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Are Deadlines Important?

Updated Mar 28, 2013, 11:25am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Does it ever feel like nobody takes deadlines or promises seriously anymore?

I’m not casting stones, but the importance of a deadline seems to be lost on far too many people. One doesn’t need to look much further than our nation’s capital to see the impact of missed deadlines and broken promises.

Embracing my inner nerd, I visited to discover the potential origins of the word deadline. According to author Christine Ammer, the “first written record of the word [deadline] appeared in an 1864 report by Col. D.T. Chandler.” However another report to Col. Chandler from a Captain Walter Bowie[1], describes the seriousness of a deadline. He describes a line inside Andersonville Prison inmates could not cross. “On the inside of the stockade and twenty feet from it there is a dead-line established, over which no prisoner is allowed to go, day or night, under penalty of being shot.”

Fortunately, for most of us, the ominous consequences for missing a deadline don’t apply to the average employee—or business owner for that matter. Although I’m not in favor of capital punishment for missed deadlines, I do think we need to take them more seriously than most people do. That being said, I’m not sure it would be fair to blame this trend entirely on those who miss the deadlines. I think deadline setters have some culpability too.

Years ago, when my now adult son was a young boy, my wife baked a bunch of French-fries as part of our dinner. As kids are often inclined to do, this son voraciously started to attack the tray as if he was concerned he wouldn’t get his fair share. My wife threw herself between the fry-eating machine and the tray of fries she thought were enough for the whole family, to which he said, “I could eat everything on the tray all by myself.”

Much to the chagrin of the other children, my wife said, “OK, you can’t leave here until you’ve eaten them all.”

He dove in with a vengeance, but realized he’d made a serious miscalculation about half the way through.

Resource planning and setting appropriate project deadlines is not for the faint hearted. In other words, at least according to Robert Burns, “The best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry.” I’m a big fan of goal setting and measuring performance. Unfortunately, in far too many organizations, unrealistic goals and measurements become a whip rather than a means to encourage peak performance. If every objective has a critical and short timeline, the value of a deadline diminishes.

Nevertheless, consistently missing deadlines isn’t good for anyone’s business or career.

With that in mind, here are five suggestions that can be executed on both sides of the deadline to ensure that nobody gets shot:

  1. Don’t Forget the Attainable Part of “SMART” Goals: SMART goals and objectives, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound, must be attainable or they just aren’t SMART. If your employees are consistently pushing deadlines or always running over, maybe you’re trying to just get too much done. Whenever I suggest that employees, those closest to the work, should be involved in setting deadlines, I invariably hear from someone who suggests they will pad the deadline with fluff (or extra time). I’ve not witnessed that to be the case. Often, positive attitudes and engaged workers make very aggressive goals. People generally want to do great work, and given the opportunity they will. I’ve found when employees set their own goals I often need to remind them that SMART goals are attainable goals. DUMB goals are unattainable.
  2. Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep: I wish I could say that I’ve never fallen victim to overpromising and under-delivering, but I can’t. What’s more, there are times when I’m doubtful that I’ve learned my lesson. Unfortunately, the real issue is the fact that there is always more to do than time and hands to do it. Consequentially, we all occasionally tend to bite off more than we can chew. This is particularly true for highly engaged people who buy in to the company mission and objectives. Most people want to contribute to something bigger than themselves and tend to look optimistically at their work and what they can reasonably accomplish in the average day. Most people, if given the opportunity to set their own deadlines, will move heaven and earth to make sure they are done when they say they will be done.
  3. Arbitrary Deadlines are Morale Killers: When every project is a crisis that has to be done tomorrow, or the deadline feels artificial, nothing really gets done by tomorrow. Our team at Lendio manages workflow in what could feel like arbitrary time boxes, but the work is prioritized, accomplished in order of priority, everyone has input into resource allocation, and buys into the prioritized value of every new initiative. This doesn’t mean we live in a perfect world (I’m not sure that exists), but deadlines don’t feel arbitrary and everyone knows what they are before we get started.
  4. If Wishes Were Fishes We’d All Have a Fry: I’d guess I’m not the only person to have occasionally worked with people who talked like they could get stuff done, but never seem to get stuff done. Planning, prioritizing, and preparing are all important, but execution is where the rubber hits the road. Over the course of my career, the biggest successes I’ve ever seen are those people who are able to execute. I’ve also seen careers cut short because when push came to shove they couldn’t make it happen. Needless to say, wishes aren’t fishes, and if we expect our career to grow long-term, we ought not wait for the fry.
  5. Don’t Be Paralyzed By the Fear of Making a Mistake: I’m a huge fan of the Marine Corps 70 percent rule. If you have 70 percent of the information you need to make an informed decision, you have 70 percent of the resources you think you’ll need to get it done, and you’re 70 percent sure it will work, execute. A well-executed plan that might be imperfect garners more results that taking no action at all. Perfection doesn’t exist. If you spend a lot of time pushing pixels around to make things perfect or lament over whether “shoe” or “boot” is a better word, you’re wasting time and likely missing deadlines.

Meeting deadlines is really a two-way street. Do you and your team regularly meet your deadlines? Where do you fall within the deadline continuum? It could make the difference between a career on the fast track and another on the skids.

[1] The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 2, Volume 7, page 137