The Right To Change One’s Destiny

laitman_259_01Question: When a person hears about Kabbalah, he is mostly surprised by the fact that it gives him the opportunity to change his own destiny. Every one of us wants to avoid the vicissitudes of life, misery, problems with making a living, with health and family, in all the areas of our lives. Is Kabbalah so powerful that it allows a person to control his own destiny and change it?

Answer: I am glad that more and more people ask about how it is possible to change one’s destiny, about whether there is such a possibility, whether it is real. This raises several questions:

  • Are we in the hands of chance, in the hands of blind fate or is this destiny pre-planned and designed to lead us to a goal?
  • Do we have the ability to influence this fate? After all, we feel that we are completely at its mercy.

There are even people who can predict the future. I was personally acquainted with some of these people and I can confirm that they have made correct predictions, which were later fulfilled. They had a premonition of what would happen in a few years.

That is, all events are already recorded in a certain program above us. And then it goes down like running a computer program. We are in this program and are moving according to it.

Fate actually exists, and today we are more convinced that we are in its hands. Once we did not know the laws of nature, the forces acting in it, and we were not able to deal with the problems and diseases. We lived in isolation from each other: country from country, continent from continent, and therefore did not feel that we are not in control over our lives.

Today the situation is different: Humanity has enough power, knowledge, intelligence, capabilities, desires, and inner need to manage its life. But we see that we are not capable of it. It’s just a miracle that we are doing everything to improve our lives, and it does not work; it only gets worse and worse.

Previously, it was not so, but nowadays we discover our complete powerlessness and inability to somehow control our own destiny. And here the question arises: Is it possible to influence destiny?

In every generation, there are visionaries who can reveal the future and tell what will happen. But it is one thing to predict fate, and another thing to change it. No one is capable of this. If someone promises you this, you need to be very careful.

Question: It turns out that fate is like the finished script of a play, which is then only performed. And there are people who are able to predict fate, but none of them can change it. Does Kabbalah allow one to see one’s destiny and most importantly to change it?

Answer: Kabbalah is the science that, first of all, is intended to reveal the program of creation to us, that is, the process that we are going through. This process controls us, leading to some goal, from generation to generation. It started with the beginning of creation, that is, before the emergence of our universe, and will bring us to the end of creation, when the whole world passes into its next form, different from today’s.

The wisdom of Kabbalah talks only about part of the overall program. The program itself is much broader and encompasses other dimensions, beyond time, motion, and space. But the wisdom of Kabbalah says what we need to do here, while we exist in so-called “this world”: how we can change our destiny in this life. It allows us to change our states every moment so that everyone is better, we ourselves, our children, and grandchildren.

Kabbalah is a very practical science and is intended for practical use.

Kabbalah says that there is destiny and all that is written in it must happen. But we can change the nature of the passage of these states. Suppose I am a child whose parents sent to first grade, and I have no choice; I now have to study at this school for ten years, until I graduate from it.

But it depends on me how these ten years will pass for me: lovely and pleasantly or terribly and painfully, whether I will feel good or bad, whether I will get punishment or awards. This is called to change one’s destiny.

Question: It turns out that the script has been already written, and according to it, I should be in school. But it depends on me how I will feel in this predetermined situation?

Answer: It depends on me how this program will act on me, according to how much I will study and use it.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/21/14

Related Material:
How to Change One’s Destiny?
How Can We Change Our Fate?
A Science Whose Time Has Come

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