The Plan For Exiting Crisis, Part 1

Dr. Michael LaitmanEveryone already feels that the world is in a state of the global crisis.
At first, attempts had been made to cover it up, but after the 2008 financial collapse the world had to acknowledge the existence of crisis.

Today, after the events that took place in Europe, the problems of the European Common Market, and the situation with refugees, after the US election that caused a drastic change in the political course, our world begins to realize that it is undergoing serious transformations.

In addition to that, we have got revolutionary changes in engineering, technology, global warming, mass unemployment, a lot of extraordinary phenomena in nature and in human society, family disintegration, the sharp increase in drug abuse, as well as despair and depression, which has become the most widespread illness. Undoubtedly, the world’s current state can be called critical.

More than that, there is a danger of a new world war, as well as many other problems. The question arises, “How to bring humanity out of this crisis and lead it to a better state”? Every normal person who wants to live a good, safe life, and raise children knowing that they will have a brighter future ponders over this.

Today’s world does not give us hope for a good future neither for ourselves nor for our children. This is why people instinctively shy away from starting a family and taking on necessary commitments.

Can anything be done to change a general situation? The state of the world demands it, with the internal tensions intensifying in every country around the globe.

It seems like humanity has lost its way; perhaps it happened a long time ago, but it is becoming apparent only now. It is as if a person keeps going and going, and suddenly realizes that he drove in a completely wrong direction and doesn’t know how to find the right way. It is not even clear now how to get back to the point where he lost his way.

We ought to get very serious now because we ended up someplace unknown, and the main thing is not to make even greater mistakes. After all, the forces at humanity’s disposal are very powerful and dangerous. The only way out of the crisis is to develop new, altruistic, social and human values.

This means that the solution cannot be reached at any level and in any respect, other than in the system of integral education that has to be provided to all people. We cannot change the conditions given to us by nature, but everything depends on our relationships with each other, within a family, a nation, a country with all its parties and movements, as well as between countries and the world as a whole.

Human relationships can only be corrected through education. It is like when seeing children fist fighting, everyone understands that they lack good upbringing. There is no point screaming at them and punishing them because nothing will help except for upbringing. If you give them more games, you’ll bring in even more conflict. And if some dangerous toys like sticks and stones happen to get into their hands, they can hurt each other.

This is why the only thing that humanity needs is education, and not new technology. The education of a person is the most sensitive and effective area for promoting changes.

There is abundance in the world, and there is no lack of provisions. Instead of throwing away a third of all the products we can feed all the hungry and still have extra left. Likewise, there is no shortage in clothing.

The whole problem is in the wrong relationships between us that prevent us from arranging our life in such a way that everyone will be alright. There is no shortage of energy sources, or any other resources needed to man. Then why are they not available to everyone? Because we do not take care of everyone!

After all, one feels confident specifically when he is better off than the others. If I make a thousand a month, and you make only eight hundred, I feel good. I need to evaluate myself in comparison to someone else, and according to my ego, a good state is only when the other has less than I do.

This is why it is necessary to bring humanity to the point where it starts taking care of everyone. Two things are required for that: first, the state laws that prohibit individuals to cause it harm, and second, education that compels a person to act for the benefit of others.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/26/17, Lesson on the Topic: “Mismah Arosa (Arosa Document),” “Plan for Getting Out of Crisis”

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