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Alexander Bolonkin
  • Brooklyn, New York, United States
Alexander Bolonkin in his works [1-7] proposed methods of electronic immortality of modern people. He predicted the gradual replacement of biological humanity E-beings, considered their advantages and disadvantages (see List of... more
Alexander Bolonkin in his works [1-7] proposed methods of electronic immortality of modern people. He predicted the gradual replacement of biological humanity E-beings, considered their advantages and disadvantages (see List of references in given articles).
  The author considers methods and modern possibilities of resurrection of long-dead outstanding personalities. It also considers the principles and organization of the new E-society, its goals and conditions of existence.
In given article author has summarized and corrected a theory [1 -3] which allows derivation of the unknown relations between the main parameters (energy, time, charge, distance, volume, matter) in the Universe. He finds also the quantum... more
In given article author has summarized and corrected a theory [1 -3] which allows derivation of the unknown relations between the main parameters (energy, time, charge, distance, volume, matter) in the Universe. He finds also the quantum (minimal values) of energy, time, charge, distance, volume and matter and he applied these quantum for estimations of quantum volatility and the estimation of some values of our Universe and received both well-known and new unknown relations.   
  Author offers possibly valid relations between charge, time, matter, charge, volume, distance, and energy. The net picture derived is that in the Universe exists ONLY one substance – ENERGY. Charge, time, matter, volume, fields are evidence of this energy and they can be transformed one to other. Author gives the equations which allow to calculate these transformation like the famous formula E = mc2.  Some assumptions about the structure of the Universe follow from these relations.
  Most offered equations give results close to approximately known data of Universe, the others allow checking up by experiment.
Research Interests:
In given book considered the topics: utilization wind energy at high altitude, transfer of energy from airborne wind turbines to ground surface, new non turbine electron wind and water electric generators and propulsion system.... more
In given book considered the topics: utilization wind energy at high altitude, transfer of energy from airborne wind turbines to ground surface, new non turbine electron wind and water electric generators and propulsion system.
  Ground based, wind energy extraction systems have reached their maximum capability. The limitations of current designs are: wind instability, high cost of installations, and small power output of a single unit. The wind energy industry needs of revolutionary ideas to increase the capabilities of wind installations. This book suggests a revolutionary innovation which produces a dramatic increase in power per unit and is independent of prevailing weather and at a lower cost per unit of energy extracted. The main innovation consists of large free-flying air rotors positioned at high altitude for power and air stream stability, and an energy transmission system between the air rotor and a ground.
    Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from wind. A special injector injects electrons into the atmosphere. Wind picks up the electrons and moves them in the direction of wind which is also against the direction of electric field. At some distance from injector a unique grid acquires the electrons, thus charging and producing electricity. This method does not require, as does other wind energy devices, strong columns, wind turbines, or electric generators. This proposed wind installation is cheap. The area of wind braking may be large and produces a great deal of energy. Although this electron wind installations may be in a city, the population will not see them.
  Author offers a new high efficiency propulsion non turbine system using electrons for acceleration of the craft. As this system does not heat the air, it does not have the heating limitations of conventional air ramjet hypersonic engines. Offered engine can produce a thrust from a zero flight speed up to the desired escape velocity for space launch. It can work in any planet atmosphere (gas, liquid) and at high altitude.
Research Interests:
Предлагается принципиально новый метод оптимизации. В отличие от классической постановки задачи: а) Дан функционал – найти его минималь. Рассматриваются также задачи: б) найти более «узкое» подмножество, содержащее абсолютную... more
Предлагается принципиально новый метод оптимизации.
В отличие от классической постановки задачи:
а) Дан функционал – найти его минималь.
  Рассматриваются также задачи:
б) найти более «узкое» подмножество, содержащее абсолютную минималь;
в) найти подмножество решений лучших, чем данное;
г) найти оценки снизу данного функционала.
  В настоящее время большинство исследователей, работающих в области оптимизации заняты решение задачи в классической постановке – отысканием точной минимали. Инженера же, как правило, в  реальных задачах интересует подмножество квази-оптимальных решений, выбирая из которого, он заранее уверен, что получит значение функционала не хуже заданной величины (задача в) и оценка снизу, показывающая насколько он далек от точного оптимального решения (задача г). Кроме того у него есть много дополнительных соображений, которые нельзя учесть в математической модели или которые бы ее сильно усложнили. Постановка задачи в форме «в» дает ему определенную свободу выбора.
  This method, called the “Method of Deformation of Functional (Extreme)”, solves for a total minimum and finds a solution set near the optimum. Solutions found by this method can be exact or approximate. Most other methods solve only for a unique local minimum. The ability to create a set of solutions rather than a unique solution has important practical ramifications in many designs, economic and scientific problems because a unique solution usually is difficult to realize in practice.
  This method has the additional virtue of a simple proof, one that is useful for studying other methods of optimization, since most other methods can be delivered from the Method of Deformation.
Research Interests:
The author considers the optimization problem named ‘the impulse regime’, when the control can have for a short time an instantaneous infinity value and the phase variables have gaps. In mathematics these mean: the variables are not... more
The author considers the optimization problem named ‘the impulse regime’, when the control can have for a short time an instantaneous infinity value and the phase variables have gaps. In mathematics these mean: the variables are not continuous, not differentiable. The variable calculation and Pontryagin principle are not applicable. These problems are in space trajectories, theory of corrections, nuclear physics, economics, advertising and other real control tasks. We need a special theory and special methods for solution of these problems.
  Author offers the following  method, which simplifies and solves these tasks.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Алекса́ндр Алекса́ндрович Боло́нкин (род. 14 марта 1933) — советско-американский учёный, доктор технических наук (1971), профессор, специалист в области авиации, космонавтики, математики и компьютерной техники. Им предложены принципиально... more
Алекса́ндр Алекса́ндрович Боло́нкин (род. 14 марта 1933) — советско-американский учёный, доктор технических наук (1971), профессор, специалист в области авиации, космонавтики, математики и компьютерной техники.
Им предложены принципиально новые методы в теории оптимизации и оптимального управления и сделаны их приложения к динамике полёта и автоматическому управлению. Предложены новые безракетные методы запуска и полёта космических аппаратов и разработаны соответствующих теорий. Среди научных интересов А. А. Болонкина также методы электронного бессмертия, преобразования окружающей среды (превращения холодных районов в субтропики, орошение пустынь замкнутым водяным циклом). В энергетике он предложил высотные подвесные ветроэлектростанции, высотные газопроводы и метод 100 % превращение любой материи в энергию в соответствии с законом Эйнштейна E=mc2. В фемтотехнологии Болонкин показал, что возможно создание материалов, которые будут в миллионы раз прочнее, чем существующие, способны выдерживать миллионы градусов, и могут быть невидимыми; возможно создание упругих невидимых сверхпрочных фемто-игл, способных дотянуться и проникать в недра Луны, Земли и многое другое.
А. А. Болонкин является автором более 250 научных статей и книг [27-32], 17 патентованных изобретений и более 100 заявок-изобретений [14], стр. 501—508, которые он представил для общего пользования. В частности, он написал монографии и книги: "Новые методы оптимизации и их применение (Москва, МВТУ, 1972, 220 стр.); Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization (Baltimore, Publish America, 2007, 140 pgs.); Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight (London, Elsevier, 2005, 448 pgs.); New Concepts, Ideas, Innovations in Aerospace, Technology and Human Science, (New York, NOVA, 2008, 510 pgs.); «Macro-Projects: Environments and Technologies» (NY, NOVA, 2007, 536 pgs.) (co-author R. Cathcart); Femtotechnologies and Revolutionary Projects (LAMBERT, Germany, 2011, 538 pgs).
Болонкин участник многих международных форумов и общеамериканских конференций [14], куда он представил десятки своих работ. Например: The World Space Congress, 28 August — 5 September 1992, Washington, DC, USA (3 Reports); 45th International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 9 — 14 October, 1994 (2 Reports); The World Aviation Congress, 1999 (2 Reports); The 53rd International Astronautical Congress and World Space Congress- 2002, 10 — 19 October 2002, Houston, TX, USA (13 Reports); на десятки конференций Американского Института Аэронавтики и Астронавтики (AIAA) с 1994 по 2006 гг он представил 40 докладов [21].
А. А. Болонкин работал ведущим инженер-расчётчиком в авиационном ОКБ Антонова, начальником отдела надёжности в ракетном ОКБ Глушко, преподавал в МАИ, МАТИ, МВТУ им. Баумана, в США он работал старшим научным сотрудником в НАСА и крупнейших научно-исследовательских лабораториях Военно-Воздушных сил США, работал в NYU, NJIT, CUNY и др. американских университетах [2].
Research Interests:
In given book considered the topics: utilization wind energy at high altitude, transfer of energy from airborne wind turbines to ground surface, new non turbine electron wind and water electric generators and propulsion system.... more
In given book considered the topics: utilization wind energy at high altitude, transfer of energy from airborne wind turbines to ground surface, new non turbine electron wind and water electric generators and propulsion system.
  Ground based, wind energy extraction systems have reached their maximum capability. The limitations of current designs are: wind instability, high cost of installations, and small power output of a single unit. The wind energy industry needs of revolutionary ideas to increase the capabilities of wind installations. This book suggests a revolutionary innovation which produces a dramatic increase in power per unit and is independent of prevailing weather and at a lower cost per unit of energy extracted. The main innovation consists of large free-flying air rotors positioned at high altitude for power and air stream stability, and an energy transmission system between the air rotor and a ground.
    Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from wind. A special injector injects electrons into the atmosphere. Wind picks up the electrons and moves them in the direction of wind which is also against the direction of electric field. At some distance from injector a unique grid acquires the electrons, thus charging and producing electricity. This method does not require, as does other wind energy devices, strong columns, wind turbines, or electric generators. This proposed wind installation is cheap. The area of wind braking may be large and produces a great deal of energy. Although this electron wind installations may be in a city, the population will not see them.
  Author offers a new high efficiency propulsion non turbine system using electrons for acceleration of the craft. As this system does not heat the air, it does not have the heating limitations of conventional air ramjet hypersonic engines. Offered engine can produce a thrust from a zero flight speed up to the desired escape velocity for space launch. It can work in any planet atmosphere (gas, liquid) and at high altitude.
Research Interests:
Small Non-Expensive Electric Cumulative Thermonuclear Reactors Author: Alexander Bolonkin ISBN 978-1-365-79783-5 The author offers the new, small cheap electric impulse and cumulative thermonuclear reactors, which increases the... more
Small Non-Expensive Electric Cumulative Thermonuclear Reactors
Author: Alexander Bolonkin
ISBN  978-1-365-79783-5

  The author offers the new, small cheap electric impulse and cumulative thermonuclear reactors, which increases the temperature and pressure of its nuclear fuel by millions of times, reaches the required ignition stage and, ultimately, constant contained thermonuclear reaction. Electric Impulse and Cumulative AB Reactors contain several innovations to achieve its product.
  Chief among them in version one the electric thermonuclear reactors are using electric field voltage 50 ÷ 1000 kV (an electric condenser discharge), which allows to heat the primary compressed fuel in special pellet by electric impulse up hundreds millions degrees of temperature.
  In electric impulse and cumulative versions of AB thermonuclear reactors the fuel nucleus are heated by high electric voltage (50 ÷ 1000 kV) up the hundreds millions degree and cumulative compressed into center of the special cylindrical or spherical fuel cartridge.
  The additional compressing and combustion time the fuel nucleus may have from electric pinch-effect and heavy nucleus of the fuel cartridge cover. The main advantages of the offered method are very small electric fuel cartridge (11-18 mm) and small of the full reactor installation (reactor has the spherical diameter 0.3 - 3 m), using the many thermonuclear fuels at room temperature and possibility of using the offered thermonuclear reactor for transportation (ships, trains, aircrafts, rockets, etc.). Author gives theory and estimations of the suggested reactors.
  Author also is discussing the problems of converting the received thermonuclear energy into mechanical (electrical) energy and into rocket thrust.
  Offered small micro-reactors may be used as heaves (ignition, fuse) for small artillery nuclear projectiles and bombs. 

Copyright @ author.
Publisher: USA, LULU,, 2017
Research Interests:
Book contains researches five new ideas: new preon interaction theory of the micro World; relations between time, mass, space, charge and energy; possibility of creating the super-strong (in millions times) matter, having suprice... more
Book contains researches five new ideas: new preon interaction theory of the micro World; relations between time, mass, space, charge and energy; possibility of creating the super-strong (in millions times) matter, having suprice properties; super-strong  nuclear AB-needles, which allows to penetrate deep into the Earth and planets;  the nuclear geterator that is converting of any matter into energy.
  1.  In Chapter 1 the author offers some initial ideas about a cognitive construct of the Micro-World with allows to design a preon based Universe matching many qualities of the observable Universe. The main idea is that - the initial base must be very simple: two energy massless virtual particles (eners) and two reciprocity relations (interactions) between them. Author postulates: Two energy massless virtual particles can explain the main features of much of what we see including: mass, electrical charges and the main interactions between particles such as: gravitation, centrifugal and inertial masses, repulsion and attraction of electric charges, weak and strong nuclear forces, design of quarks and baryonic matter.
    2.  In Chapter 2 author has developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between the main parameters (energy, time, volume, matter) in the Universe. In given part 3 he added charge as main parameter in this theory. He finds also the quantum (minimal values) of energy, time, volume and matter and he applied these quantum for estimations of quantum volatility and the estimation of some values of our Universe and received both well-known and new unknown relations.   
  Author offers possibly valid relations between charge, time, matter, volume, distance, and energy. The net picture derived is that in the Universe exists ONLY one substance – ENERGY. Charge, time, matter, volume, fields are evidence of this energy and they can be transformed one to other. Author gives the equations which allow to calculate these transformation like the famous formula E = mc2.  Some assumptions about the structure of the Universe follow from these relations.
  Most offered equations give results close to approximately known data of Universe, the others allow checking up by experiment.
  3.  In Chapter 3 the author researches the design the super-strong matter. This matter is stronger than convetional mathriales in millions times. It is can withstand temperatures in millions degree.  Aerospace, aviation particularly need, in any era, the strongest and most thermostable materials available, often at nearly any price. The Space Elevator, space ships (especially during atmospheric reentry), rocket combustion chambers,  thermally challenged engine surfaces, hypersonic aircraft materials better than any now available, with undreamed of performance as the reward if obtained. As it is shown in this research, the offered new material allows greatly to improve the all characteristics of space ships, rockets, engines and aircraft and design new types space, propulsion, aviation systems. 
      At present the term ‘nanotechnology’ is well known – in its’ ideal form, the flawless and completely controlled design of conventional molecular matter from molecules or atoms. 
    But even this yet unachieved goal is not the end of material science possibilities.  The author herein offers the idea of design of new forms of nuclear matter from nucleons (neutrons, protons), electrons, and other nuclear particles. He shows this new nuclear matter has extraordinary properties (for example, tensile strength, stiffness, hardness, critical temperature, superconductivity, supertransparency, zero friction, etc.), which are up to millions of times better than corresponding properties of conventional molecular matter. He shows concepts of design for space ships, rockets, aircraft, sea ships, transportation, thermonuclear reactors, constructions, and so on from nuclear matter. These vehicles will have unbelievable possibilities (e.g., invisibility, ghost-like penetration through any walls and armour, protection from nuclear bomb explosions and any radiation flux, etc.
    Nanotechnology, in near term prospect, operates with objects (molecules and atoms) having the size in nanometer (10-9 m). The author here outlines perhaps more distant operations with objects (nuclei) having size in the femtometer range, (10-15 m, millions of times less small than the nanometer scale). The name of this new technology is femtotechnology. 
  4. In Chapter 4 author offered and considered possible super strong nuclear matter. In given work he continues to study the problem of a stability and production this matter. He shows the special artificial forms of nuclear AB-matter which make its stability and give the fantastic properties. For example, by the offered AB-needle you can pierce any body without any damage, support motionless satellite, reach the other planet, and research Earth’s interior. These forms of nuclear matter are not in nature now, and nanotubes are also not in nature. The AB-matter is also not natural now, but researching and investigating their possibility, properties, stability and production are necessary for creating them.
    5.  In Chapter 5 Author offers a new nuclear generator which allows to convert any matter to nuclear energy in accordance with the Einstein equation E=mc2. The method is based upon tapping the energy potential of a Micro Black Hole (MBH) and the Hawking radiation created by this MBH. As is well-known, the vacuum continuously produces virtual pairs of particles and antiparticles, in particular, the photons and anti-photons. The MBH event horizon allows separating them. Anti-photons can be moved to the MBH and be annihilated; decreasing the mass of the MBH, the resulting photons leave the MBH neighborhood as Hawking radiation. The offered nuclear generator (named by author as AB-Generator) utilizes the Hawking radiation and injects the matter into MBH and keeps MBH in a stable state with near-constant mass.  The AB-Generator can not only produce gigantic energy outputs but  should be hundreds of times cheaper than a conventional electric generation processes. The AB-Generator can be used in aerospace as a photon rocket or as a power source for numerous space vehicles. Many scientists expect the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will produce one MBH every second and the technology to capture them may be used for the AB-Generator.
Research Interests:
A. Kuznetsov Fictitious scientists of the USSR and... more
A. Kuznetsov
                                Fictitious scientists of the USSR and Russia.
                                                                  (translation from Russian)
Research Interests: