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How To Plant Grass Plugs For Your Lawn

After the cold winter, you make the New Year resolutions: have a new batch of lush greenery. But the usual dilemma is, what type do you start with? Grass plugs are a popular option, but some are a bit skeptic because they’re unfamiliar with the process of plugging.

This article will give you a run down on how to plant grass plugs and save time and effort in growing your lawn. This process can be done without the help of any professional gardener. All you need is a little bit of research, the correct items, and proper maintenance.

The Grass Type

Grass seeds lawn

Where are you located geographically? This is the most basic question you need to consider, as it can determine which grass type is conducive to your weather and other prevailing conditions.

There are warm season grasses, ones that do not do well on shaded areas, grass that grows aggressively on other areas, and even grass types with high water requirement. List down all the characteristics you want, the grass variety you’re looking to purchase will not fit your living and maintenance conditions.

​Think of the upcoming water bill and how much time and effort you are willing to invest in terms of maintenance and preserving of a lush green lawn.

The Number Of Plugs

Suppliers of grass plugs are well-trained to estimate the number of grass plugs in need as long as you identify the desired planting area. To come off with an efficient estimate without any surplus or extra, measure your lawn and give the exact dimensions to the supplier.

If however you’re doing everything on your own, a basic rule is one plug per square foot. To be more specific, if you cover a 100 square foot lawn, you will need 100 grass plugs. Of course this depends on the type of grass, and the spacing you plan to do. Closely placed plugs result in faster covering of the unplugged areas.

Layout Your Plugs

There are two ways for plugs layout. First is planting in rows, wherein you dig a series of 3 inch deep rows and place the plugs about 15 or 19 inches apart from each other.

The second method is by planting the plugs individually using a plug tool. To do this, you should create holes in a staggered or criss cross pattern before placing in each grass plug. After placing the plugs, cover the areas with soil and level everything with the existing topsoil. The planting stage is also the best time to incorporate a starter fertilizer to your grass, mix this in the soil and seal everything in by lightly watering the whole area you worked on.


Finishing the planting of plugs will not ensure the growth of a healthy lawn. Caring for your newly planted grass plug is as important as all the above mentioned steps.

​Do this by thoroughly watering the grass on a daily basis for the next 2-3 weeks. Any dry spot will hinder the plugs to grow effectively. After 3 weeks or so, watering can be done every other day.

​For maintenance, try to apply fertilizers at least once a month, remove any weeds that may force their way in, and mow the area when the grass height reaches three inches to keep grass healthy.
Read More: Top 7 Best Corded Electric Lawn Mower

​With gardening, it’s all about preference of the user on how to approach things such as selecting the type whether planting seed, laying a sod, or plugs.


​There are advantages and disadvantages to every situation but the end product will always be fruitful if care and maintenance is properly administered. Let me know what you think in the comments section, if you think we missed out on anything. And please don’t forget to share this article for others to know the secret to planting grass plugs.
