Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Now It Really Hurts.

And don't tell me that this is not important. Remove shawarma from Russia and what do you have? Right--the crisis of national existence. So, in Germany the whole thing with doner kebab finally reached the highest level of politcal discussion. 

Germany’s Left party has suggested that the state subsidize doner kebabs to the tune of almost €4 billion per year. Inflation and rising energy costs have nearly doubled the price of the Turkish snack staple in recent years. In a policy paper seen by German tabloid Bild and reported on Sunday, the Left proposed capping the price of a doner kebab at €4.90 or €2.50 for students, young people, and those on low incomes. With the cost of a kebab now averaging €7.90, the government would pick up the rest of the tab, the paper states. “A kebab price cap helps consumers and kebab shop owners. If the state adds three euros for every kebab, the kebab price cap would cost almost four billion,” the party wrote in the paper, explaining that around 1.3 billion kebabs are eaten in Germany every year. “When young people demand: Olaf, make the kebab cheaper, it’s not an internet joke, but a serious cry for help,” Left party executive Kathi Gebel told Bild, referring to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “The state must intervene so that food does not become a luxury item.”

This is important. No jokes. But look where the problem originated from.

Many Germans blame Scholz for depriving them of cheap kebabs. “I pay eight euros for a doner,” a protester shouted at Scholz in 2022, before imploring the chancellor to “talk to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, I would like to pay four euros for a doner, please.”

Yep, this is the price for cutting ties with Russia and the rise in energy prices. But Putin is too busy now with his new term and forming the government, so kebab affairs in Germany are not on his mind, plus Germany did it to itself. In the end, Russia, who is now dramatically tightening her immigration policies will have her own situation between legal and illegal shawarma. But who would ever thought that Russia will unleash treacherous kebab wars on Germany. This issue, in the long run, may topple Scholz's government. Good riddance...

Was Difficult To Imagine Otherwise.

Pretty clear. 

МОСКВА, 7 мая - РИА Новости. Переговоры России с Украиной возможны на условиях Москвы, при этом готовности как Киева, так и его западных кураторов к переговорному процессу пока не видно, заявил РИА Новости лидер ЛДПР Леонид Слуцкий. "Возможны - на наших условиях. Украина и нацистская идеология, носителем которой этот марионеточный режим является, проигрывает. Поэтому если они готовы к переговорам на наших условиях - полная денацификация, демилитариация и многое другое, что мы уже выдвигали как требование в 2022 году - в этом случае, можно об этом думать", - сказал Слуцкий РИА Новости в ответ на вопрос, возможны ли, на его взгляд, переговоры с Украиной. Он отметил, что пока еще действует указ Владимира Зеленского, который ему самому запрещает любые переговоры.
Translation: MOSCOW, May 7 - RIA Novosti. Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are possible on Moscow’s terms, while the readiness of both Kyiv and its Western curators for the negotiation process is not yet visible, LDPR leader Leonid Slutsky told RIA Novosti. “Possible - on our terms. Ukraine and the Nazi ideology, of which this puppet regime is the bearer, is losing. Therefore, if they are ready to negotiate on our terms - complete denazification, demilitarization and much more, which we have already put forward as a demand in 2022 - in In this case, we can think about it,” Slutsky told RIA Novosti in response to the question whether, in his opinion, negotiations with Ukraine are possible. He noted that Vladimir Zelensky’s decree is still in force, which prohibits him from any negotiations.
I want to remind people who continuously worry about Russia somehow yielding to combined West and starting negotiations. Apart from the obvious ad nauseam statements from Moscow that the West is not ready to negotiate, keep in mind this critical clause--with the consideration of the realities on the ground(c). This is critical, because this is the condition which terrifies West (nobody counts 404 and what it wants), because it is the doorway to de jure unconditional surrender. I am not talking about just geography, I am talking about operational-strategic situation on the theater of operations and we know now that the West exhausted its resources completely. It was de-fanged in the most brutal and merciless manner. It still can send a few tanks or artillery pieces here and there, but proverbial COFM (Correlation of Forces and Means) is decisively on Russia's side. 
Now another set of lamentations follows. Walter Russell Mead demonstrates yet again that all those "shiny" degrees in "strategy" from any US higher learning institutions aren't worth shit and are nothing more than degrees in hodgepodge collection of military-political facts, much of which are not even facts at all. Walter Russel Mead is a classic example of such ignoramus--a requirement for writing for WSJ. 
Seriously? Somebody has to explain to those "academics" that it is fucking 2024 and not 1924 with those magnificent iron ships of the line with their 16 inch guns blowing the shit out of defenseless tribes. The United States wanted the war--she's got one. Technological reality is a bitch and two can play the game of proxies. If you know what I mean. Recall this wonderful definition of the change in the negotiating position:
Did Walter Russel Mead and his colleagues shyster-"strategists" watch this wonderful movie? It is very instructive. 

Putin And Open Thread.

 Use as the open thread, but before:

And then there is also cryptic message from Patriarch about "difficult decisions". It is not about SMO only, I think, it is about internal Russian affairs including immigration. Here is a thanksgiving prayer...

So, go at it...

Monday, May 6, 2024

Why Europe Is Over...

 ... The husband is a cuck, his wife is stupid, and poor child has no protection. Modern Berlin. You see, that is why America is different... except for "democratic" states which remain such because of Democratic husbands who are... cucks and their stupid wives. Still, even they maintain (except for California) a Castle Law. But, the Bill of Rights is still here. In EU--EU "wives" are a euphemism for LGBTQ+... 

But still, 2nd Amendment is still there. In Europe they will charge you that you didn't allow "cultural enrichment" by getting this guy your wife and daughter. That's Europe--no honor, no culture, no men.

This Is Rich. LOL)))

Ah yes, this media whore explains to other media whore--uneducated, corrupted and, in case of Amanpour married to some State Department Mossad asset--about "independent" journalists. 

Amanpour is a war criminal, as is this NYC schlimazel Leibowitz aka Jon Stewart who was relevant in times of pushing Obama to the White House. Both are classic American "elite" representatives--one is a good ol' Jewish boy from NYC, another is an affirmative action Iranian-born dumb-ass with degree in "journalism" from some vocational school for retards in Rhode Island, a euphemism for having no education at all, which qualifies one to be pushed along in the Anglo fight against "ayatollahs". She is as stupid as a stump, as most journos are, but she still takes herself seriously, as most of the audience of "Stewart". And so comes this issue--can you explain to some moron from CNN or from Harvard Political Science department what CEP (Circular Error Probable) is? Of course not. So, let's put it this way--Xi is going to Belgrade to mark Amanpour's war crime, which includes killing of Chinese diplomats in 1999. It is getting curioser and curioser. 

In Conclusion...

 ... for today, because I meant to do music Friday. I guess it takes two gorgeous Irish girls (OK, Molly is dangerously beautiful) with incredible music talent to save rock-n-roll. Live, no less. Anybody remembers Rory Gallagher? Just asking... Well, Dea Matrona are doing their part...

Oh, this slide guitar...

We Have Been Travelling...

 ... on Saturday to Oregon and by the time we got back we have been exhausted. Sadly, Richard Tandy of Electric Light Orchestra, this incredible British band which transcended borders and cultures, passed away. Yes, that good ol' Britain of Beatles, Sweet, Supertramp, ELO and Benny Hill. The nation which is not there anymore. 

I will reiterate. At some point of time, the treatment of depression and anxiety of what will be left of the Western Civilization will include ELO's music as a critical element.

RIP, Richard...