Whether you're a poet, a songwriter or in any other field that requires a creative rhyme, one of the best ways to overcome writers block is with an abundance of information. Rhyming isn't always easy, but if you have a list of examples, definitions and word information to help you along, you can find just the perfect word every time.

A writer by the name of Bryant McGill developed a powerful, free rhyme generator called VersePerfect that does just that. It is a powerhouse of definitions, research tools, and other features the help you develop perfect rhyme all in parallel with the piece that you're writing. For poets, this program virtually wipes out writers block from an inability to come up with the perfect word. For songwriters, the application will dramatically shorten the time it takes to come up with awesome song lyrics.

Here at MakeUseOf, we've covered a number of useful resources for those of you that love music. Simon shared 3 tools that will help you write your own sheet music. He also offered up a review of Lilypond for sheet music as well. Where VersePerfect comes into play is long before you even consider the music - first you've got to come up with good lyrics.

The Lyrical Writing Workspace

Every good writer needs a tool that makes the creative process flow as easily as possible. The last thing you want to do while you're writing the next Iliad is waste all of your time trying to remember words. Lots of creative people are brilliant writers, and have the ability to come up with some of the most impressive lyrics or poems - but sometimes it can be really hard to come up with the perfect word that rhymes without sounding completely contrived or tacky. VersePerfect is a rhyme generator that offers a writing space where everything you need to write your lyrics are right at your fingertips.

rhyme generator

The column to the left of your sentences shows the line number and syllable count. Just this feature alone is a useful tool for forming sentences that have good flow and rhythm. This is really useful for rap artists or poets that are trying to come up with carefully structured rhymes.

On the right side of the main window, you'll find all of the suggested words that rhyme with the word you just typed. It's pretty surprising how many words exist within the built-in dictionary and how many suggestions the program offers after each word.

rhyme poems

If you really want to dig into everything you can possibly find about a particular word, click on the "Word Explorer" at the top of the main window. This utility is sort of an all-in-one research tool for any word. In addition to providing the definition of the word, it also has tabs for the nearest words that are like that word (for those times when you can't remember a specific word), synonyms for the word, and "types of" - for example, types of "fools" would be clowns, buffoons, and dupes.

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If the Word Explorer doesn't do the trick, there are also a whole bunch of additional research tools right within reach. At the top of the screen, you'll notice tabs like Google, Dictionary.com and Wikipedia. If you click on these tabs, the program automatically does a search on those sites for the word you've highlighted.

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The "Online Lookup" tab is one of the most thorough research tools available, with a drop-down list of about four dozen dictionary databases you can use to search for more information about the word.

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One of the coolest features in VersePerfect is the built-in hyperbolic thesaurus. In this tool, you can visually follow all word relationships between all related words. Click on any of the relationships to trace through each connection from one level to the next.

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For hard-core poets, another pretty useful feature is the "verse forms" panel. This dropdown box lets you choose what lyrical form you'd like to follow. The program will then display the outline you need to follow in order to create that poetic form.

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So, if you click on Haiku, the program shows you how many syllables you need to write on each line in order to follow the Haiku form.

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As though all of these features aren't enough, the icing on the cake are the "rhyme lines" panel at the bottom of the screen. These feature displays a list of lines from famous poets related to the last word that you just typed.

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This feature is pretty useful. Having a glimpse of some of the greatest poetic lines in history after every word you type is a pretty powerful resource. At the very least, they can really prod you forward with new ideas and inspiration.

Whether you have your own band and write your own songs, or you're a college student trying to write your first Haiku, VersePerfect is an awesome free rhyme generator that can make the creative process a whole lot easier. Give it a try and let us know what you think. Do you know of any other similar tools out there that also help with writing cool lyrics? Share your input in the comments section below.