The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth

Files available for download:

Private Investigator Kenneth Mains was hired to review this case
Here are the findings from Kenneth Mains, following his 3.5 month review.
Summary of Findings.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Email exchange between David Crowley and Jason Allen
The final email exchange between the late David Crowley and LA-based producer Jason Allen.
Adobe Acrobat document [452.4 KB]
David's Bill from his attorney for work completed on the Gray State project
This invoice provides a breakdown of the legal time spent prepping for David Crowley's script for his movie. This was dated July 31, 2014 and dealt with the offer David received from the Michael Entertainment Group, or MEG.
Adobe Acrobat document [282.5 KB]
David Crowley and Michael Entertainment Group (MEG) Contract Details
This version (dated July 24, 2014) shows the arragement David Crowley was finalizing with his attorney regarding the offer he received from Michael Entertainment Group (MEG) for the theatrical motion picture rights to David's script called "Gray State".
Adobe Acrobat document [81.7 KB]
Email correspondence between David Crowley and Danny August Mason regarding Legal Rights
Emails dated September 29, 2014 thru December 16, 2014 between David Crowley and Danny August Mason. This shows the deadline David set, and Danny's refusal to sign off on his Legal Rights. Roughly a week later the Crowley family was murdered.
DAM correspondance with DC.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]
Gray State script - version 1
Rough draft of the script David was working on. 126 pages in PDF format.
Gray State v1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [251.3 KB]
Gray State script - version 6
Rough draft of the script David was working on. 126 pages in PDF format.
Gray State v6.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [251.1 KB]
The PDF Release Agreement That Danny August Mason Refused To Sign
This is the legal document that Danny August Mason refused to sign. This was forwarded to Mr. Mason in August, 2014, and wasn't signed at the time of the Crowley family deaths. This was the only paperwork that delayed David Crowley from moving forward with the project. Many believe it was this very document that sealed the Crowley's fate.
Release Agreement - DANNY MASON.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [86.7 KB]
David Crowley's Military DD-214 Report
Adobe Acrobat document [243.9 KB]
Danny August Mason's Response Letter to David Crowley
Instead of signing off on the Legal Paperwork, Danny August Mason decided to write a response stating in detail the reasons for his refusal to sign the document.
DannyMason Response Letter to DavidCrowl[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [105.9 KB]
Minnesota BCA Report
488 page report in PDF format.
MN BCA Report 488 pages.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [26.3 MB]
Email correspondence between David Crowley and his attorney
Emails from October 27, 2014 between David Crowley and his attorney Adam Gislason.
email _gislason_crowley.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [105.9 KB]
Crime Scene Drawing
JPG File [105.3 KB]
Final cell phone texts from Komel Crowley
Texts from a happy, upbeat Komel Crowley. 4 page PDF file.
Adobe Acrobat document [599.1 KB]
Full timeline of notable events surrounding the Crowley case
Full timeline of the events leading up to the Crowley family deaths, and details of what happened afterwards up until thru May 16, 2018
Timeline - MASTER.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [863.7 KB]
Rani's school emergency contact info
Cypress Montessori told law enforcement there were NO emergency contact phone numbers provided, but the Minnesota BCA reports show otherwise.
Cypress Montessori Emergency Numbers.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [269.0 KB]
David Crowley, "I'll never kill myself" quote in November, 2014.
Sean Wright (a close friend of David Crowley) states that he and David had a "heart to heart" talk in November, 2014. Sean says in the interview that David stated "if anything happens to me, I'll never kill myself."

Cat Watters interviews Sean Wright on 12/26/17
wright quote.mp3
MP3 audio file [1.5 MB]
Apple Valley Police Report - 94 pages
The entire 94 page police report from the FOIA request following the Crowley Family Deaths investigation being closed.
Adobe Acrobat document [6.7 MB]

Write a comment


  • ELIZABETH O'NEILL (Sunday, January 07 18 06:27 pm EST)

    I'm looking for the music playing list that was playing at the crime scene. There were 53 songs, I'd love to know the music David liked. Could you possibly send me the download of the names of the 53 songs. I'd really appreciate it, as I am a big fan of David's work.

  • TheCanadian (Monday, January 08 18 12:55 am EST)

    music list

  • Cibdy (Saturday, January 13 18 10:25 pm EST)

    2 more questions:
    -The limbs of the deceased that are missing, were they chewed off or cut off? There would be a difference & it could possibly give new direction/explanation for the case.
    -I know from experience, parents have to give emergency contact info when kids are in school/daycare/etc. Where are the voice mails on home phone, cells, family members, from the school? If a child doesn't show up for a few weeks & they can't contact anyone, why wasn't a call made to police/etc?

  • TheCanadian (Sunday, February 25 18 02:04 pm EST)

    Cibdy, according to autopsy reports recently released, the missing body parts were consistent with "animal scavenging".
    2. you can put husband and wife as emergency contacts, they can't force you to add anyone else. Kindergarten isn't mandatory - absences aren't considered truancy, they likely chalked it up to an extended xmas vacation.

  • Jane (Thursday, April 05 18 03:07 am EDT)


  • Sue Reynolds (Thursday, September 27 18 06:35 pm EDT)

    The school would call. My grandson is in pre-k , they will call if you miss. It’s usually a recording is what you get .

  • felicity (Saturday, December 22 18 01:03 am EST)

    Don't murder-suicides kill their pets, too? They do it so the pets won't suffer being trapped there without humans, without food and water. Pets are considered part of their family.

  • S.b (Sunday, August 18 19 09:39 pm EDT)

    Sorry but he snapped.
    End of story,
    Controlling, fantasy,
    PTSD, depression.

  • Terry Lawson (Tuesday, November 19 19 05:42 am EST)

    All BS... the pi Hennen hired ruled with the police. Double murder, suicide and they still want to act like it was a conspiracy. David Crowley was no one special. Just a producer doing a movie. Big deal

  • Ken (Thursday, October 22 20 09:26 am EDT)

    Due to Komel having the Epiphany that she and her family is to leave this world then her DNA being found on the gun safe, it is possible that she shot the child.

    Say David was in the basement or his office came out aft the gunshot and found Komel holing their child with the gun beside her. He picks it up, and out of anger shoots Komel. Komel would have never placed the Quoran on the floor that is against all Islamic beliefs. Possibly being angry of the death of his daughter and his wife reading the Quoran he possibly wrote on the wall with Komel’s blood out of spite.
    Now I can not explain how he could have shot himself in the right side of the head with the gun being found on the left side of his body. Unless when he fired and as he fell his right arm came across his body and the gun fell to the left of his body.

    I can not see a father shooting his daughter in the face and how did she get a broken rib?

    We will possibly never know.

  • Kirk Shoemaker (Thursday, July 14 22 07:17 pm EDT)

    Can anyone guide me to a List of the 53 songs in David Crowley's "Ascent" Playlist, that was playing in a loop at the time of the Crowley's deaths. Can anyone guide me to a List of the 53 songs in David Crowley's "Ascent" Playlist, that was playing in a loop at the time of the Crowley's deaths. I did find a youtube playlist of 43 of the song's music videos at . 10 are missing

  • Ray (Tuesday, March 12 24 11:04 pm EDT)

    Yo… @Ken is onto something. Komel could have shot the child.. in some article I read that they BOTH were seemingly better and happier near the end, so does this mean, they both planned this-? Komel didnt have a job at that point and David was pissed about movie stuff.

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