Dr. Michael Tamber, MD

michael-tamber Dr. Michael Tamber, MD, is part of the Diet Doctor medical review board.

Dr. Michael Tamber is a board-certified endocrinologist practicing near Seattle, Washington. Why has Diet Doctor asked this physician to review its content? The answer is that Dr. Tamber is known for his intense skepticism of any “extreme” health claims; he’s also skilled at analyzing medical literature, recognizing bias, and debunking unsupported assertions. To its credit, Diet Doctor recognizes that the successful challenge of longstanding nutrition dogma must be coupled with fierce internal scrutiny.

Dr. Tamber received his B.S. in biology at Cornell University, earned his M.D. at Tulane, completed his internal medicine residency at Dartmouth, and thoroughly enjoyed his endocrinology fellowship at Scripps Clinic. He has been named one of Seattle’s “Top Doctors” numerous times, most recently by Seattle Met Magazine in 2020. Dr. Tamber also serves on the Board of Endocrine Days, an organization that conducts twice yearly CME (continuing medical education) events for the Pacific Northwest endocrinology community.

In his personal life, Dr. Tamber is an avid exerciser. Depending on the day of the week and time of year, you will find him: paddle boarding along the coast of Puget Sound; hiking/snowshoeing/snowboarding in the Cascade Mountains; running/skating/biking on a local bike path; or jumping up and down like a maniac in his backyard, courtesy of his favorite high-intensity interval-training videos.

Medically reviewed evidence-based guides

How to potentially reverse PCOS with low carb
Bariatric surgery for metabolic health and weight loss
Can a ketogenic diet help kids with ADHD, autism and more?
How to follow a healthy vegetarian keto diet
Top 10 tips to lose weight on low carb or keto for women 40+
Setting realistic expectations
Low-carb LDL hyper-responders
Weight loss and resting metabolic rate
Keto nuts
How to normalize your blood pressure
Keto snacks
How to manage hunger when trying to lose weight
How to calculate net carbs
The complete guide to ketosis
What you need to know about nitrates and nitrites
Understanding body fat percentage
The guide for doctors skeptical of low carb
Intermittent fasting for healthy weight loss
Low-carb and keto side effects & how to cure them
The Diet Doctor policy for grading scientific evidence
What’s your carb tolerance?
Gout and low carb
Should you count calories on a low-carb or keto diet?
Are low-carb and keto diets healthy for bones?
Weight, health and happiness: striking the right balance
Adjusting medications on a low-carb diet
How to achieve metabolic health
Carbs, protein, and fat: What are the best macros for weight loss?
Plant protein vs. animal protein: Which one is healthier for you?
Too much protein? Potential concerns and side effects
Low-carb snacks – the best and the worst
What you need to know about low blood pressure
A low-carb diet for beginners
Low-carb alcohol – the best and the worst drinks
Fatty liver disease and keto: 5 things to know
High blood pressure – what you need to know
How to lose weight with a low-carb diet
How to lose weight
Weight gain and menopause: 8 tips to win the battle of the middle-age bulge
High-protein diet: What it is and how to do it
What is a CGM — and is it right for you?
How to reverse your type 2 diabetes
How to lower LDL cholesterol on a low-carb diet
What you need to know about OMAD
Intermittent fasting side effects
Guide to red meat – is it healthy?
What you need to know about insulin resistance
Type 1 diabetes – how to control your blood sugar with fewer carbs
Cholesterol and low-carb diets
Exercise and health: A guide on what type of exercise is best for you
Diet and cancer: What we know and what we don’t
What happens when health markers and lab results do not improve on a low-carb diet?
Food for thought: Does the brain need carbs?
Patients with pre-existing health issues

Potential conflicts of interest

Dr. Tamber is compensated by Diet Doctor for his medical review services. He has no financial relationship with other nutritional or any pharmaceutical companies.


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