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5 Must-Read Tips For Building A Brand

Updated Mar 24, 2016, 03:36pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

With products in 28,000 stories across 25 countries, a company which began with “Yes To Carrots” products has become the second biggest natural beauty brand in the U.S., just five years after a fortuitous meeting landed them in Walgreens. Its jovial Australian cofounder Ido Leffler, co-author of Get Big Fast And Do More Good,” explains how they built a brand consumers believe in:

Build a brand you’re passionate about

Leffler describes himself and cofounder Lance Kalish as “Mini-driving, Virgin-flying, Apple -using people,” who wanted a reasonably-priced natural product for a mainstream consumer. They set about building beauty lines that fitted their lifestyles: fast-paced, reasonably healthy, but occasionally hedonistic. This led them to make 95% of Yes To’s products natural and all packaging is recyclable. So far, so granola, but Leffler says the difference is Yes To doesn’t scrimp on the smell or look of non-natural products, and that’s what’s helped them carve a niche on pharmacy shelves.

Be your brand’s biggest advocate

“As a founder you need to be your brand’s number one ambassador,” says Leffler. “I’ve been wearing something orange every single day for 7 years, whether it’s a watch, hat, t-shirt or jacket. I do it because it makes me stand out, and it reminds me of where we started.” While wearing all orange might not benefit your business, Leffler’s sartorial choice is exemplary of the commitment successful founders display.

Find investors that are both an industry and cultural fit

“Industry fit investors will understand your industry, but in order for you to have truly good investors, you need a cultural fit – you need to feel very comfortable interacting day to day with an investor.” Leffler advocates developing a familial relationship with investors who will support you when the going gets tough – as it undoubtedly will. “I would date any investor like I dated my wife before popping the questions,” Leffler says.

Know your weaknesses – and be honest

“We’re very good at outsourcing what we suck at, and we suck at a lot,” says Leffler. Knowing what you do well and what you don’t do well will strengthen your business. Relatedly, he advocates an honesty and transparency within the company. “When things go bad you have to be honest about the reality and do everything humanly possible to fix it, and if you’re honest about it, investors and advisory boards are more willing to come to your aid.”

Engage a philanthropic component 

Yes To donates to its Seed Fund that gives resources to develop organic food and healthy nutrition for under-served communities. Leffler sees this non-profit component as practicing what Yes To preaches in a meaningful way. “It’s important to show entrepreneurs and founders that having a give-back component aligns with your entrepreneurial capitalist vision of what you want to build, and that doing so is the biggest win for your company.”

“We weren’t the smartest kids in the class, but we were passionate about building relationships. ” Leffler says. ““If two guys like Lance and I can get this far this fast, what the hell is stopping you?”

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