How to... throw the perfect Christmas party

If you’re hosting a festive drinks party, the key is meticulous planning. Write to-do and shopping lists and sub-divide into categories such as decorations, music, food and drinks. Then use the tips and tricks from this foolproof guide to Christmas entertaining...


The key to a good cocktail party is planning

How to hostess: The key to a good cocktail party is planning

Remember that simplicity is key. Pick a colour scheme that will run through, from the tree decorations and flowers to table runner and napkins. Stick to one colour (such as green, purple or gold) and team it with white  a great basic.

Create three or four focal points in the room, as opposed to stringing up ­decorations everywhere. Natural ­features to highlight would be the tree, the fireplace and the food table. If there is a working fireplace, light a fire, or fill with lit pillar candles.

Hang a lavish wreath on the door - you can even make your own garland using an oasis ring, florist’s wire and some ­foliage. Pick evergreen sprigs from hedgerows or buy berried ivy from your florist. Remove leaves from the bottom inch of the sprigs and push into a soaked oasis, working clockwise. The wreath can then be tied with a generous bow.

If you have a drive or front garden, ­illuminate the path with garden torch candles. Finish the look with a bunch of mistletoe hung from the ceiling with ribbon.


Create a playlist, ­combining your best loved music with ­seasonal favourites.

Lighting is key to creating a welcoming party mood. Aim to establish an inviting glow around the home, bright enough to highlight the decorations and food, while low enough to allow the space to feel intimate. If there is no ­dimmer switch, then leave the main lights off and use plenty of lamps.

Stick to unscented candles for the main room, this will allow the Christmassy aromas from the food and mulled wine to permeate. However, do use a seasonal, scented candle for the bathroom.


It’s crucial that there are enough drinks. There are roughly six small glasses of wine to each bottle, and the average ­person will drink four glasses.

Calculate how many bottles to buy, and then add in a few extra.

Remember to serve something non-alcoholic - ­carbonated mineral water is a good basic that can be jazzed up with pomegranate or cranberry juice.

Consider also serving a ‘mocktail’ (a non-alcoholic cocktail) such as a Ginger ­Cinnamon (juice of half a lime, 60 ml ­ginger beer, 30 ml apple juice ­combined and served over ice with a cinnamon stick to ­garnish).

Mix in advance any drinks that do not require bubbly, serve in tall jugs and leave to chill until required.


Over-indulgence at Christmas parties will cause two million people to take time off work this year

Depending on numbers, a good selection of drinks would be mulled wine, Champagne, a cocktail, a mocktail and mineral water.

If your budget does not stretch to Champagne, Prosecco is a good alternative, and can also be used for cocktails such as Sloe Royale (20 ml sloe gin and 150 ml Champagne served in a flute glass).

Mulled wine is a great winter-warmer to serve at the start of the evening, as guests arrive in from the cold.

If you are worried about your favourite glassware getting ruined, or running out, you could use a glass loan service. Many supermarkets will offer this service for free with the purchase of alcohol — Majestic Wine is a good bet — however the flutes may be mis-matched, and you will have to return the glasses washed.

Should you wish to minimise after-party cleaning–up, most event hire ­companies have a ‘return dirty service’ for glasses, plates and linen.

If money is no object, hire in staff to serve the drinks. Though it may be ­possible to enlist your friends’ older ­children to take around the platters of food, this will not be the case with ­alcohol. Bar staff will ensure that ­everyone has a full glass and this will free you up to act as host.


It’s essential to serve enough food to mop up the alcohol. Choose easy recipes that can be ­prepared in advance and warmed, if necessary, as guests arrive.

Balance festive classics such as mince pies and Christmas cake with savory bites such as smoked salmon blinis, pigs in blankets or devils on horseback (chipolatas and prunes respectively, both wrapped in bacon and baked).

Keep the canapes small, if they are more than a mouthful, then accidents will happen as guests attempt to juggle a glass and a plate while eating.

As a lot of what you are serving will be finger food, make sure that you have a large stash of napkins to offer with the nibbles for wiping greasy hands.

The food can be as simple as mini oatcakes topped with Camembert and a slice of fig, or a cake stand displaying clementines. Just ensure that it is well presented, sticking to one type of canape per plate.

If you are looking for an easy cheat, opt for shortcuts such as using ready-roll puff pastry (topped with goat’s cheese, sundried tomato paste and basil, for example); they will taste far better than any ready-made and frozen canapes available from the supermarket.


Rather than opening all the windows in a bid to freeze out any lingering guests, ­pre-empt the problem by stating on the ­invitation the time the party finishes. Guests will then know what time they should be leaving before they start drinking.

Another trick is to organise in advance a plan to move guests on to another event, such as writing on the invite ‘pre-dinner drinks’ or pre-booking their taxis. Christmas is a notoriously busy time for taxi firms so take the initiative and helpfully coordinate their transport home on their arrival.

Parties: Menus, Flowers, Décor, Everything For Perfect Entertaining by Nancy Parker and Michael Leva (Rizzoli, £25). Call 01235 465577 and quote RP/DM to get your copy for £20, including p&p.

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