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Monday, February 27, 2012

DIY Glitter Wine Glasses

**NOTE: If you don't want to make your own glasses, you can buy a set from me on Etsy!**

Hi everyone! I took last week off from blogging because I was visiting my dad in St. Louis. We had a great time catching up, visiting museums, riding to the top of the Arch and seeing the Bruins beat the Blues!

When I got home this weekend, I had some free time and decided to put my leftover glasses from the chalkboard wine glass project and my new Martha Stewart glitter set to good use by making these pretty glitter wine glasses. This project hardly takes any time at all and the results are fantastic! These make great housewarming gifts and many people have told me that they want to make them for their bridesmaids as well :)

What you need...

What to do...
  1. Using a fat paint brush, coat the stems and bases of your wine glasses with some Mod Podge
  2. Sprinkle glitter on the base and stem of each glass one at a time, shaking off the excess onto a piece of cardstock and pouring it back into the container so you don't waste glitter or make a mess!
  3. Let the glasses dry for about 30 minutes or so. Go watch your favorite episode of House Hunters International to pass the time.
  4. Coat the glittered stems and bases with a second layer of gloss Mod Podge. 
  5. Alternatively, you can use Krylon coating spray to seal the glitter. Go to a well ventilated area (trust me on this one!) Spray a thin, even coat of the spray on to each glass. Take care not to spray too much or else the glitter will become wet and drip down the glass, which you definitely do not want!
  6. Let the wine glasses dry overnight on your windowsill. If you have a cat like mine who likes to knock everything over, I suggest putting them on top of your fridge or a very high cabinet so they don't get ruined. :)
  7. Pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy!

(click to enlarge)

I realize these glasses aren't exactly the most practical. I'll have to be very careful when washing them by hand and they most definitely can't go in the dishwasher (not that I have one anyway!) But the clear coat of spray really helps to lock in the glitter so it doesn't shake off all over the place when you use the glasses.

(click to enlarge)

Post originally written on 2/27/2012, revised with clearer instructions on 6/23/2012.


  1. I am so excited to try this. I want to make glitter champagne glasses for the head table at my wedding!

    1. That is such a great idea! Please let me know how they turn out and congrats on your wedding!

    2. I just got home from buying my glitter! I cant wait to see how they turn out! Yay!

  2. I will need to make these when I get my apartment.

    1. Glad you like the idea, Megan. Let me know how they come out and enjoy your new apartment! :)

  3. These are so adorable! Thinking about making these for my bridesmaids since my bachelorette party is starting out at a winery! Think I'll make them in each of their favorite colors.

    1. Thanks Ashlyn! I think that sounds perfect - I've given them away as gifts and all my friends have loved them :) congrats on your wedding!

  4. So cute!! thanks for sharing I may have to try this out next! :)

  5. How well do these hold up to washing and such?

    1. hi bailey, as i mentioned above, you definitely cannot put them in the dishwasher. i made these back in february and i am very careful when i wash them and try not to let a ton of water hit the glitter stem. i never put them in the sink filled with water - i always wash them on their own. none of the glitter has fallen off of my glasses, so i think the krylon spray paint does a great job of sealing in the glitter. hope that helps!

  6. Hi Amy! Thanks for the tutorial! I am going to be making these for my Favorite Things party in a few weeks and was wondering a couple things...how much glitter did you use? I too purchased the MS glitter set and was just curious how much you ended up using for each glass. I will be making a dozen all in different colors. Also, have you tried sealing with Modge Podge? What made you choose Krylon to seal instead? Thank you!

    1. hi! so glad to hear that you're going to make these! i would say that i used about 1/6th of the glitter tube for each wine glass. that may be an overestimate, but i pretty much just shook out as much glitter as necessary to entirely cover the glass and then poured the rest back into the tube so i wouldn't be wasteful.

      i have sealed paper with mod podge before, but i thought spraying the glitter would be easier. i didn't want the glitter to get all stuck on the mod podge brush and have it make sparse areas where the glitter wasn't totally covering the glass. that' why i went with the spray.

      let me know how they turn out!

    2. That totally makes sense. Thank you for responding so quickly! I will be heading over to Michael's today to get remaining supplies and hitting up my local dollar store for wine glasses. I will post pictures of my party and send you the link when it's up. Thank you!

  7. What if you spray the clear coat onto the glass it self (where there is no glitter). How do you remove that without removing the glitter. I got a small amount on my glasses and you can see it and kinda feel the speckles. I just want to remove that.

    1. hi shannon - i didn't get any of the clear spray paint on the top of the glass where there wasn't any glitter, so i'm not quite sure how to go about removing it. what do you mean by "feel the speckles?" i'd love to help if i can but i don't quite follow!

  8. I got inspired and did some glitter glass paint wine glass customisation - I've only just started doing crafty things so would love feedback!


  9. love this idea thanks for sharing. im going to be making these and adding to a wine basket to auction off at my aunt's breast cancer benefit. Thanks bunches

  10. Could you bake the glasses in the oven to cure the glitter after spraying with Krylon and letting dry for a while? This is how you make painted glassware washable, so I was wondering if it would be safe to do this after using Krylon.

    1. hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog. i'm really not sure about baking the glasses - i've never done something like that before, so i don't want to suggest it in case it's not safe. i would ask krylon or check their website. sorry!

  11. I heard u can "set" the glitter glasses by putting them in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 mins. Be sure to place the glasses in the oven as it heats, so the glasses wont shatter. (yikes) Leave the glasses in the oven to cool down. Allow them to sit for 72 hours before washing or using them. This will make them machine washable. You can also do this for customizing coffee cups or plates w/sharpie.

    1. good to know megan - thanks for the tip! i had no idea!

    2. Question, do you bake them after you added the Krylon?

    3. sorry, i've never tried baking them so i wouldn't know! that was someone else's suggestion.

  12. I love this idea, I will have to try - just pinned it!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  13. Hi! I love this glittery idea and what a great way to tell who's glass is who's! I have entered this post in a gallery page called “Ways to Deck the Halls with Glitter”, linking full credit back to your blog, of course. I would love for you to review it and please let me know that I have your approval. Otherwise I will take it off of the page immediately.
    Thanks, Tami @ Curb Alert!

  14. I love this! I've been making tons of hand painted wine glasses as Christmas presents (thinking about starting it up as a small side business!)and my boyfriends mother is getting one for each major holiday, I was looking for the right kind of touch for her stems and this is perfect! Thanks for the ideas!

  15. Do you have to use the martha stewart glitter or can you use any loose glitter? Also I wanna paint them as well can I use any type of paint or does it have to say for glass?

    1. you could use any glitter you wanted - i just like the martha stewart brand because it's nice and fine and covers well. i would recommend a glass paint if you are going to paint them.

  16. oh my gosh these are amazing Xo, Megan, www.TfDiaries.com

  17. Hello I really need some help I have made these but when I seal them they lose there glittery shine

    1. hi! are you using high quality glitter like martha stewart's? i have glasses that i made 3 years ago that are still really sparkly. i make sure to hand wash them only (no dishwasher!) and they've maintained their shine. i would make sure you're using high quality glitter and either acrylic sealing spray or glossy mod podge to seal in the glitter. make sure it's totally dried before you put on the top layer. hope that helps!

  18. Hi I've made a few glasses now and they are beautiful I seal the top coat with the pod podge gloss the next day they seem dull and not so sparkly am I doing something wrong or is that just how it goes?x

    1. hi toni, make sure you are using the gloss finish mod podge and not the matte finish. the gloss will keep the glitter sparkly while the matte will dull it. i should have included this in my guide to start with - i'm sorry for the oversight! hopefully that helps!

  19. Hi thanks for replying, yes I'm using the gloss I doubble checked, they just don't sparkle half as much once they are dry I don't think I'm appying the topcoat too thick either so can't figure it out, people are ordering them from me I want them to be perfect as it has my name on it, and to clean it's just gentle hand wash in warm soapy water and soft sponge? X

    1. that is strange - mine definitely sparkle after i let the top coat dry. make sure you're letting them dry at least overnight, if not 24 hours. if for some reason you don't like how they look with the mod podge as the top layer, you can spray the krylon finishing spray on them instead and see if you like that look better! and yes just hand wash them gently in the sink. i use one of those sponges on a stick thingies so i just wash the glass and avoid the glitter stem/base.

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  21. Love this!!! Can’t wait to try. Was there a specific glitter/glue that you used that you would recommend? So adorable!

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