Entries in the 'Conventions' Category

The Joy of the Light of Unity

944Uniting is an action that in itself causes joy. After all, when a person feels another person and connects with everyone, this creates a feeling of great confidence and mutual connection, and this is how we attract an illumination from above, which awakens joy in us.

It is said that “Joy is a ‘reflection’ of good deeds.” Good deeds mean unification; there simply cannot be anything else that is good. Therefore, we need to reach unification, and it is absolutely necessary for the whole world because we see how it is being destroyed before our eyes more and more, day by day.

Therefore, at our convention, we must try to aim as much as possible toward unity and joy, that is, toward the right line, which is perfection. A person who is in a state of perfection is similar in form to the Creator, who is perfect, that is, now a person cleaves to the perfect, as it is said: “The blessed clings to the blessed.”

This means that the more joy we feel and attribute to the Creator, the closer we are to Him, the more strongly we will feel the light of Purim in response—the light of unity, the light of celebration, the light of unification. During the entire year, there is no higher state than Purim. On this day, we are illuminated by the light of the end of correction, which unites us and is capable of leading us out of any difficult condition no matter what we find ourselves in.

Everything depends only on our unification, unity, and joy, that we managed to rise above all our thoughts and all calculations. To multiply joy in the month of Adar means to unite around one common joy for everyone.

On this holiday, we leave all our calculations behind and think only about how to bring joy to everyone, that is, how to achieve a feeling of perfection, to come to similarity with the Creator, at least at the very first minimal degree, and then feel how a huge light of joy, which is called Purim, spreads among all of us.
From the Lesson 1 “Increasing the Joy” on Unity Day for Purim 3/23/24

Related Material:
The Scroll Of Esther: Purim Here And Now
Purim—On The Calendar And In The Heart
Purim ‑ The Last Of All Corrections

Hit a Single Point

507.03Comment: During seminars, connection meetings, and conventions, we go through different states, find some point of unity among ourselves, and try to constantly hit it. But it seems that these actions will no longer have the same force as the first time.

My Response: No, it is not like that. There should be even more impressions from these actions! Here we are not dealing with momentary egoistic findings when we use the effect of surprise or some kind of novelty.

We do not need novelty! On the contrary! As we move forward, our egoism is pumped up from time to time, and by climbing it we feel much greater internal actions during the same external actions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Head Against the Wall” 12/21/11

Related Material:
Expanding The Point Of Unity
Back To Unity
The Birth Of The Point Of Unity

Questions about Spiritual Work—73

281.02Question: During the past congress, there was a clear feeling of Rabash, as if he was among us. When we feel the teachers, how can we convey our gratitude to them through you?

Answer: Through your heart directly to them.

Question: Now everyone in the world Kli has a lot of “gold,” “bags of gold.” And we all need to go upward. What should we do with the “gold”? Should I throw it out or add more?

Answer: You should exchange it for a connection between you. Give all your “gold” in exchange for connection in the ten.

Question: It is easier for me to address the Creator as you, Rabash, or Baal HaSulam. That is, it is like a thread of wisdom. And what is next, above, is it impossible to imagine?

Answer: You do not need to imagine or try to do it. It will come when it is necessary, in the most needed form.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Happy Is the Man Who Does Not Forget You and the Son of Man Who Exerts in You”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—72
Questions about Spiritual Work—71
Questions about Spiritual Work—70

Questions about Spiritual Work—72

263Question: How can one dissolve into the world Kli to affect the world to come toward peace?

Answer: It depends on your prayers, words, and thoughts. If you want peace in the world and all your friends to come together in one heart, that is how it will be.

Question: How do I let go of the control over all my states and go by faith above reason?

Answer: Let them go. What the Creator will do to you will happen.

Question: It says: “One should only take care not to harm the society.” How can we harm society?

Answer: By the fact that we would rise above zero in our pride.

Question: Should the connection of the ten and all of Bnei Baruch take place simultaneously?

Answer: No, by no means. It may happen that today you will have a spiritual ascent and the rest of the ten in a month or two.

Question: What kind of intention should the ten build to raise the proper prayer?

Answer: So that we can all be united. So that everyone aspires to be the last, but he will be the first.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah 1/26/24, ”Preparation to “Life in the Ten” Convention”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—71
Questions about Spiritual Work—70
Questions about Spiritual Work—69

Feel like a Single Body

942Question: I want all of us to connect in one heart, bring contentment to the Creator, and reveal Him. How do you feel about it?

Answer: Everyone should imagine themselves being the last of our entire group. Everyone should help others and see others above themselves. Everyone should be sure they are moving forward on the path to the Creator.

As a result, we should feel like a single body during the convention. Then we will be successful.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah 1/26/24, ”Preparation to “Life in the Ten” Convention”

Related Material:
The Purpose Of Life
The Still Level in the Ten
Convention: Making a Big Correction in the World

Intangible Connection

258It is written about Abraham, “Walk before Me, and be wholehearted.” RASHI interprets that he does not need support. About Noah, it is written, “Noah walked with God,” that he needed support (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 214, “Known in the Gates”).

Question: From the article it follows that Abraham did not need support, but Noah did.
What is the message of the Creator for our generation on the eve of the convention? What do we need now?

Answer: We need support and an explanation of what we must do, how to unite, what to desire, and what stage of our connection to reach between us.

Question: Does it mean that our generation should make more of our own efforts?

Answer: Partly, yes. On the other hand, since we are in a generation far from Abraham, we still must understand that we have a specific condition. Overall, a good condition. We are very close to the Creator, although we do not yet feel how He treats us and how we influence Him. But still, these conditions exist.

Question: Are we reaching the level of partnership with the Creator now?

Answer: We feel a connection with the Creator, but it is not yet tangible.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Known in the Gates”

Related Material:
Keep the Main Goal
So that the Creator Shines in the Heart
Opening Hearts

The Whole Path Is Open to Us

525The articles of Rabash contain the entire Torah. He takes it from the highest level and lowers it to our level so that we receive it in the most suitable form, which helps us grow and internally organize ourselves to achieve higher levels. Therefore, Rabash’s articles are the highest source for internal work.

The main thing is to try to penetrate them with your heart, not your head. Open your heart and strive to feel the Creator, and only then begin some movements inside the heart to find an even closer alignment with the Creator.

How can we bring our hearts closer to Rabash? Only by connecting with the hearts of our friends and opening our hearts. There is no other way.

In a few days, we will gather for a congress, which is entirely based on Rabash’s articles and is called “Life in the Ten.” I am very excited and look forward to this congress with great trepidation because the Creator has given us everything we need. Everything depends on whether we can realize what we have received, and our putting all our strength into it.

The whole path is open to us. We can now take off to the goal and reveal all the components we need to collect and attach to ourselves along the way. The main thing is to be highly concentrated. I truly hope this happens to us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulamStudy of the Ten Sefirot

Related Material:
Articles As Deep as Infinity
Who Are Rabash’s Articles For?
Study The Writings Of Rabash

Aim for the Ultimate Goal

938.03The process when a ten becomes one single whole is a gradual process of gathering people into tens, then tens, tens as units, into hundreds, and so on. This is how the spiritual pyramid is built, and thus we come to “one man.”

Question: How can we go through this process at the convention?

Answer: We will not be able to go through this process yet. Now we have to think only about our tens and how to connect them to such an extent that we feel what is before us. This is not the ultimate goal. It is still very elusive for us, but we need to know about it, think about it, and talk about it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/25/24, ”Preparation to “Life in the Ten” Convention”

Related Material:
The Purpose Of Life
The Still Level in the Ten
Convention: Making a Big Correction in the World

Enter the Common Heart

929Question: What single thought, feeling, or aspiration must one hold in order to enter this convention and stay in it? What kind of thought and feeling will make it possible to enter the common heart and to open one’s heart?

Answer: Create all the conditions so that you can be together in one heart, and then your heart will feel the Creator and begin to communicate with Him.

The main condition is to feel each other and yearn to be in one heart.

Question: How can one be awarded the quality of giver of the Torah?

Answer: In order to be awarded this quality, first we need to come closer to each other, to unite, and make sure that we all feel our ten. Each one should ask for everyone else and turn to the Creator with the request to lead us forward.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Known in the Gates”

Related Material:
Let Everyone Enter Into My Heart
Convention Like The Beating Of One Heart
Nonstandard Hearts

Preserve and Increase

938.03Question: We felt the importance and activation of all forces at the convention. What would you recommend to keep our thought, concentration, and focus turned on?

Answer: We constantly talk about the importance of helping each other. Without mutual help between friends, we will not be able to connect into one whole, and the Creator will not treat us as a complete Kli.

Question: We have the impression that the state of an open heart and love between us has been revealed in a new, reverent sensation. How can we preserve this feeling in order to keep spirituality in everyday life?

Answer: To do this, it is necessary to not only preserve, but also increase this feeling. If you want to keep some kind of state, you need to use it and maintain it.
From the World Kabbalah Convention “Life in the Ten” 1/28/24, “Each One Shall Help His Friend,” Lesson 3

Related Material:
Let Everyone Enter Into My Heart
Let’s Open Our Hearts
Convention Like The Beating Of One Heart