How to Win the Daily Battle With Your Alarm Clock

Snooze no more.
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Matt Irwin

It is officially 2016, and with the New Year comes new resolutions, new bucket lists, and although you have desperately tried to forget, a new Spring semester. After a few weeks of no papers and no exams, it can feel difficult to willingly throw yourself back into the gauntlet.

With crazy schedules, unreasonable workloads, and self-inflicted all-nighters, waking up for the dreaded morning class can seem difficult, if not impossible.

Are you constantly sleeping through your alarm? Can you never seem to make it to class on time?

This year start the seamster off right and follow these 4 simple steps to beating the Alarm Clock!

Step 1: Put your alarm out of reach!

Most of us have ditched the old school alarm clock for a sleeker design: the smart phone. These devices have become the holy grail of convenient technology. They are our mini-laptop, our GPS, our iPod, and our camera. As a result, we keep these trusty sidekicks on us at all times, including while we sleep.

However, falling asleep with your alarm nearby can make for a potentially disastrous morning. With your phone in arm's reach, it is easy to opt for a morning snooze, or two, or three.

To avoid having “5 more minutes” turn into an hour later, place your phone on the far side of the room. Not only will you be forced to get out of bed in the morning to stop the noise, but this strategy will also ensure that your alarm does not get muffled under a pillow or your body.

Yes, you may have to give up your evening ritual of sending last-minute texts and browsing funny videos on Facebook, but forcing yourself to physically get out of bed in the morning will make the wake-up call that much easier.

Step 2: Switch it up!

If you’re like most people, you don’t change your alarm very often. It’s set for the same time, on the same days, with the same sounds. At 6:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, you can expect Sammy Adams's “All Night Longer” to disrupt some much needed sleep.

While using your favorite pre-game anthem as an alarm is a brilliant way to try and trick yourself into enjoying the daily wake-up call, the truth is, hearing the same song every morning might make getting up harder in the long run.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, although some noises can be annoying at first and disrupt sleep patterns, our bodies can gradually learn to ignore these sounds. “Studies show people can get used to noises such as city traffic in about one week.”

If you’re waking up to the same alarm sounds every morning for an extended period of time, chances are your body can even learn to ignore your wake-up call, especially if you are tired.

To prevent your morning alarm from becoming too familiar, try switching up your ring every 2-4 weeks!

Keep things fresh and fun for a more effective morning alarm.

Step 3: Get Physical!

Now that you’re out of bed, it’s important to STAY out of bed! And what better way to start your morning than with a little exercise.

Since we all aren’t hardcore athletes, an intense 5:30 a.m. spin class won’t be for everyone, but according to health and fitness website, even some light stretching in the morning can have substantial health benefits.

With perks like improved posture, less aches and pains, increased blood flow, and greater amounts of energy throughout the day, stretching is a low intensity but powerful way to start any day.

For some suggestions on morning stretches that can help beat lethargy and the tempting call of your warm blanket, take a look at this post on POPSUGAR.

Need something a little more instructive? Watch this video.

Step 4: Get to the root of the problem!

At the end of the day, no alarm in the world can override physical fatigue. In order to feel good mentally and physically, your body needs sleep. If you constantly leave assignments until crunch time, pull all-nighters, or skip out on a good’s night rest to go out for a crazy girls' night, you are eventually going to burn out. The lack of sleep might not have hit you yet, but it will, and sooner than you think!

According to the National Sleep Foundation, young adults (18-25) need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. While finding a balance between work and fun can be extremely challenging, settling into a good sleeping pattern and morning routine are habits that can make college life feel less draining. Not only will aiming to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night encourage you to prioritize your responsibilities, but this small change can help reduce stress and leave you feeling more alert to enjoy other activities.

While old habits die hard, they are most certainly not impossible to break. When making any changes in your daily schedule or routines, it is important to be patient. Myth may have convinced most people that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, but science proves otherwise. reports that on average, it takes people 66 days to pick up a new habit.

So, stay motivated! In a little over 9 weeks, you will have formed a morning routine that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

Let’s beat the alarm for 2016!

Related: What Really Happens to Your Brain When You Pull an All-Nighter