Parenting Autistic Children with Love & Acceptance

This is the Tumblr for the FB community Parenting Autistic Children with Love and Acceptance (PACLA)

The Pacla Tumblr is managed by 2 autistic adults.

The PACLA community on FB is managed by autistic adults (both parents and nonparents) along with allistic parents of autistic children.

PACLA is: functioning label free, anti-cure, anti Autism Speaks, anti- compliance based interventions, pro presumption of competence, pro disability rights. PACLA also uses identity first language.

Community Guidelines Why No Person First Language? Why No Puzzle Pieces? Why Boycott Autism Speaks? Why Reject ABA
Compliance based therapies such as ABA leave Autistic adults and children vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.
“More than ninety percent (90%) of people (both male and female) with developmental disabilities will experience sexual abuse at some...

Compliance based therapies such as ABA leave Autistic adults and children vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. 

“More than ninety percent (90%) of people (both male and female) with developmental disabilities will experience sexual abuse at some point in their lives. Forty-nine percent (49%) will experience ten or more abuse incidents. (Valenti-Hein, D. & Schwartz, L. (1995). The Sexual Abuse Interview for Those with Developmental Disabilities. James Stanfield Company. Santa Barbara: California)”

*edited to add more accurate, and sadly, even HIGHER statistics of abuse rates.

A report by in reference to the sexual abuse of developmentally disabled children (this report only studies the abuse of children. However, the long term effects of compliance based training leaving Disabled people susceptible to abuse extend well into adulthood):

Findings of a survey from The Disability & Abuse Project (adults & children):

Prevalence of Violence against Disabled individuals:

Forced compliance training leaves developmentally disabled people at risk. Is it a risk you are willing to take with your child?

Image: Yellow text reads: “If you know the stats on sexual abuse of developmentally disabled people & still continue with a compliance based program, you are grooming your child for future abuse.” on green textured background.

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