Killer Ham and Cheese Melt

I am having the time of my life with this blog. The cooking, the baking, the writing, the photography, the social media aspect to it, you name it. However, I am only a few weeks in and it’s already become an obsession. That’s a good thing though, right? I mean, it keeps me constantly thinking. What will I make next? Will my wife and sons love it? What if it bombs? What, what, what. However, once I get past that and an idea pops in my head, I get hyper-focused and can’t wait to start. And that is certainly the case with this Killer Ham and Cheese Melt.

Killer Ham and Cheese Melt | Real Food by Dad

This was one of those days where the cabinets and the fridge were close to empty, or so it seemed anyway. So we went to the store with my idea of making a ham and cheese sandwich, baked in a croissant with cheese on top. Naomi insisted that what I wanted to make was called a croque-monsieur, to which I replied, “huh?”. Yeah, something with that name is not what I am shooting for with my blog, sounds way too sophisticated for a guy like me. My goal is always to make “real food” for my family. Besides, with that name, the boys wouldn’t be interested. So while she was right about the name, in the end, I simplified this amazing sandwich by skipping the bechamel sauce and used everyday ingredients that most of us love – Swiss cheese (inside and on top), Parmesan cheese, ham, regular mustard and some mayo.

Killer Ham and Cheese Melt | Real Food by Dad

It ended up being so incredibly good, dripping with cheese, and every bite of the croissant melting in our mouths. Pure perfection. And this killer bad boy was made in less than 10 minutes, which didn’t allow Cole enough time to even get cranky or continually hover over my shoulder in the kitchen. And as you can probably guess in the picture above, the one with the arugula and egg was for Naomi. And I learned something else, the egg added to this makes it a croque-madame! Come on, really?


Killer Ham and Cheese Melt | Real Food by Dad

So as I progress with my skills and new found love for cooking, perhaps names such as croque-monsieur and croque-madame won’t scare me. After all, it really is simply a ham and cheese sandwich! To me at least. And a darn good one.

Yield: 4

Killer Ham and Cheese Melt

Killer Ham and Cheese Melt via Real Food by Dad

A simplified spin on the classic Croque Monsieur

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 4 crossiant, split
  • mustard
  • mayonnaise
  • 3/4 lbs. ham
  • 6 oz. plus 2 oz. Swiss cheese, grated , (divided use)
  • 4 oz. Parmesan, grated , (optional)


  1. Place split croissant on a bakesheet and spread one half with mustard and the other with mayonnaise. Evenly layer bottom slices with ham, 6 oz. Parmesan and Swiss cheese. Turn over top half of croissant and sprinkle remaining Swiss cheese on top. Place bake sheet under broiler for 2-3 minutes or until cheese starts to turn brown and bubbly. Reassemble croissant halves into a sandwich and serve.
  2. **Notes** (1) Keep a watchful eye when broiling, the cheese goes from brown to burnt in a matter of seconds. (2) Feel free to use Gruyere in place of the Swiss cheese to streamline this for a traditional Croque Monsieur.

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51 comments to " Killer Ham and Cheese Melt "

  • Mary

    This looks great — I’ll take one with egg and arugula, too! It’s fun to follow along as you grow the blog, especially having followed Naomi for so long. I’d love to hear the backstory to how you decided to start a blog (or be pointed to it, if I’ve missed it already!) — I imagine it being an interesting conversation!

  • Zainab @ Blahnik Baker

    This is a killer sandwich!! Wish I was having one for lunch today. I understand the obsession with blogging. It is so much fun and a time sucker. So hard to stop when you are enjoying every aspect of it….and when you are a student that is bad lol!

  • Tutti Dolci

    Now this is definitely a killer melt! Using croissants pushes it over the top!

  • Christine Ma

    Wow these look incredible. I’m a sucker for ham and cheese croissants and you just took them to the next level!

  • What a fantastic idea to use croissants! The version with the runny egg and arugula are after my heart. Have a great weekend!

  • I love sandwiches so much, and especially ham and cheese sandwiches. And I love croissants. Ham and cheese on croissants are just the best. Thank you for this post, and for your lovely photos which remind me why I adore sandwiches so much. I had a proper croque madame in France at one point in my life, and I daresay that one wouldn’t hold a candle to yours!

  • HalfBakedHarvest

    These are KILLER and that first photo is just perfection!

  • Min

    Your photos are absolutely stunning! I just want to reach in and grab one right now! My mom is a croissant killer so I can’t imagine her reaction when she takes a bite out of this. Haha…the “his” and “hers” concept sounds awfully familiar. Even though my husband and I have the same meal, there’s always a little tweaking involved ;).

  • My husband and I are sitting here hopelessly staring at these. We want the whole stack! Love the runny yolk running down the sandwich. These look beyond amazing!

  • L.A. Brown

    YUM!!!!! Love this sandwich and I can’t quit staring at that photo. Pinned.

  • Allison @ Clean Wellness

    I’m sending my dad this blog. He needs to read this. Perhaps you’ll inspire him to try some things out! 🙂

  • These look insane. I love the big mountain of sandwiches. Did you guys finished them all? The croissant choice for the bread is excellent making it softer I think. I wish I had a couple of them to eat right now 🙂

  • simplygloria1

    Matt, this is my kind of sandwich… on a croissant… my FAVE! Funny, because when I ask my husband what I shall call a recipe, he says it just how Naomi does. And, it’s so true how we have to trick the boys with a COOL name. Love this one! One more thing, you’re an awesome blogger! Your style is really “killer”! Keep bringing it on. 🙂

    • Gloria, thank you so much, that is really sweet of you. I am having so much fun and still have a LONG way to go, but l love it so far. Whatever it takes to feed these guys sometimes, right?! Hope you have an awesome Mother’s Day with all of your boys!

  • Wowzers! This is indeed a killer sandwiches. I think sometimes a sandwich would be my “last bite on earth”. So glad you started this blog, keep these amazing recipes coming!!! = )

  • Shashi @ RunninSrilankan

    I stumbled by your blog today and woa – these are some killer ‘wiches indeed! WOW!

  • foodnessgracious

    Your blog wont bomb…not with pictures like that! Sandwich heaven just opened it’s doors 🙂

  • julieseatsandtreats

    WOW this is a killer sandwich! Looks amazing and gorgeous photos!

  • Paula

    You seriously made me laugh out loud! Look, living in the South, 99% of my friends would have the same response you did ‘croque what?’ You sandwich is serious goodness and I love how you keep your recipes quick and easy!

  • kellyjanke2

    Wait what?? You just started blogging? Or is this an old post. No way did you just start. You are way too good. Love your blog, and your recipes! Loving this “killer” sandwich. Cleaning out the fridge can always lead to some wonderful dishes! Thanks for sharing, pinned 😉

    • Thank you so much Kelly! I actually started 1 month ago today I believe. My wife has been doing her blog for several years and I have learned so much from her, from recipes to photography, SEO, social media, you name it. I make sure that we have distinctly different styles and types of food. She is light years ahead of me in every aspect though, but I am having so much fun with the blog.

  • Allie|Baking a Moment

    Something about a croissant- I feel like it just takes a regular old sandwich to a whole new level. These really do look killer, between the croissant and the Dijon and all that melty cheese… I don’t care what you call it, you can make it for me any time!

  • noshandnourish

    Wait, what?!??! You’re only a “few weeks in”? Seriously? It looks like you’ve been doing this for YEARS. Love the photography, love the writing, love the recipes!! Keep up the awesome work. You’re amazing at it.

    • That made my day, thanks so much! One month into this and I am so addicted. I’ve had the luxury of watching my wife with her blog and learned a ton from it. So fun!

  • This has my teenage son’s name allllll over it:)

  • Nancy

    WHAT?!?! You’ve only been blogging for a few weeks?! You’re amazing! Your recipes are incredible (I would inhale this sammich like nobody’s business) your photography is stunning and you already have the readership and social media presence that took me a year to build. Way to go, Matt! You have a huge fan in me, for sure.

    • Oh wow, that is so incredibly nice of you Nancy! Huge smile here. I’ve been up for about a month and having so much fun. I’ve been fortunate studying my wife blogging for the past few years and have learned everything from her. So it helped me off to a running start for sure. Thanks again!

  • Amaryllis @ The Tasty Other

    These are killer indeed! Thanks so much for sharing, Matt, can’t wait to try these!

  • Nikki

    Just wondering since this looks so delish – it’s now 2021, soooo are you still blogging and sharing recipes or has life gotten in the way?

  • They’re Ok, wouldn’t write home about it. Kind of like a picnic that’s missing a sandwich, or a school without a playground. Maybe try actually seasoning it properly? I ate what was left over after they made my house burn down and it mostly tasted like ash. At no point did you say not to cook these while taking a bubble bath and enjoying a nice 2016 pinot noir in a titanium reinforced glass.

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