Appreciation for the little things makes a difference

Life is a grand adventure.  

However, for most people, it doesn’t take much to fill up one’s day with bustling activities, errands and jobs. Busyness isn’t always a bad thing; however, it increases the likelihood of falling into a pit of stress.

But what I’ve noticed over the years is that in those times of being overwhelmed, it’s stopping to notice the little things that sometimes helps the most. This can be as simple as baking cookies, reading a book, journaling or even observing nature.

Below are a few points expanding on the benefits of valuing the little things:

  • Self-motivation

Showing appreciation for the little things can not only enhance a positive disposition, but it can also help teach you to live in the moment and enjoy it.

Learning to embrace what’s small can also give your mind a chance to relax and mentally recharge. It widens your perspective and helps you discover gratitude within your everyday lifestyle.

The Bible is a dependable resource that can help show you just how grateful we humans ought to be.

  • Abundance of blessings

Wherever you are, God has placed you there for a reason.  

Even if you’re in the midst of a tough situation, and your mind is weary and downcast, remember to count your blessings despite the rough circumstances. I can assure you that God gifts us with even the smallest of blessings for a great purpose.

  • A larger impact

To initiate big change, you must start with the little things.

One example is our words. What you say to other people can make a bigger impact than you might realize.  

Write a note to a friend, ask your neighbor how he is doing or say thank you to the waitress. These are all simple gestures that can be carried out daily, and you never know when and how a small comment might impact a person’s day.

  • Give thanks

I find peace and comfort by observing the little things in nature. Much of the beauty within the outdoors is small in appearance, yet with a little effort, it is not hard to see God’s fingerprint, which marks every piece of His creation.

An ordinary white dandelion glows from the light of the afternoon sun

Find what brings you peace and rest in the ability to reflect on God and His goodness.

In everything that He has made, we ought to give thanks (Psalm 28:7). Whether it be through our words, actions or motives, He often uses the smallest pieces of His creation to help us make a difference in the long run.

When is the last time you took notice of the little things?

7 thoughts on “Appreciation for the little things makes a difference

  1. Ashlyn, you never cease to amaze me!! You definitely have the gift of communicating through your writings. And by your photography is wonderful also!! I love you more all the time!!


  2. I love this so much Ashlyn! You definitely are a ray of sunshine in the world. So thankful for you and thank you for sharing your creative gifts!!


  3. Ashlyn, I loved how you wrote that! I think it is so important to be thankful for the little things in life. I love to take time and appreciate the mundane in life. You did a great job, thank you for sharing!


  4. I agree greatly with the appreciation of the little things. I have this mantra that I often tell people which is “choose joy.” To me, that phrase means that no matter what is going on, look at the things you have, the little things, and make an active effort on choosing to be joyful in it. This post perfectly illustrates that for me!


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