is great, but if you're not careful, it's easy to make skin look dry and settle into fine lines. "Plus, powder can leave a ghostly white reflection in flash photography that's a no-no for your selfies. Instead, try a makeup setting mist like e.l.f. Mist & Set, which not only hydrates your skin in dry, cold weather, but it reactivates your foundation throughout the day without having to apply a fresh layer of coverage," says e.l.f. global artistic director Achelle Dunaway.

Teen Vogue's Guide to the Best Foundations and How to Wear Them