“Adopt Don’t Shop”- Why I Never Want To Hear Those Words Again

Ever since I got Henri, my eyes have been opened to a whole new world of people I can’t stand. Animal shelter/adoption activists. Rather, SOME animal shelter/adoption activists. I don’t want to generalize.

I love the idea of animal adoption. I admire the people who rescue animals and the people who facilitate these adoptions. To the volunteers who sit outside in 90 degree heat fanning dogs wearing little vests that say “Adopt Me!”, I think you’re awesome.

So what’s the problem?

The problem occurs when you don’t adopt. When you CAN’T adopt. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been told or heard the phrase “adopt don’t shop” in the past 5 months, then I would probably have enough money to adopt every homeless, hungry dog on the East Coast. Okay maybe not, but close.

6a01053649b34f970b01901c08f4ed970b-350wiI’m all for pushing the adoption of animals over purchasing from breeders, but there are a lot of people who can’t go that route due to severe allergies or other personal reasons. Obviously, I am one of those allergy people.

I am so tired of defending my specific and very legitimate reasons for buying from a breeder. I’m tired of snarky people asking me “so which shelter did you adopt your dog from?”, when they know full well that my Miniature Australian Multigeneration Chocolate Labradoodle was not rescued from a shelter. I’m tired of people preaching that because I bought my puppy from a breeder, I’m personally responsible for killing a dog in a shelter. Once, a woman actually said to me “stop being selfish and adopt a shelter dog. Just pop a benadryl for your so called dog allergies.”

Allergies? What allergies?

My so called allergies

It’s good to be passionate about important causes, but lecturing a complete stranger on why she made the wrong dog choice is not the way to get your point across. You wouldn’t believe the number of people who even after I’ve told them about my severe dog allergies say, “well you could have searched every dog shelter until you found a hypoallergenic one you could save.”

If only it were that easy. Did you know that most animal shelters won’t even let you fill out an application to adopt if you or someone in your family have animal allergies? They know that you adopting a pet means that same pet will likely end up right back at the shelter within 30, sneezy, wheezy days. Even a “hypoallergenic dog” that is in a shelter cannot be guaranteed to be hypoallergenic because they are never 100% certain of the actual breed.

I feel the same way towards shelter/adoption Nazis as I do about religious and political extremists. When you are so quick to judge and spew hate, you leave little room for love and understanding.

Sure, go out and preach that rescuing is better than buying- but do you really think that the general public isn’t already aware of that?? To me it’s like going to McDonald’s and poo poo-ing the people eating Big Mac’s and Fries. I’m pretty sure they know that Mickey D’s isn’t the best option for a meal health-wise, but it is their choice where they want to eat and why. They know that there are other options out there. Just let them eat their Filet-O-Fishes in peace!

If someone has made the decision to buy from a breeder, do you think that your guilt trips and nasty comments are going to change his or her mind? There is such thing as informing without criticizing. You can spread your knowledge about the benefits of adoption and personal beliefs without judging.

Most of all- if I’m walking my dog don’t stop to tell me how horrible of a decision I made and that adoption is better.

I normally ignore comments from these extremists, but sometimes I just can’t help myself. Recently someone commented on a picture of Henri online, “designer dogs. Sad face.” I replied, “Yeah, you’re right. ‘Designer dogs’ totally don’t deserve a loving home or family.” She didn’t have much to say back, thankfully.

So here is my plea. Step down from your high horse and if you really love animals, then love the people who own those animals regardless of where they came from. To those of you who volunteer at shelters, spend your weekends scooping poop, and work hard towards finding homeless dogs loving families without judging others, keep being awesome. Know that you are doing a much needed, Good Samaritan service.

You never know the reason behind someone’s purchase. Maybe a girl with severe allergies finally got to have her own dog, and maybe it was one of the best things that ever happened to her.




And to show that I’m not a complete heartless, adoption-hating freak…here are some great sites to find the fur baby of your dreams from a rescue shelter if allergies aren’t a concern!

Pet Finder

Rescue Me


Adopt a Pet

54 thoughts on ““Adopt Don’t Shop”- Why I Never Want To Hear Those Words Again

  1. Thats a very selfish post and action. If you like animals, if you love dogs and you care them you not gonna help in that industries where the animals have been mistreated. When you buy a dog you are collaborating with the industries making them works. So you are collaborating with the animal mistreatment indirecty. If you have allergies or whatever and you CAN’T abopt. Don’t do it. Don’t have a animal. Don’t be selfish

  2. I foster and adopt rescue dogs, but I have also thought that it is not the worst thing in the world that a market exists for high-priced doodle crossbreeds. Assuming a world in which you cannot eliminate for-profit breeding generally. If any fraction of for-profit breeders decided that it makes more sense to breed doodles than unsocialized pitbull/chow macho breeds or increasingly tiny inbred mush-faced toy dogs, the shelter population might trend toward more desirable, adoptable dogs and fewer that end up euthanized.

  3. I have the world’s worst allergies when it comes to dogs and cats. I adopted a bichon poodle mix simply by getting on a waiting list with a pet adoption agency. It took two months but we got him and couldn’t be happier. I was upfront with the agency about my allergies and they were fine with it. We are now several months in and no problems with our sweet pup. I can relate to your allergy situation but you should know that there are hypoallergenic dogs that need homes. Please give pet adoption agencies a chance if you decide to get a second dog. You may have to wait for your specific breed to come in but they are out there. I promise you that!

  4. I highly doubt anyone stopped you in the street just to tell you how terrible it is that you didn’t adopt.
    And so what if someone said “designer dogs, sad face” they’re right. Buying from breeders and pet stores is 100% shithouse. Also, it’s the internet, if you can’t hack trolls then log off.

  5. I love this! I bought a dog from a kennel who works with a few trusted breeders in my area. I live in an area with a high amish population so a lot of research is required to make sure you aren’t getting a puppy mill dog because of how prominent they are. I’d love to adopt but there is so much red tape- the main thing being that I live in an apartment. My apartment regulations say 1 small animal, no more than 35lbs.. Also, my partner has allergies pretty bad, just like yourself. A lot of rescues do not want their animal going to a renter or someone in an apartment (which I totally understand & don’t at the same time). We made the choice to get a poodle mix and we couldn’t be happier. One of the things that surprised me was that our particular dog was at that kennel for over a year- it definitely felt like we were rescuing him (although the kennel was just fine). I always had it in my mind that dogs at kennels went pretty fast. Our guy had many come and look and say he is the one, and never come back. He was perfect for us, came with papers, and checked out healthy at his first vet exam. I was nervous, thinking someone bought him then brought him back. He turned out to just be the sweetest most loving thing ever. I will never regret my choice to “buy” this dog. I would still love to rescue someday when I have a house. I’m just a huge proponent of doing what is right for your situation. All the animals need love and work regardless of where they came from. I know “adopt don’t shop” means well, but it helps if those on that side are willing to look at and understand some of the struggles us “shoppers” have faced.
    Thank you for sharing your story!

  6. I feel really bad for you after reading some of these comments. Please know that the trolls don’t represent all of the Adopt dont shop crazies like myself. All of my animals have been rescues and I don’t plan to do anything else and I say that if you are getting a breeder dog just for looks adopting is also great; some pretty cute dogs live in shelters. But in your case I totally understand. If anyone wants a dog I am the person that says hey have you thought abouthat adopting and if they say they really don’t want to I try and educate them but if they still don’t want to that’s on them. Don’t be discouraged, you love your dog and that’s all the “Adopt dont shop” crazies can hope for! Have a great day!!!

  7. I hear ya on the allergies. I, too, sport a hypoallergenic, designer dog breed. Yet I’m 100% for shelter adoptions and my money goes to rescues and after school, my dream job is to work for an rescue. Your dog decision doesn’t need to be justified. I have no idea why strangers would go up to you and comment on your own business. I have no idea why it’s anybody’s business. I have no idea how I came upon your blog.

    My dog is a breeder reject and is 100% perfect in every way possible; buying him is the best decision I ever made in my life. It took me at least six months to research and figure out what dog to buy. The breeder I chose was respectable, is improving the genetics of the breed, is not pumping out mass amounts of puppies each year, etc and all that. Not all professional breeders are even “bad” to the state of dog kind. I think people get confused on that point, too; it’s the “backyard breeders”, those who breed on and keep the genetic diseases going, those that keep inbreeding, those that pump out more puppies that contributes to too many dogs winding up homeless, etc. Ah, well. Your dog is freaking adorable and I’m so glad you found one that doesn’t affect your allergies!

  8. Hello, I never even considered adopting a dog or cat. My allergies are very severe as are my wifes. I help out with the leader dogs training program and put myself through some hell here and there. However if I did spend on own money on a dog or cat, I would buy what I wanted. I suppose all these same people never want anyone to buy a new car since old cars don’t have homes too? Lol. I never realized how many nasty stupid people there are around until I started walking the training dogs and getting yelled at that I didn’t adopt. Lol wasn’t even my dog but they assume and act a fool. Lucas up there can’t use his words so he swears…. whohoo…. the first indication of lesser intelligence. Reverting to swearing because you can’t manage to form a argument worth stating. I hope you have a marvelous time with your very cute dog. I would really love a cat but I am afraid. Maybe one day.

  9. 25% of shelter dogs are purebred. And my parents have allergies and only adopt certain breeds because of it. You can find shelter dogs or dogs with rescue agencies that meet these needs. If you choose not to, you’re an adult and you can do that. But misinformation isn’t cool

  10. I stumbled across this article while trying to do some research for a college speech of mine, and I’ll admit, I am a strong “Don’t shop, Adopt,” activist (I guess you could call it that.) All of my animals have been adopted from the time I could understand the concept as a child, but your article did give me a good insight on the other side of the spectrum. I don’t think you’re a terrible person and I’m very happy you have a dog that very clearly has a lot of love and care! I don’t think everything is as black and white as people like to think it is and while my go-to advice for people when they’re looking for a new pet is, “Go to your local animal shelter!” I know that there are circumstances that could prevent them from doing so. On top of that I think that so many people who have a strong mentality of adoption guilt people into getting pets they don’t want or can’t take care of (like those with allergies among other things), leading to the failure of an ultimate goal; to place these animals in caring, loving homes. Thank you for giving me a new prospective. You’ve done nothing wrong as far as I’m concerned and I hope you continue to be happy with your pet.

    • How funny, I came across this article for the same exact reason! I am having to do a persuasive speech and I chose to do the over crowding of animal shelters. I wonder if we go to the same college? Hahahaha.

  11. I bought a dog from a breeder.

    But don’t worry guys, I have a good excuse. I BOUGHT a dog because I fucking wanted to and it’m my dog, my choice, and because I don’t owe any of you people an explanation (or excuse as you put it) in the first place. Seriously. Fuck all of you rescue nuts. I’ll NEVER adopt another animal because I have to deal with people like you.

    To the blooger: be proud of your dog, hold your head high. If they want to tell you where to get your dog they can pay your vet bills — and your medical bills.

    • You’re a fuckwit. Not because you bought a dog, I have one bought and one adopted myself. Purely just because you’re a cunt, you sound like a spoiled little bitch with a bad attitude. Grow up asshole

    • Here, here!!!! 👏🏻 People need to mind their own business- if they feel that passionately about adoption, channel it into helping dogs that need adopting, not sitting behind keyboards trolling others.

  12. You are an idiot. There are plenty of hypoallergenic dogs in rescues. You just wanted an excuse. Don’t try to fool yourself!

    • Ugh, you caught me. You’re right– nothing gets past you, you valiant internet stranger and keyboard warrior! But doesn’t it feel SO good to justify our actions no matter how malicious they are? I know it definitely helps me sleep at night.

      For example, I’m waiting to have a child until gene therapy develops a little more so that I can be sure to have the most perfect, well-behaved, genetically advanced, already potty-trained newborn ever. I don’t want to adopt one from an orphanage or risk having my own right now, no way! What if it were born with red hair? What if it cried nonstop and inherited my asthma and allergies? I don’t want my kid to have any imperfections. Can’t wait until I’ll finally have the perfect family: 1 husband (organically found), 1 labradoodle from a breeder, and 1 genetically perfect human child. ❤

    • A lot of the dogs in rescue are not purebred (even when advertised as such) and can be allergenic. I’m 100% for adopting shelter dogs, but it IS a concern for those with severe allergies.

  13. This article is great…but you defeated your own point when you got a designer “breed” that only has a 25% success rate of being “hypoallergenic”. If you really wanted to be sure you’d get a hypoallergenic dog why not get a purebred poodle or any others instead of lining some guys pockets to take a chance on a “labradoodle?”

    • Well said. This blogger is very misinformed to the adoption process. All you have to do is a little research and you will find a lot of rescues, shelter and private parties that will adopt a dog to you. Most people have allergies. This was a total cop out. My groups adopt out of state and I have adopted out several Bichons, Poodles and other pure bred dogs out of shelters to people with allergies. I have allergies myself and learned that it is not always the dog-it is usually the environment that triggers a reaction. Regular bathing and allergy meds help. Plus hand washing and not touching the face as well as monitoring the dog’s food can all make a huge difference. I have known several people who found out they were actually allergic to ingredients in their dog’s food not the dog itself. I am sure the dog that died in an animal control facility would have loved to have had a home while that breeder-greeder is rolling in cash because they are too lazy to get a real job. Nice going. Bad karma coming your way no doubt.

        • Anyone who adopts a dog from a specialty rescue is supporting breeders every bit as much as someone who buys the dog from a breeder directly. Among the folks doing the rescuing, the ones I’ve met have been border line hoarders. I don’t intend to ever adopt another rescue. All the dogs who can’t find homes will either live feral or be euthanized, regardless of what I do. If you’re not a hoarder you might have room for about 10 to 12 dogs, lifetime. I intend that the last couple dogs I’ll likely have time for in my life shall be the best dogs I can find, bred for temperament not confirmation. I won’t be serving as a half way house for other people’s troubled dogs. Let the self righteous, teary eyed people giving you all the grief about you making your own choice keep them all. Maybe they’ll get a medal; they obviously feel they deserve one.

        • I had childhood asthma, I feel your pain sister! I bought two of my pets and adopted the other four. I also belong to an association which raises money for animal sanctuaries. But I am not one of THOSE! I got an ear full because I am not Vegan…seriously? People…believe what you want but don’t try to shovel your crap down my throat. Good for you and stand your ground!

      • Very well said. Pure laziness on her part. There are thousands of dogs in shelters or that are curently in a foster home that don’t cause allergies. Lack of education and just plain ignorance is the real problem here. It’s a real shame.

        • i wish i culd have a beter edication so i can rescew all the dogs in shellters. Maybee for Cristmus Santa will breng me sum brains so i can be mor like u. i need two go 2 schoool so i can git rid of my alergies butt cant go yet becuz obama ruined evrytheng.

  14. Hi Courtney, I really appreciate this post of yours and I am sorry for those mean comments you have to endure. Thank you for giving us another perspective. I recently received a labrador puppy for my birthday by a breeder. The reason we for a breeder is because we have a protective small dog who gets aggressive with certain breeds except labs. We rescued him from the shelter when he was 5 and now he is 11 and love him to bits nevertheless, but for years we finally agreed that we are ready for an addition to our family. I have had one critique already on ‘adopt don’t shop’ without fully understanding my background so I am glad to read your article and know I am not the only one! I guess I have to prepare myself too with being able to respond to extremists whom I may come across at the dog park without being stunned. Thanks 🙂

    • Seriously? The shelters are full of all breeds and Labs make the top of the list. Your background means nothing except you have a dog that is selective. BTW-There are Labrador rescues. At one time I had 9 Labs in my own rescue. No excuses. A dog died because you chose to buy from someone.

      • Did she stab a dog? Did she choke one to death or drag it behind a car? No but people actually do that stuff and they are the real killers! She simply bought a dog who already existed in this world. What was going to happen to the dog she bought? You can’t just force it back up the womb and out of existence. That dog was going to need a home one day too. Would’ve it have made a difference if she waited until it was homeless and in a rescue? No because it’s a living creature who deserves a loving family no matter where it came from. So don’t you dare call someone a dog killer for giving a dog a home. Go look at stuff like the Yulin dog meat festival and then you can talk about dog killers.

  15. I’ve just had an odd experience with a rescue organization. I was just told by Northern California Aussie Rescue that having our dogs sleep separate from where we do makes us unacceptable as adopters in their eyes. I’m the dog care person in my family but my wife insists that she has a problem with dog dander in the bedroom. So I have compromised. Heck, if it were up to me, I’d have my dogs in the bed.

    We inherited our first aussie, Fletcher, when my wife’s uncle died. We found out the hard way that indeed, no one was going to get any sleep unless that dog was able to look in on us at night. Often he would choose to sleep in the living room or on the floor at the foot of our bed. But god help us all if we tried to shut him out. My wife relented. Chances are the dog we would have liked to adopt would have needed and gotten the same compromise.

    But from the point of view of the rescue, rules are rules and so we don’t get one of their dogs. Trouble is, since I obviously like the breed well enough to seek out that rescue, guess where I will likely get my dog. Yep, I found a breeder in Colorado that looks great for the designer breed I fancy, Texas Heelers (the deliberate cross of an aussie and a heeler). My current dog Heidi is such a cross. I find she has the same wonderful disposition as Fletcher but her hair is so much easier to deal with. But I like having two dogs in my pack and we’ve gone almost two years since Fletcher died. So it looks like I’ll be shopping to adopt too.

  16. Just out of curiosity, what exactly is it that you are allergic to in shelter dogs that does’t make you allergic to full breeds? Is it the length of the hair?

  17. Hi Courtney, while I completely agree you deserve to have a dog-what I do take offense to is how you referred to your acquiring a dog in the Huffington Post. You stated you adopted your dog. You actually bought your dog. If you were completely comfortable with your decision you would have stated that. And I feel this post may be a bit exaggerated due to your own personal defensive mechanisms. While I do agree there are many “unbalanced” types in the dog rescue world (I know this first hand as I have been a volunteer on the front lines for Best Friends Animals Society in Los Angeles for close to 20 years now and go to one of the highest volume county shelters in the city to pull dogs out of there for BF), your experiences seem overly dramatized to me. I live in LA, there are lots of nutty people here. Never once in almost 20 years have I witnessed someone getting chewed out because they had a “breed”. And I myself had a dog-bought from a pet store-for 16 years. He was the reason I began my volunteerism in the rescue world, because I wanted to give back to his kind all the love he had shown me. While my dog is a Heinz 57 shelter mutt now I don’t look at anyone’s decision to get a dog-however way they do it with the exception of pets stores (that are banned in LA now as these dogs come from puppy mills that are cruel and inhumane) as a bad thing. Especially knowing what I do about the love they can provide.

    I believe energy attracts energy-and if you are harboring a guilt mechanism on some level about your path to a dog-you will probably keep attracting crazy people who will agree with your own inner dialogue.

    Look at the Obama’s-they made a decision based on much the same reasons you did yet they don’t try and justify their decision. They made the best decision for their family. And it was obviously a good one as they just got another dog-Sunny Obama-great name!

    Maybe you can take all that guilt and put it to good use by volunteering some time somewhere you won’t have an allergic reaction or even doing what the Obama’s did and make a generous donation to your local shelter to help them fight the good fight.

    But just poo poo the Adopt Don’t Shop movement in a blog post does not do you or anyone else any good and says more about you then the movement.

    • You’re right, there is definitely something about me that attracts crazy people! Your point perfectly proven with this very comment you left on a complete stranger’s blog. A complete stranger who you have decided has deep seeded guilt and shame about a dog that she adopted, errr I mean bought, just from reading two short blog posts about her experiences. Yeah, I’d definitely say you’re qualified to make a generalization and diagnosis like that.

      Also, thanks for making my “dramatized claims” even more realistic and believable to my readers. YOU are the exact type of person I am referring to in this post. It’s actually quite ironic and I’m pleased you put yourself out there so others can see the type of people I deal with, those “holier than thou” folks. And of course you just had to include your personal accomplishments and animal rescue efforts somewhere in your rant, I wouldn’t expect anything less from your type.

      Thanks for your thoughts, I’ll try to adjust my energy and perspective to keep the crazies away. Wish me luck!

      • If you were smart you’d realize that the hypo-allergenic thing is a lie. You are an idiot, and the reason why people who are pro adopters have to keep repeating it. So it sinks in. Did you know 1 in every ten dogs born will find a home? That is sad. Your post is stupid, pointless, and rude.

        • You’re my favorite type of troll. Please, keep calling a complete stranger names and insist that you know more about their health and medical situation. You’re definitely making yourself appear mature and intelligent. Five stars.

          • Courtney I’m sorry but not surprised to learn you’re still getting trolled because of this article. I hope Henri is still doing well with you. My little Smoke (who I bought/adopted in October) has been the best puppy I’ve ever brought up. So glad I found Shirley at Wannabe ranch. My wife insists that if we live to need a new dog in our lives that it too comes from there.

            So why shop? I’d answer by asking why form rescues around particular breeds of dog? For breeds to exist there must be breeders. Breeds need not exist if you don’t care what traits your little ball of fur might have, but both those who shop and those who go to particular breed rescues obviously do care.

            Shirley has been raising trial horses, heelers and aussies all her life and Smokey is a testament to her success. What I appreciate most is she isn’t focused on breed confirmation so much as she is in the physical traits which will serve them best as working dogs. Even more so she pays attention to their disposition. She described Smokeys as “kind and willing” and he has been just that.

            That dog always seems to be asking “what needs doing?” And he takes his cues from me. In puppy class he displayed none of the impulsive chaos that is so common in young puppies. When it was time to let them “go play” he always greeted dogs first and built up to a romp by mutual consent. When some of the bigger pups were chasing a toy sized dog he interceded naturally to protect it, or so the teacher thought. Puppies who were too impulsive he simply avoided. Good working dogs exercise good judgement.

            So perhaps breeding matters. If not, we might just as well disband the breed specific rescues. It is the backyard breeders looking to make a profit and those obsessed with producing a dog which conforms only to a set of physical standards which are a problem. If you’re lucky enough to find a breeder with the right standards count yourself as lucky.

    • Wow. Just Wow. Does it give you some sort of perverse pleasure to spread your negativity on people’s blogs? Also, what is your obsession with Courtney anyways? I noticed you not only had to put this comment on Huff Post, but also went out of your way to post on her blog and put it under 2 other posts. It seems to me you are just trying to get attention and trying to turn Courtney’s wonderful experience with ADOPTING a dog into something reprehensible…maybe because of your own deep-seeded issues and feelings of inadequacy. I feel sorry for you that you have to take out your anger on complete strangers, and I hope you think twice about next time you decide to do so because if you PERSONALLY knew Courtney you would know that she has a heart of gold, a true passion for animals, and has suffered more with her allergies and asthma than anybody EVER should. Frankly, it’s a miracle that Courtney is even walking this earth today, so please get down from your high horse and try spreading some love in the world…life is too short.

    • The Marriam-Webster definition of adopt is:
      Adopt: 1. To take by choice into a relationship; to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) as one’s own child

      Just because Courtney used the word “adopt” doesn’t mean she has some deep down feelings of guilt about her decision. She DID, in fact, adopt sweet Henri by choosing to take her from her parents (both dog parents and breeders) and treat Henri as her own child.

      How can you tear apart and judge Courtney by her choice of choosing a sweet puppy to love and cherish? Shouldn’t you be happy for the both of them? Working at animal shelters I would THINK you would be over the moon that this puppy receives so much love and attention that many dogs unfortunately never receive.

      People like you (psycho extremists who judge without seeing their own HUGE faults) accomplish nothing but creating anger and hostility

      I think you are the person who is harboring feelings of guilt, and to make yourself feel better you tear others apart.

    • Wow. Really? Would you have the same objection if she had “adopted” a human child through an adoption agency (many of which are NOT non-profit). Would you rather use the term “bought” in that instance also?

  18. My Labradoodle is a rescue/re-home. He chose me. I went on a rescue run to find that the man and his wife had this dog plus a litter of pups of another breed (why, I do not know). All I know is that both people had serious medical conditions and were over 60 years of age. I went to help walk and hold dogs (as an extra set of hands). When we got back I was the only one with a cage big enough for the standard labradoodle. I had not walked this dog, petted this dog or even acknowledges his existence (I was busy with puppies during the return trip home).

    On the 2nd say, the breeder of this dog whom I helped with the rescue said that she had found him a forever home. I have no idea where it came from but I immediately burst into tears. The dog came up to me, walked around behind me, sat on my left and placed his head in my lap. He had already chosen his forever home and I was his Mom 🙂

    My other 5 dogs were not really happy but we have all settled down into a rather nice and diverse pack. I also found that this dog can predict my seizures before I even get out of bed. It took awhile to figure it out but he barks at my husband profusely as if telling him. I love my dog and yes, there are labradoodle and hypo-allergenic dogs to be rescued. You get them from quality breeders who have to re-home dogs due to unforeseen circumstances and who follow up to make sure their pups are in good homes.

  19. Amen!! Thank you so much for this post. We have faced the same thing without folks knowing that we have adopted 3 dogs and 3 cats in the past. We went the breeder route because the last bt we adopted died suddenly and very tragically from what our vet thought may have been a genetic issue so we wanted to go the breeder route so we’d be sure of the animal’s health history. Henri is a very lucky girl 🙂

    • That is so sad to have your dog go through health issues like that, unexpected ones especially. I have heard a lot of people say that’s why they went the breeder route- too much past heartache!! It’s like people on the streets just see a certain breed of dog and hone in on the fact that it probably wasn’t rescued. So irritating.

      Thanks, Heather!

  20. Great post, Courtney. It is amazing how folks can be so “righteous” about things they don’t struggle with! There are soooo many examples. I remember your Mom and I talking about the stares she would get when she was pregnant with Katy and had the other three of you in line with her at the store — you would have thought we were the cause for the planet’s overpopulation problems and why clean water is such a problem in the world. Love you—and so glad you have Henri!!!!! 🙂

    • Ugh that boils my blood- people glaring at mom, the most amazing mom in the world, because of how many kids she had. I mean come on 4 kids isn’t THAT CRAZY!!! It’s not like we had to have a dang church bus to cart us around lol.

  21. Oh sweet Courtney. This post breaks my heart for so many reasons. The biggest is that you even had a reason to write it. I’m a HUGE proponent of the “Adopt, Don’t Shop” philosophy and I want to personally apologize for my misguided, judgmental,and intolerant bothers and sisters. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that people have been complete idiots to you, without even stopping for a second to understand why you have Henri. I would like to think I do a decent job of spreading the word about how adoption ‘should’ be the first option. However, it is not always the best choice and you are such an excellent example of that.

    I volunteered many hours driving dogs and cats from high kill shelters 100’s of miles to shelters in areas that have a higher adoption rate. (in one average month, the shelter we moved animals from euthanized over 400 dogs and cats). I know the love and devotion most of these rescue organizations put into saving these shelter animals. It’s for this reason, I shout it and I shout it loud when I get a chance. BUT, I would never ever ever walk up to a complete stranger (or even a close friend) and condemn them for the choice they made.

    You nailed it with the comparison to religious and political extremists. In no way am I defending anyone who said those nasty things to you, but it is sometimes easy let our passions go to extremes. It’s a shame we sometimes those passions that drive us to do so much good can go so wrong.

    Thank you for making a strong, valid point, and still expressing support and concern for the people who are using their passions for good, even when some of those people have hurt you with their words. I’m so happy you found a bundle of fur that doesn’t make you look like an alien. 😉 YOU deserve that sweet dog, no matter where she from.

    • Lee,
      You have no idea how much your words mean, they actually made me a bit misty eyed. I absolutely LOVE reading about the lengths you have gone to help shelter animals find a forever home. It’s people like you that I respect and admire. The way I see it, it’s just like fanatical religious people. I definitely don’t think of all adoption activists the same way. I’d be pissed if someone viewed me as a Christian in the same light as the Westboro Baptsist freaks. Unfortunately, their craziness sometimes gets across louder and stronger than the peaceful, loving, selfless Christians.

      It’s just so odd how often people stop me on the street to inquire about how I obtained my dog. My friend and I were thinking it must be a southern thing b/c we are both from up north and have NEVER encountered so many rude, judgmental, shelter snobs like we have here. She said she can’t walk her dog without getting the same interrogation from strangers- luckily she DID adopt hers from a shelter so she gets off easy every time haha. I know that if I weren’t allergic to animals, I would probably have a house FULL of rescued fur babies. Maybe that’s why God made me allergic- he knew I’d be an animal hoarder lol.

      Anyway, thank you so much for the time you took to write your comment and the insight you provided- it helps!!! Keep being amazing for those sweet animals you rescue. ❤

  22. Brave girl putting your allergy photo out there!! I loved this post, especially about people not having enough room for love and understanding!! I love that you finally got your puppy dog and she is beautiful, smart, and loving just like her mama!! Love the pic of you and Henri!!

    • haha right?! I figure some of those pics may as well slowly surface to the interwebs. I may get brave and put up ALL the ones from the Vitamin E allergy attack at some point. I may lose a few hundred readers LOL. Thanks for your constant support and love- I love knowing how happy you are for Isaac and I to have our little Hen! ❤

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