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Can You Spot A Narcissist? It's Not As Easy As You Think, Study Finds

Updated Jun 1, 2015, 04:52pm EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

Spotting a narcissist in a crowd might be a fun pastime, but if you’re a researcher or a hiring manager, your job may actually depend on it. Although there’s been a lot of research – and public interest – in the narcissistic personality, it’s been less clear how narcissists may actually differ from the average Joe conversationally. Intuitively, they might seem to engage in more “I-talk” – using more self-centric words like “I,” “me,” and “myself” – since they often like to fluff themselves up. But a new study finds that this isn’t really the case at all. Which leaves the question, if narcissists aren’t talking about themselves that much, what are they doing differently?

According to the authors of the current study, the hallmarks of “subclinical” narcissism are “sustained efforts to maintain a grandiose self-view, high levels of self-esteem, and unrealistically positive beliefs about the self,” so it’s logical that a narcissist would us a lot of “I”s and “me”s in everyday conversation. An influential study in 1988 had found a link between narcissism and I-talk, but the study was quite small, and research since then has not been able to replicate the results very consistently.

So the current study wanted to settle the score. The researchers from six different universities (four in the US and two in Germany) had 4,800 participants talk or write about themselves or a neutral topic. They also had everyone fill out well-established questionnaires, like the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, to determine who had narcissistic tendencies. Finally, they ran a correlation to see whether the participants who engaged in I-talk were also more likely to be narcissists.

And there was no connection at all. Not in men or in women, in the U.S. or Germany.

"The most interesting finding is that the results did not vary much across two different countries, multiple labs, five different narcissism measures and 12 different samples," said study author Matthias Mehl. "We were surprised by how consistent of a near-null finding it was."

So what do narcissists do differently from regular folk? There are a few things, not all of which are immediately obvious. For one thing, they may actually talk about themselves less, preferring to make authoritative statements about the way things are rather than how they feel, says psychologist and instructor at Harvard Medical School, Craig Malkin, who literally wrote the book on it, Rethinking Narcissism. “Narcissists are arrogant and argumentative, even the shy, quiet types (covert). They’re far more like to interrupt, glaze over when you speak, swear, post provocative pictures, and tag themselves in social media than ever use the word ‘I.’ Tagging opinions with ‘I’ makes them sound subjective instead of like what they’re saying is an absolute truth—and narcissists like to think—and prove—that they’ve cornered the market on truth. It’s another way of feeling special. Sages don’t preface everything with ‘I think’ or ‘I feel.’ They speak in third person aphorisms.”

In other words, using the word “I” a lot may actually detract from their position of authority. “In fact,” adds Malkin, “it’s far more likely that narcissists would use the word ‘you’ because they blame people for everything and rarely take responsibility for their actions. It always about what you did. ‘I-talk’ isn't going to help much because not all narcissists like talking about themselves anyway. The authors are right. We’re used to the expression ‘it’s always me me me’ and immediately associate it with narcissism... Nothing could be further from the truth.”

The truer mark of a narcissist is absolute clarity about a situation, and an undying commitment to his or her opinion. “Look for an unwavering certainty (‘No—that’s just wrong. Here’s the truth’), name-dropping, attention grabbing gestures, breathless monologues, constant interruptions, and above all, a disagreeable, arrogant style.”

This is all well and good, but the other obvious question is, who really needs to go around spotting narcissists? Researchers certainly make up one contingent, but there’s also real-word application: Hiring managers may also want to be able to identify narcissists in their applicant pools, since they can be, among other things, difficult to work with. “In a sense, you could say that most everyone is on the lookout for narcissistic individuals,” says co-author Angela Carey. “It can be important to employers who are wary of hiring someone who is arrogant and prone to risky decision-making, and it can also be important to someone who fears they might be in a relationship with someone who is narcissistic.” And on the flipside, politicians and millennials who do a lot of “I-talk” may not be so narcissistic after all – or at least, that may not be the best measure of it.

And consider this: Another recent study found that spotting a narcissist can be as easy as using the wonderfully simple “Single Item Narcissism Scale,” which asks just one question: “To what extent do you agree with this statement: ‘I am a narcissist.’” Participants rate their agreement on a scale from one to seven. In other words, if you want to know whether someone’s a narcissist, you really just have to ask them.

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