
Welcome to the Apache NetBeans IDE community acceptance testing (NetCAT) initiative! If you have not heard about NetCAT before, please read what it's all about. Simply put, the goal of NetCAT program is to get early feedback on the main features and confirmation from NetBeans community that quality of the product is ready for the official release.

Time Schedule

This is a rough plan of important announcements, milestones and tasks scheduled for the following couple of months that the NetCAT program typically takes.

Start Date Description
2020-02-18 Preparation - schedule, pages, Synergy (3 days)
2020-02-21 NetCAT 12.0 invitation sent, volunteers start joining
2020-03-02 Review of test specifications (2 weeks)
2020-03-13 Synergy test run prepared
2020-03-16 Official 6-weeks certification starts on beta1
2020-03-30 Request to switch to beta2
2020-04-03 1/2 way sync-up with tribe leaders
2020-04-13 Request to switch to beta3
2020-04-27 Community Acceptance 2-weeks survey launched for beta3
2020-05-04 Certification completed, blockers fixed in vc or waived
2020-05-08 Community Acceptance survey closed and results published
2020-05-08 Sanity check of Apache NetBeans 12.0 GA build (4 days)

Apache NetBeans 12.0 GA voting thread started (3 days)

2020-05-15 Apache NetBeans 12.0 released

NetCAT 12.0 Satisfaction survey (1 week)

2020-05-22 NetCAT 12.0 closed

  • Synergy - test specifications and test run management system for the NetCAT program
  • NetCAT participants - list of volunteers who signed up to participate in the NetCAT program
  • NetCAT tribes - overview of teams responsible for respective functionality areas in the Apache NetBeans IDE
  • JIRA dashboard - main dashboard providing basic statistics about quality of the Apache NetBeans IDE
  • No labels