Entries in the 'Health' Category

Julia Roberts’ Sensational Statement

294.3We overlay our faces with tons of make-up. We get Botox and even starve ourselves to become that perfect size. We try to fix something but you can’t fix what you can’t see. It’s the soul that needs the surgery (Julie Roberts).

Question: Why does the question about the soul not arise in people immediately? We gradually age, we are not as beautiful, we do not play as much, and so on, and the question about the soul suddenly begins to awaken. Why then and not earlier?

Answer: A woman has many such strings and connections to our external world. She must look good, she must attract, she must entice. She must be relatively successful in her career. And so on. That is, she has many more worries. This is until about 50, even maybe until 60 years old.

Then, the regret begins: “Where is my soul? Where did I lose it along the way and what should I do with it? I cannot be the same as I was at 20, of course.”

Question: But through the soul, maybe I can?

Answer: Through the soul, yes.

Question: So this moment is very important for her, the transition from external to internal, as she says, to the soul?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: This of course is hugely popular on the internet. There are millions of views when Hollywood stars and famous people suddenly start talking about the soul.

My Response: Because such a person who has achieved relative success in life, shows to all others that despite all his achievements, fame, money, and so on, his connection with the meaning of life, with the Creator, still needs correction. This means a lot. Dozens, hundreds, millions of women follow her. But, of course, it is all relative.

Question: What does “working on the soul” mean to you?

Answer: Working on the soul for me means that a person begins to constantly, every minute, ask himself throughout the day, every day: “What about my soul? What about me? Where am I?” Here one’s need for the Creator, begins to unfold, the need to unravel the mysteries of the universe, its purpose, and its puzzles. And so on.

Question: So, is this called “working on the soul”?

Answer: Yes, who am I? What am I here for?

Question: Julia Roberts continues: “How can you expect someone else to love you if you don’t love yourself? You have to be happy with yourself. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

What does it mean to love myself?

Answer: To love myself means to love what I am filled with, what I think, what constitutes the meaning of my life, its fulfillment, and so on.

Question: To love my thoughts, etc.?

Answer: Everything except one’s appearance.

Question: When a person feels emptiness inside, as she says, what should they do? What does “I am empty” mean?

Answer: They need to urgently clarify the meaning of life for themselves.

Question: Does emptiness awaken for this purpose?

Answer: Yes, this is a serious question!

Question: Is this a good state?

Answer: I would gladly find myself together with her in a television studio or somewhere else to talk with her.

Comment: There is indeed a lot to talk about the soul and emptiness.

My Response: There is a lot to talk about, but it is unlikely that it will turn out as it should.

Question: Does emptiness arise in a person who is already fulfilled, when such a demand arises?

Answer: When there is a demand without an answer. But I would have had to rescue her. There would be no conversation. It would have turned out that it is not nice to leave her in such a state, that I cannot ask sharp questions, and so on.

Question: So would you still corner her first?

Answer: I would a little, on the edge. But then I would yield all the time.

Question: Is this the right way to conduct a conversation with people? Do you first ask questions, corner them a bit, and then help?

Answer: Yes. But very cautiously.

Question: She continues: “Today, I declare: I will no longer wear makeup, I do not want to wear someone else’s face. I am well aware I have wrinkles but I want to see beyond that. I want to embrace the real me and I want you to embrace who you are, the way you are, and love yourself just the way you are.”

When a woman decides to age naturally, is this the right decision?

Answer: No, a woman should always maintain herself as she has always desired. But there is no need to spend more time in front of the mirror now than before. This still elicits a different response from others.

Question: What if a woman still does a little grooming?

Answer: If a woman is beautiful, if she is attractive and knows how to present herself and is not someone neglected or downtrodden…

Comment: So, a little make-up is okay?

My Response: This is the right thing to do. She is not doing it for herself but for others. Before, she did it for others but for herself. So, it all depends on her worldview.

Question: Accepting a person as they are. If you were to say, “Accept me as I am,” what does that mean?

Answer: I am accustomed to being in this form. So if I needed to appear before a million people, I would go out like that too.

Question: This is external. What about internally?

Answer: Internally, a person should always be himself provided that he is understood correctly.

Question: So, does this external aspect exist, do I still think about people around me after all?

Answer: Of course. After all, I speak differently with children than with adults, and so on.

Question: Saying “Hello,” “Goodbye,” being polite, and so on, is it necessary?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Julia Roberts continues: “You have no idea how much money cosmetic companies make on you. They have managed to convince you that you urgently need to invest finances to delay what is inevitable.”

Should I even care about how they profit from me, or shouldn’t I?

Answer: What matters to me is what I want. If I want to achieve this goal, if this goal is achieved through makeup, through performing in front of an audience, and so on, then I do it. The goal and its achievement are what matter.

Comment: Julia Roberts concludes: “I choose to say to myself: stop! The external shell is the last thing we should care about. Only our soul matters. Remember this forever.”

My Response: Of course. Having lived the life she has, any woman can say this. And then she can finally calm down.

But in general, of course, you still need to try to maintain the style, the level that people ask of you, demand of you, in order to convey to them some of your new messages and wishes.

Question: Even in order to convey this message about the soul to them?

Answer: Yes, you still need to do it while remaining yourself, in good shape.

Question: Is that why we need our external shell?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When ancient texts, for example the “Song of Songs” talk about how a woman dresses up before her master, what is it saying there?

Answer: Of course about inner beauty.

Question: What did King Solomon write about when talking about the woman who waits for her beloved?

Answer: He wrote about the female part of humanity, so to say “female,” which should approach the male part of humanity and in the right connection between them reveal the Creator.

Question: So basically, it is a song of songs to the Creator?

Answer: Yes. Of course! “Song of Songs” is the highest song! That is why it is called the “Song of Songs.”

Question: If we draw such a conclusion: external, internal, a woman who should always remain beautiful—what does that mean? How to achieve that?

Answer: I do not know. I do not equate appearance with inner achievements.

A person spends 50, 60, or 70 years of their life absorbing and creating within him the right vessel for sanctifying the Creator through him. It is his job. So what does external makeup have to do with it?

Comment: But still, you said that if we are talking about a woman, then a woman should maintain herself.

My Response: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/26/24

Related Material:
The Beauty That Has Been Imposed On Us
Youth And Beauty Of The Soul
Every Woman Can Be Beautiful

How Can You Burn Anxious Thoughts?

627.2Shura writes:

Dear Michael Laitman,

I do not know how to lose my anxious thoughts. They come to me right from the moment I wake up and do not leave me until I fall asleep. My dreams are also with anxiety. All of this causes inner pain. Sometimes, the pain disappears, but then returns with even greater force.

I heard you say that such thoughts need to be burned. I try, but it only makes me feel worse. Please explain how to erase and burn these anxious thoughts that do not give me rest.

My Response: You need to do something necessary, necessary not for yourself, but for others. Then, the anxious thoughts will burn away.

Question: You actually said: “Burn these thoughts.” So, when I am not thinking about myself, does this burn these thoughts? Is it more natural for women? Can it be done gradually for the family, for children?

Answer: In principle, this is also for men. Today, it is for everyone.

Question: Is this within a person’s power, or should it sound like a prayer?

Answer: No, this is not a prayer. That is an action.

Question: What is effective when we talk about a person? For example, whom should I care for?

Answer: About people. About strangers.

Question: This is not about the close ones?

Answer: Of course not! Close ones do not count.

Question: This is an important addition. Do you mean about neighbors I never thought about, about the world, about people in general?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this achievable for an ordinary person?

Answer: Absolutely! It is not a matter of whether this is achievable or not. There is no doubt about it; everyone has the possibility and everyone is obliged!

Question: What will happen to these anxious thoughts? I have anxious thoughts about all of humanity; I think about it. What happens then?

Answer: As soon as your thoughts encircle the Earth, they will dissipate.

Question: Will my anxious thoughts about myself dissipate? Are you for people starting to think about strangers, about the world?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/19/24

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Don’t Get Into Trouble
How Can We Get Rid Of Fear?
Suffering And Hatred Are Included In Love

The Concept of Miscarriage In Spiritual Work

938.04Question: Is there such a thing as miscarriage in spiritual work? If so, what does it mean?

Answer: Miscarriage in spirituality is the inability of the womb to retain the fetus within itself. This happens because alien forces exert such an influence on the fetus that they eject it from their influence.

Question: Can a woman influence this process or is it solely in the hands of the Creator?

Answer: If a woman strives for the correct spiritual state, she can positively influence her health.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/9/24, Writings of Rabash “If a Woman Inseminates”

Related Material:
What Can Lead To Spiritual Miscarriage
Spiritual Miscarriage
A “Miscarriage” Is Going Back

How Can I Convince Myself Not to Overeat?

546.04Rani writes:

Dear Michael Laitman,

You always talk in your programs about harmony and balance. But my whole family is completely out of balance. And it is not just my family. Today children suffer from overeating and obesity from childhood. They grow up, and the race for weight loss begins, like with my wife. All sorts of starvation programs to lose weight, pills, counting calories. I want to ask you: maybe in order for a person to have a balanced diet, they must first achieve internal balance?

My Response: Of course, we see that when a person starts to get nervous, they start eating more, and so on.

Question: Do we just need inner balance and not any weight loss programs or calorie counts?

Answer: None of that.

Question: Then the main question is how to achieve this. You could win the Nobel Prize right now if you could advise humanity on how to lose weight. How can one come into balance with oneself, into equilibrium?

Answer: Everything must be related to the Creator, only to Him. We need to understand that everything comes from Him, and everything is for us to realize that we are constantly correcting our nature that is initially completely opposite to the Creator, and that we are moving toward Him, getting closer to Him.

If we do not come closer to Him, we will still be approaching Him, and things will get worse for us. But if we know that we must come closer to the Creator, then we will act wisely, and our approach to Him will be benevolent.

Comment: I personally feel that here lies the entire truth. That is, while I am fixated on the body, I will not advance anywhere; I will be fixated on it. But I need to focus on the Creator.

My Response: On the Creator.

Question: At what point does balance happen? How many attempts do I need until suddenly at some point there is peace?

Answer: You need to set yourself in advance that search for balance is my life.

Question: Usually we fail all starvation programs and start gaining weight again. Are you saying that even if we fail, but keep advancing toward the Creator, this search for balance will give us…?

Answer: It will give us a happy life.

Question: And we will not need any programs, none of that?

Answer: Nothing. I should reach a state where I eat to exist and maintain balance.

Question: Not more?

Answer: No more. What for?

Question: When will I start living like that?

Answer: When you understand that it is precisely in balance, in equilibrium that you find the connection with the Creator. He is gradually revealed in you, and you feel it.

Question: Does one way or another everything come down to this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can we completely reduce all our questions to this?

Answer: Absolutely everything!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/22/24

Related Material:
Why Lose Weight?
Health Is a State of Balance with the Creator
Health Is A Spiritual Necessity

Who Benefits from a Prayer

624.07Comment: During the pandemic the power of prayer was tested in several parts of the globe.

In most of the studies, it turned out that the prayer did not have a significant effect in preventing death or the severity of Covid-19.

My Response: This is what was supposed to be proven.

Question: So tell us, does prayer help or not?

Answer: Prayer helps. It helps the one who is uttering it and also the one for whose sake it is uttered.

Question: What prayer does the Creator hear?

Answer: The Creator hears a prayer that comes from an open heart. It means, the more natural the prayer, the closer it is to the Creator.

Comment: One that is not written somewhere in prayer books.

Answer: Yes, of course, no printed or written words whatsoever.

Question: Just from myself?

Answer: Yes

Question: In what cases can one raise such prayer? I understand that it is hard to do on demand. In general, in what cases can one raise such prayer?

Answer: In cases of real suffering and when these sufferings are closer to natural sufferings—mothers, children, or close friends; this kind.

Question: Does it mean that there should be some connection? There should be a connection with someone, and then I can truly sense all of it.

Answer: Yes

Question: And the Creator hears such a prayer?

Answer: The Creator hears such a prayer and it advances correction.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/18/23

Related Material:
Prayer from a Pure Heart
“What Does My Heart Desire Now?”
The Infinite Power Of Prayer

If a Friend Is Sick

565.02Question: If my friend is ill and I want to get connected in him so that the Creator can cure him, should I interfere in this or let it remain as it is?

Answer: You should get closer to your friend in your soul, connect with him, and help him in your feelings—not physically, but internally. You will see how quickly he recovers.

Question: Should we help each other regardless of what the Creator gives to everyone, or would we be interfering with the Creator’s program?

Answer: Yes, by doing this we would be interfering with the Creator’s program.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “I Shall Not Die but Live”

Related Material:
Physical and Spiritual Suffering
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering
Why Do We Feel Suffering?

Saving Loved Ones

962.3Question: Scientists have established and confirmed the following through many experiments: “When you are close to someone you care about, your breathing and heartbeat can synchronize. This is how connection is established between a baby and his or her relatives, and between those who sing in a choir. When someone you care about is not feeling well, you can just hold their hand, and it will alleviate their suffering.”

Do you believe it?

Answer: There is nothing to believe; it is so.

Question: Is that how it works?

Answer: Yes, that is how it works.

Question: What is the basis of such miracles?

Answer: Why are they miracles?

Comment: Medicine would not work, but I take a man by the hand, and suddenly he begins to synchronize.

My Response: Your inner energies begin to flow into him through tactile contact and regulate him.

Question: How does this work? Does he tune into me? The same heartbeat?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: There is a very important point here, mentioned twice: it is a “loved one.”

My Response: A loved one can be in spirit, in temperament, or in inner connection.

Question: But if he is not close to me, can I work this way with a person?

Answer: No, it is unlikely.

Question: So, closeness really matters?

Answer: Right.

Question: So, if we want to help a person who is ill, do I first need to tune myself to seeing him as someone close to me? Is it possible to tune yourself to feel close to another in order to help him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How does this system work? How do I tune myself?

Answer: You have to feel his inner world, where he is out of balance, and try to influence him to come back to a state of balance.

Question: So are you putting the main responsibility on me now?

Answer: You are the healthy one. Well then, it is on you to do this. He can only do one thing—comply. This is not easy. But the rest of it is dictated by you.

Comment: That is, if a person asks for help, my job is to feel close to him.

My Response: To support him!

Question: Is this my job? He has to do nothing but ask.

Answer: I would say so.

Question: These are tough times for humanity, difficult. It is hard on the masses. In order to help them and bring them out of this state somehow, what should we do?

Answer: This is a problem. What can we do? To bring them out of this state is hardly for the best.

If they were put into this state, it is for a reason. We need to think how to bring them to the best state, and getting out of the descent they are in may not be the best course of action.

Question: So it is not about giving a warm hug or making someone feel good; rather, it can even be an affront?

Answer: It can be. We cannot understand this yet.

Comment: Both you and the science of Kabbalah keep saying the world is suffering. The science of Kabbalah came to help people in some way.

My Response: Precisely.

Question: To help us get out of suffering or to rise above it?

Answer: It is to rise out of suffering. Kabbalah offers us the possibility to rise by reaching out to each other and supporting each other. We do not need anything else. Only by mutual help can we lift each other up and rise together.

Question: Is this the whole science? What is hard about it?

Answer: Loving your neighbor as yourself.

Question: That is it?

Answer: That is it. Here is where we close the curtain and turn off the lights.

Comment: A person still thinks he can somehow come to this in some way.

My Response: I think not. The more I live, the more I am sure a person cannot come to this on his own.

Question: What should one do to come to “love your neighbor as yourself?”

Answer: A person must at least realize that if not for rapprochement with others, not to mention voluntarily, with one’s eyes closed, and moving toward each other as in the dark—if we do not act this way, we are all doomed.

Question: Should one suppress all resistance to such an attitude toward others? All his ego, everything he lives by?

Answer: Absolutely! That is the only way.

Comment: And the science of Kabbalah seems to say that is when the moment will come, when you rise above suffering.

My Response: Yes.

Question: But will we ever reach this?

Answer: It depends on what kind of suffering we go through. We can do it sooner or later.

Question: Is suffering the main thing here?

Answer: Suffering will force us.

Comment: That is not very optimistic.

My Response: I have never been particularly optimistic.

Comment: You have been even less optimistic about humanity lately.

My Response: I am not optimistic about humanity at all.

Comment: But you always say: “Through suffering.”

My Response: Only!

Comment: So we only understand pain.

My Response: By the stick to happiness

Question: Can we not act before then, before the bullet, before the stick?

Answer: No.

Question: Then what does this science offer?

Answer: It explains the natural laws of nature and man’s role in it. Therefore, we cannot blame nature. Blame yourself.

Question: If I learn it, will it let me act ahead of the stick or a bullet?

Answer: In the measure you want it, it will let you.

Question: So it depends on me now? I have been given a tool and it depends on me. Is it still possible to act before suffering?

Answer: Even right now!

Comment: You have just changed your angle. You said that suffering basically pushes a person.

My Response: Well, if today’s suffering is enough for you already, you can run from it toward correction and achieve the best state.

Question: So the measure is important, to be able to say: “That is enough, I have had it,” right?

Answer: Right.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/27/23

Related Material:
A Major Illness Is Not a Sentence
How To Manage Pain
Field Of Kindness

How Can a Person’s Last Suffering Be Alleviated?

294.3 Natasha writes:

Hello, dear Michael Laitman! It is very important for me to know your opinion. The fact is that my niece, who is only 18 years old, is dying of cancer. And yesterday the doctors told us that she is to die in about one month.

Throughout her illness, the whole family supported her and told her that everything would be fine and that she would overcome everything. But now the doctors have pronounced their verdict, and she will be gone in a month. I do not know what to tell her. I really do not know. I will be standing in front of her, she will look me in the eye, and I will have to say something. What should I say?

My Response: You should say that there is nothing worse than this world, and all of us will eventually move to another world and it will be better there. A person will meet this with understanding and relief.

Question: So you think this girl already understands inside her that she will leave?

Answer: Of course she understands it.

Question: In the case that she understands it, or in any case?

Answer: She will understand it. This will remain inside her. And she will accept this departure as a good transition to a better state. It is not a lie, not at all. On the contrary, you alleviate a person’s last suffering here in this world. And let her go.

Comment: That is, this world is not the best one.

My Response: It is the worst one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/20/23

Related Material:
Do Not Contradict the Creator
What Happens to the Soul When the Body Dies
How Should One Relate To The Death Of Loved Ones?

What Was Commanded to Us

566.02To reveal the Creator, it is necessary to fulfill the commandment “Love your neighbor” because thus we coincide with Him in properties.

And when the Creator reveals himself to a person, he can directly fulfill all 613 commandments on a spiritual level. These are the laws of communication because we cannot be in touch with the Creator if we do not feel Him.

Nevertheless, in our world, as a consequence of root and branch, there are also some specific actions that sometimes we can perform and sometimes not depending on the historical period.

Question: Why is it that what we must do is called a commandment and not an action?

Answer: Because these actions were commanded to us. Kabbalists who feel the upper world (the world of forces and influences on us) combine these forces into one common whole, into one system, and call it a commandment. And “It is commanded” because we, as people, must fulfill 613 commandments.

These are the laws of a higher nature.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/21/23

Related Material:
The Basis Of “Love Thy Friend As Thyself”
Love As The Law Of Nature
Love: A Bridge Above Hatred

When Personal Problems Arise

938.03Question: If I have some kind of problem that lasts a very long time, related, say, to my health, I concentrate on myself and break away from the ten.

What should I do in this case? Do I accept it as the best from the Creator and ask for the strength to cope with it? Or ask the Creator so that my friends will not have such situations?

Answer: No, get incorporated in your friends and arrange yourself among them so that you are not visible. Melt into them, and you will see how it will affect you, your problems, and everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/4/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “From Lo Lishma, We Come to Lishma

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Examining My Inclusion In The Environment
Cleave To The Creator More Strongly
In The Environment Of Loving Souls