Entries in the 'Science' Category

The Desire to Know the Meaning of Life

202.0Question: What initially guided you in life?

Answer: Like everyone else, I was driven by the desire to understand the meaning of life, its mysteries, because I saw that everything must have some form of control. Not a single cell, organism, or the entire universe, if it is an interconnected system, can exist without being controlled, according to what our sciences say.

But they only reveal a small part of the nature surrounding us. We scrape off some specks of dust and call it “chewing on the granite of science.” Indeed, before us stands an enormous granite wall, and where we can chip off a piece, that is our science, and everything else is the unknown.

That is how I clearly felt standing before this “granite wall,” which I could scrape slightly to collect a bit just like everyone else.

Newton had a different analogy. He is quoted as likening himself to a “schoolboy collecting pebbles on the shore of the sea called knowledge.” And he is only collecting pebbles, not even in the sea yet, but on the shore.

When I felt this, science stopped attracting me. It seemed so petty and insignificant to me that it was not worth dedicating my entire life, being devoted to it, for the sake of some small, isolated pieces of knowledge. However, that does not mean I disregarded it. Not at all! I still love it, read about it, and stay interested, all these years.

Nevertheless, I was strongly repelled by it. What is the point of scratching the “granite” like everyone else to pick up a couple of crumbs, understand a bit more, and know a bit more? If I were to engage only in my biocybernetics, I would not even understand or recognize it.

And what about biology, zoology, botany, geology, mineralogy, earth science, and cosmology? A vast array of other sciences in principle speak about all of nature, about all this “granite.” But each one scrapes and collects different “specks” from different places, and from this arises geology, zoology, mineralogy, and so on. What would I gain from engaging in them?

When I looked at this, I felt immense emptiness within me: There is nothing worth living for. I was left with only one question: How can I find the meaning of life? What interested me was not the trivial knowledge of partial, scattered, disconnected sciences, each of which scraped together something for itself, but the overall understanding—the design of the Universe.

This is what is called the “meaning of life” because human life, as we observe, is the highest form of existence. What is the purpose for nature, the upper force, (call it the Creator, emanator, or maker, it does not matter) to create all this?

This greatly puzzled me. My whole life until I found Kabbalah turned into some sort of emptiness. I worked, served, opened my own fairly successful business, but all of that was somehow in the background. Inside I felt absolute emptiness and the insignificance of existence. That’s how it was.

I think today millions, maybe even billions, of people in the world feel the same way. This feeling precedes a person’s search and helps them feel the system in which we exist. Basically I used to ask myself: “What is this? Why is all this around me, including myself?”

When you look at the starry sky and see this infinity, you think and wonder how to understand and comprehend all this?

For what? Why? What? There is such a question that comes from the Universe itself when you look at it on a dark night. If this question truly torments a person, they come to study Kabbalah.

For those people who simply feel a crisis, somehow, they need to understand the system they are in. After all, if they do not balance themselves with this system of nature, do not bring themselves to homeostasis, to harmony, then nature will crush them with its catastrophes: tsunamis, earthquakes, shifts in tectonic plates, and even nuclear war.

Then there are only two options: either they start seeking the meaning of life out of animal fear, or they die out like dinosaurs who disappeared because they did not fit the changing system of nature.

But dinosaurs did not have another solution. We have a very simple solution: either we change, or we perish. A small part will remain that will still come to balance with nature. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, it may happen like this.

Moreover, only those who can participate in integration will remain. They will create balance. All the others will be in this system but not in the earthly form because their current animalistic egoism will not allow them to participate in integration.

However, there is an easy way when people, through education and explanatory work, each one and all together helping each other, come to integration between themselves, become similar to nature, enter into balance and harmony with it, and feel all its perfection.

I really hope for such an outcome.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Meaning of Laitman’s Life “1/4/12

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How Plato Turned Kabbalah into Philosophy

272Question: In 414 BCE, the prophet Jeremiah, one of the four greatest prophets and Kabbalists, lived in northern Egypt during the time of the First Temple. During this period, a young Greek philosopher named Aristokl, later called Plato, studied with him.

Plato recalls: “I was with Jeremiah in Egypt, and initially I was mocking him and his words, and in the end, once I become accustomed to speaking with him and to watch his actions carefully, I saw that his words were words of the living God. Then, I said in my heart, and I established, that he was a sage and prophet.”

The question is: Does this mean that the wisdom of the prophet and Kabbalist was open at that time to other nations?

Answer: Yes, because they were also at an appropriate spiritual level. It means that Plato practically understood who he was dealing with; therefore, this wisdom could be revealed to him.

Question: Why was the wisdom later closed off? Why was Kabbalah closed to the world?

Answer: There are periods in the development of humanity. Initially, it was simple, and there were closer ties between nations without significant differences. But then, alienation between them occurred more and more. Each went their own way, and eventually, there was such a separation that continues to develop to this day.

Question: Where did this prohibition come from? Who prohibited spreading Kabbalah to the nations of the world?

Answer: It was a consequence of the destruction of the Temple, that is, a fall from the level of Temple.

Question: Did the Kabbalists themselves prohibit all of this?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: Can we say that the world was not ready to receive this knowledge?

Answer: Yes, naturally, if it had received it at that time, it would not have been able to use it correctly.

Question: How did the wisdom that Plato received from Jeremiah later turn into Greek philosophy with its multitude of gods?

Answer: They took from it what they could, what they could understand, and somehow absorbed it into themselves, into their society, into their system, and that was it. And then…

Comment: But Plato lived by this. He even felt that it was like the words of the living God.

My Response: It does not matter.

Question: Where does it disappear afterward and turn into philosophy?

Answer: It dissolved. Not immediately, but gradually.

Question: But the fact that it was Plato, and everyone talks about him and knows about him, is there still some merit to Jeremiah, his Kabbalist teacher?

Answer: Of course! Everything that Plato later spoke about, he partly received from Jeremiah.

Comment: So, we can say that this high Greek philosophy that everyone talks about is a consequence…

My Response: …of meeting with Kabbalists.

Comment: You are often accused of spreading Kabbalah to the world, to everyone. So, this prohibition still applies to many people today.

My Response: Let those many remain silent.

Question: Can you say what happened? What kind of revolution is this?

Answer: Kabbalah was always spread in waves. There were times when it could be taught, spoken about, and written. And there were times when it was shrinking and concealing itself more and more.

Question: What happened with the time that suddenly started to demand Kabbalah? What kind of time is this?

Answer: It is because we live in an egoistic world and egoism within us constantly develops. Therefore, the Kabbalists, seeing that they had no other method, means, or weapons against the egoism that was developing so much in society, decided to take Kabbalah out of its hidden places and show it to the whole world.

Question: Did your teacher know that you would follow this path of dissemination?

Answer: Of course, he knew. What did he write? And what did his father, Baal HaSulam, write?

Comment: His father even wrote more.

My Response: Yes, so it was natural that those who consider themselves followers of Baal HaSulam and Rabash, and not only them but also Rambam, Ramchal, and Baal Shem Tov, must disseminate Kabbalah.

Question: Does it mean that the time demands Kabbalah?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What problems can Kabbalah solve today?

Answer: It can strengthen people in their quest to find out who we are, what our purpose is, and what we can do to bring the world to peace.

This is necessary for every person. What is the meaning of life? Kabbalah answers all questions. I believe that only its revelation can give people the key to the upper world.

Question: There are many different practices, yet you always highlight Kabbalah. You say, “This is special, this is a wisdom.” You always somehow separate it from all these practices and religions. Why?

Answer: Because, in principle, there are no practices in Kabbalah, only the heart’s desire of a person for a connection with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/1/24

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Kabbalah—The Source of Sciences
How To Recognize A True Kabbalist
The Illuminati’s Coming to Get You… NOT!

Why Didn’t Anyone Want to Buy Newton’s Legacy

219.01Question: When the great Newton died, his relatives wanted to sell his writings. Naturally, they wanted to get hundreds of thousands of pounds for it.

Buyers came from the Cambridge Library, from the British National Museum, bishops, and so on. They would open Newton’s writings, start reading them and pushed them away as if it were a plague. His work remained untouched for many, many years.

The fact is, Newton believed in one God. Among other things, he quoted Rambam and followed the Jewish sages.

He wrote about the uniqueness of God, who created everything, who transmitted knowledge about the system of the universe to the first man—Adam, and then to the chosen few up to Abraham, and then to the Jewish people. This is how Newton defined the role of the Jews in the world history.

However, in a direct way, the secrets were accessible to very few. That is, they were accessible to Moses and carefully encrypted in the structure of the Jerusalem Temple. So, Newton began studying the Jerusalem Temple. In every turn and corner, he saw the harmony of the universe and wrote about it.

I do not know if it is possible to make such a comparison, but Abraham and Moses got such access to the Creator, so Newton wanted to get it too. That is, he wanted to break through to the Creator by means of science. Is it possible or not?

Answer: Through science? I think not. Many people wanted to break through science to a vision of the upper world, the upper governance, but no one was allowed to do it that way.

Question: Can you tell us why? Basically, did he take the first steps?

Answer: On the outside, he took external steps toward this in his discoveries.

Question: Yes, and he also studied Hebrew. But why is it not allowed?

Answer: The fact is you cannot reveal it that way. One must discover new instruments for attaining nature and make it so that nature would reveal itself to him. That is, from the side of man to the Creator and from the side of the Creator to man. I do not think this is possible except through Kabbalah and the science of Kabbalah. In fact, many have tried to accomplish this, but encountered such restrictions that they could not achieve this.

Question: So, after such attempts, is there no opening appearing in the heart or somewhere inside a person?

Answer: It opens up a little and it is opening, in fact, in science.

Question: And then one goes back to science?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: So, this fulfillment of the scientist—shuts everything down.

Answer: You can see how it happens. From generation to generation science somehow moves forward in small steps, but it is in fact not allowed to go further.

Question: You have been doing this all your life, and you say, “Only through Kabbalah.” You seemed to have tried to break through both the scientific method and the method of Kabbalah. And you still say: “Through Kabbalah?”

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Here we have one point you keep talking about called “faith above reason.” That is, the scientist follows the mind. The Kabbalist follows faith above reason.

My Response: Yes.

Question: For regular people, can you explain again what is it, what is the difference between the other sciences if faith is above reason?

Answer: I cannot explain it. A person should seriously engage in self-education, but not from other methods or sources.

Comment: Not psychology.

My Response: This is not psychology. One must position himself in relation to nature so nature will let him in.

It lets you in when a person is ready to serve it in everything for the sake of attaining nature. That is, for the Creator to be above all else for him. This is not a religious attachment to the Creator, but rather a devotion to the Creator in the idea, the adhesion to the Creator.

Question: What is the difference between religion and the science of Kabbalah in this case? You said: “This is not a religion.” Religion too has a direction, it has a specific aim. But here?

Answer: Here one must follow the commandments of the Creator in order to attain Him.

Question: But not there?

Answer: No, religion does not offer a direction to attain the Creator; no.

Question: So why do I follow the commandments?

Answer: To follow His external instructions, external laws.

Question: But this point of attaining Him is missing?

Answer: Yes, although you cannot explain it at all. You need to study and little by little begin to understand what is required of you.

Question: So it still requires me to change?

Answer: Yes.

Question: At what point do I realize I have to change? I keep studying and studying—at what point?

Answer: When complete self-annulment is required.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/8/24

Related Material:
A Different Newton
Isaac Newton and Kabbalah
The Kabbalist Sir Isaac Newton

Make an Atomic Bomb and Stay Silent

229To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me (Isaac Newton).

Question: What do you think of that?

Answer: That is normal. Precisely because he explored and felt the world, he calls himself a child.

Question: Because he saw what the world is like?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And he says that he just found a few pebbles, that he was lucky. He doesn’t get proud of the fact that he is like that. He says: “All this was given to me.” Where has all this gone today? Nowadays scientists do not think like that.

Answer: Today it is no longer possible to investigate the world using such methods of internal contemplation. And this is exactly what he used. Today they use technical and technological methods.

That is why there are no more Newtons. The last Newton was in the form of, I would say, Lev Landau. There was no one after him.

Question: Then what is your definition of a scientist?

Answer: A scientist is one who wants to understand the meaning of the existence of our world. It does not matter what he is: biologist, technologist, who, or what. If he seeks to understand the nature of the existence of our world, then he is a true scientist.

Question: Basically, over time, does it turn out that the Newtons have been exterminated?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why were they brought down? Why did it all come to this current state?

Answer: Nobody likes scientists. Nobody. Not a single scientist could rise as much as he was supposed to by nature. Science is in conflict with government—any government! That is why no one respects them.

Different kinds of seminars and academies are organized for them. This is true. And shut up! Make an atomic bomb for us, space flight, all sorts of rockets, planes, guns—and stay silent.

Question: What do you think if we took Newton from that time and transferred him here—as he is, without the influence of anyone else—how would he respond to these instructions to make a nuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb, or to create weapons? Would he go for it or not?

Answer: I think he would not. Each scientist, in accordance with the depth of his attainment, simultaneously feels the height of science and cannot connect it with those egoistic, mercantile demands that the government offers him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/25/23

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Evil Boomerangs Back to You
The Kabbalist Sir Isaac Newton
Newton About The Last Days Of The World

“The Last Secret I Have Learned”

268.01For many years I have reflected about life.
There is nothing under the moon I cannot understand.
I know that I do not know anything–
This is the last secret I have learned.
(Attributed to Omar Khayyam)

Question: Is the correct outcome of life that a person realizes that he knows nothing?

Answer: Yes, this is really so. He comes to the end of his life and realizes that he does not understand anything from it!

Comment: Although during his life it seemed to him that he was accumulating knowledge.

My Response: Yes, he was a great sage and philosopher.

Question: Yes, he had children, raised them, raised others, taught others. As a result, he comes to the conclusion that he knows nothing and has not attained anything?

Answer: No, that life is something that cannot be attained.

Question: “This is the last secret I have learned.”

That is, it turns out that throughout life this is a secret, a person does not understand this. Why is it revealed at the end of life? Why not tell him this so that he would be wiser in the middle of life or at the beginning?

Answer: He will not accept it.

Question: So, go through life like that and as a result find out that nothing has been achieved by me and I have done nothing. Is that right?

Answer: This is obviously true.

Question: I wonder, are we still shown this along the way? Are there any such signposts that tell us: “Understand that you will achieve nothing or that you are nothing”?

Answer: I think this will not calm a person down. That is, youth and strength take their toll. He searches all the time until already in adulthood, especially in old age, he understands that the main thing for him is to live today. Tomorrow will come, he will live it the same way.

Question: This is when he comes to wisdom, to old age. But during his life, he still has a lot ahead of him, and he still goes on and on, right?

Answer: Of course, there are all sorts of plans.

Question: Is it right to live like this? Or is it necessary to come to the point somewhere in the middle of life that, as you say, we start living day by day?

Answer: But it is difficult for a person to agree with this. It is against our nature. We want to go forward all the time and achieve something. But in fact, we are not achieving anything. We quietly live this life as biological beings and that is it, and then we pass away.

Comment: But we are still somehow enjoying the challenge that we have.

My Response: This is like kids in a sandbox.

Comment: Look at Elon Musk, for example. He is on everyone’s radar all the time. He is enjoying himself. Sometimes he launches something into space, then he wants to move everyone to Mars, then something else, then to implant microchips. He is full of energy and pleasure.

My Response: Such people are indeed full of pleasure and energy and try to make everyone follow them. But does it have a meaning? This is a question.

Question: Why does a person not want to come to the conclusion that “I am nothing”?

Answer: Because he says, “I am nothing,” and other possibilities are revealed behind this.

I am nothing, and then what? Am I then nothing in trying to do what: to get rich, to control? And then what? Here he has all sorts of dilemmas.

Question: Is that why he is afraid?

Answer: Yes. He also does not want to stop.

Question: Does he then stabilize his life by running, creating, and inventing?

Answer: Yes, there are many like this.

Question: But in fact, do you think that one way or another they are destined to come to such an end anyway?

Answer: Everyone knows the end.

Comment: Yes. “For dust you are and to dust you will return” (Genesis 3:19).

My Response: Yes. But the fact is that it depends on what goals he sets for himself, and they give him life, and the strength to move, get up, wake up in the morning, and do something.

Question: Do you think this is a sandbox game?

Answer: Yes, it is a sandbox game.

Question: What wisdom should come to him then?

Answer: If this is balanced with his general theory of life, then it is probably a good thing. But if this is just to run from Earth to Mars and somewhere else and back, then of course there is no point in that.

Question: What if a person suddenly stops and asks a question: “What is after that, what is next?”

Answer: It can be very bad for this person. Then he loses his bearings in life. This is even worse!

Comment: This is called depression.

My Response: Yes. So it is better to let him play in the sandbox and not think about anything else.

Question: Is it better when the questions: “Why am I running? What do I live for?” do not pop up?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But you insist all the time and say that a person should still come up with the question “What am I living for?” People who have this question come to us to study. Does it mean that it is good?

Answer: If they come to study with us, then they go further in their development besides building all sorts of ships to Mars. But we still do not know the meaning of life.

Question: But if we want to attain it, is that a good thing?

Answer: I do not know that. Whoever wants to live for this will of course come to us. The rest will be satisfied with less.

Question: If there is this question we have come to it, there is no escape. We came to the question: “What is all this for? What am I running for? What is this life for? For what?”

If this question “What do I live for?” does not stop, but on the contrary gives a person life, can we say that it is good? Does it turn out that this is a different kind of person, a different character? That is, he is not satisfied.

Answer: Yes, it depends on the character of the person.

Question: How was it with you, may I ask?

Answer: I had this since I was a kid. Therefore, the sandbox game for me was something…

Question: But you had it, right?

Answer: Yes!

Comment: Indeed! You were a scientist, you wanted to be a scientist, and so on.

My Response: Yes.

Comment: Then something happened to you.

My Response: I realized that it was all pointless.

Question: Is it because you were stopped, you were not allowed to go where you wanted to go?

Answer: This as well, but still, the desire to attain is disappointing in itself. No matter how much you yearn to attain, you see that it all leads to infinity.

Question: Does it not give you additional desire to live? To infinity, after all, the infinite. endless knowledge, the infinity of everything.

Answer: No, even new knowledge, even if you reveal something new every day, you still need to continue tomorrow. I do not see any special, good impulses in this.

Question: Please tell me, we are getting a little closer to a dead end. How can a person live with this? With what you are saying, how can he live?

Answer: I do not know. I sometimes think of my history teacher from school. He was saying: “A person’s life consists of watching a movie, reading a good book so that it is somehow interesting. And that is life.”

Question: Is that all? No need to rush anywhere, just live like that?

Answer: Yes, he was already elderly.

Question: But you were eager, were you not?

Answer: I was eager. I was not particularly impressed by these words of his. But still, in some ways they remained in me.

Comment: You said that one of the happiest moments of your life was the moment you suddenly started to get answers to your questions. You suddenly realized that there is what you were looking for behind this.

My Response: Yes!

Question: Are you personally still in this state?

Answer: Maybe not as much as before, but I am moving forward, yes.

Question: So, after all, when you get answers to these eternal questions, is this life?

Answer: This is life. Because these answers are in turn new questions.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/13/23

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Life Outside the Body

712.03In our world, we are all connected through animalistic senses: vision, hearing, smell, touch, and tactile sensations. A person must go beyond their boundaries in order to begin to feel the upper, that is, what is above the corporeal senses. This is not something mystical, but something that a person does not perceive in his physical body now, but it exists around us!

The technical devices we use now give us a very small additional range of sensations. They only expand them, because behind the devices there are people who still translate these huge expanding ranges into information accessible to them, otherwise they will not understand what is happening with the device. It turns out that we do not go beyond ourselves.

Therefore, we do not need to invent all kinds of devices, but to correct and expand ourselves: “Do we have this in us?”

Kabbalah says that when a question arises in a person about the meaning of life, it means that he has a need to expand the perception of his five senses. Not in expanding the spectrum of frequencies in each sense organ, but in expanding oneself into some new area.

If you want to truly deepen your perception, you must radically change it from reception to bestowal, i.e., begin to contact the environment not in your senses, but outside of them, because they limit you. They refer to your animalistic body.

How can you leave the body as if it were not there? How can you make yourself feel life outside of yourself, not disturbed by your body? Then you can talk about something that really exists objectively. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with, as it does not study at all what we perceive in the body.

Therefore, when people say: “What about vision, and hearing” I have nothing to say. Kabbalah immediately rejects all this, leaving it to psychology and other methodologies, this is their business. It has no connection with those desires, qualities, and thoughts that an ordinary person has because all this relates to the same quality of reception.

We need to move from the quality of reception to the quality of bestowal, i.e. neutralize ourselves by absorbing all perceptions, learn to exit ourselves and feel the space undisturbed by our body the way it really is. This is called “exiting the body,” “exiting into the spiritual world.”

Then it does not matter whether your body is alive or dead. After all, you begin to feel everything with completely different qualities that have nothing to do with your physical body. Therefore, this wisdom reveals to us the eternal perfect world. And you, to the extent of adaptation to it, to the extent of your coexistence with it, to the extent of your consolidation in it, become eternal and perfect.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Eternal and Perfect” 12/1/11

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New Reality Built on Bestowal
Inside a Limited Picture of the World
How We Perceive The World

Attitude to Concealed Factors

281.01Question: Generally a person can see that something influences him, but does not understand how it influences him. He is unable to predict what will happen to him in a minute, two minutes, or three minutes.

What should his correct attitude be to these concealed factors so he can advance according to the path destined for him?

Answer: A person should understand that he is moving instinctively according to nature’s impulses.

There is nothing else he can offer himself. This is the sober approach. It is impossible to say that it is better or worse; it is merely what we have.

Question: How can we increase the efficiency of this path? It may be impossible and it should be enough to approach life soberly.

Answer: I cannot imagine how we can determine the efficiency factor of our development. Today, it practically leads us to mutual destruction. Therefore the efficiency factor here is negative.

Question: If we take a group of people united around some principle, idea, or similarity, can this group have its own attitude to the concealed factors in development? Is it possible to talk about a group of people as an individual who develops, makes decisions, and perceives something?

Answer: If we take a group of scientists who are interconnected and set certain tasks in front of them, then we can certainly look at them as one person who is aspiring to achieve something.

However, if we are talking about humanity, it has not entered that level when it has a clearly defined task that all people would want to solve, regardless of their social organization.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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Concealed Because It Is Not Needed
Under A Press Or In The Incubator?
Time Is a Change of States

Unsolvable Problems

272Question: In the exact sciences, there is such a thing as an unsolvable problem when scientists prove that something cannot be solved. For example in astronomy, there is a three-body problem that cannot be solved in general, only regarding specific cases. Or the task of stopping a problem where it is proven that cannot be solved algorithmically.

Is this right or wrong? Are there problems that cannot be solved at any level? Or are these all specific cases?

Answer: I would say, these are tasks that a person sets for himself, based on the limitations of his knowledge and conclusions. Therefore, we cannot say that nature is, in principle, unknowable. We can only say that we cannot yet know it.

But we do not say that this is completely closed to people. After all, in the past, people thought this way about some objects and the boundaries of knowledge, and then this began to be revealed more and more at the macro and micro levels. We have a little data at our disposal to assert there is a clear limit to our knowledge.

Question: Will a person always strive for knowledge, or can this desire disappear in him?

Answer: I think he always will. There will be ups, downs, and all kinds of periods in development, as the history of mankind proves. But, in general, the process of cognition is a process of filling oneself, and it is limitless.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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Final Correction
The Evolution Of Desires
The Way To The Final Correction

Limited Knowledge

928Question: There are many types of people according to their development. Some people do not feel the hidden volume of data, i.e., hidden factors affecting them.

But many people, scientists in particular, are haunted by this. They make this the goal of their life. That is, a person feels a reality is concealed from him and suffers from it. What meaning does nature put into this?

Answer: This is the fate of humanity, which must feel its inferiority in knowledge. Thanks to this feeling, he moves forward. But will we understand all of nature, and will it be revealed to us or within us—the question remains open with no answer. Of course, we try to enter this uncertainty, to understand it, develop ourselves, and feel there is no question about this. But the fact is that as we accumulate knowledge, especially lately, we get used to the fact that not everything is given to us, we cannot learn everything, and we will not reach a large amount of knowledge. The Universe is open to us in ever greater unknowability.

Comment: This is interesting. Humanity believes we are moving from ignorance to knowledge, and now, you are saying the opposite.

My Response: Yes. As humanity develops, it begins to understand its limitations in knowledge and sensation.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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Resistance To The Wisdom Of Kabbalah, Part 1
Humanity’s Development under the Influence of Spiritual Energy
“What Would Affect The Future Of Humanity Most Likely In A Positive Way?” (Quora)

Aspiration for Attainment

222Question: If we consider the spiritual development of a person, is he moving toward the sensation that his perception is flawed, that his knowledge can never be complete? Or is there some other potential?

Answer: The question is to what extent we can allow ourselves to fantasize. What we attain, we attain. What we developing, we develop. The fact that we get to know our limitations is also true. But will we accept this? It is unlikely. After all, we are beings who desire to know, feel, and attain.

And here we indeed encounter a problem. On one hand, there are far more questions than answers. But on the other hand, this is good because it indicates that there is still a vast realm of unexplored knowledge in front of us. Therefore, let us continue.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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Limited Knowledge
Inconceivable Amount of Information
Questions without Answers