Just DIY It

How to Distress Furniture in 6 Easy Steps

Love the look of furniture with history and patina? Learn how to distress furniture and give your pieces a beautiful aged look
The dining area.

If you’re looking for furniture with patina and a bit of history, you don’t need to scour flea markets or garage sales looking for distressed gems. In fact, you don’t even need to leave your house or get on Craigslist. It’s easy—and fast—to make your existing furnishings look like they’ve been passed down from generation to generation. All you need is some paint, sandpaper, and a free afternoon to transform your furniture. Discover two ways to make over your furniture that will either allow the wood to peek through, or make it look like it's been painted over and over throughout the years. (We have a special guide on how to distress wood if you’ve got a rough-hewn aesthetic on the brain.) Read on to learn how to distress furniture and start giving those bland pieces new character and patina. Why wait 50 years, when you can have a time-worn piece of furniture now?

Materials and Tools

  • Sandpaper
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes or rollers
  • Polyurethane
  • Candle
  • Steel wool
  • Stain (optional)
  • Drop cloths
  • Rags or tack cloths

How to Distress Furniture

1. Prepare Your Space

Start by laying down drop cloths and preparing the area. Remove any metal hardware or knobs from the piece and store them somewhere safe and out of the way.

2. Sand and Clean the Piece

Sand the surface of the piece. If the furniture is unfinished, you can do a light sanding. Pieces that have been previously painted or treated with polyurethane will need a more thorough sanding. You can also soften any edges or corners that look too sharp. When you've finished sanding, wipe the piece down with a rag or tack cloth to remove any dust and dirt.

3. Paint the Piece

If you want the piece to look like it's been painted before, you'll want to buy two colors of paint so the base color shows through when the top player is distressed. If you want wood peeking through, you can use one paint color. Paint the entire piece, applying a second coat if necessary. Allow the paint to dry completely.

5. Apply Wax and Top Layer of Paint (Optional)

If you want a second color to show through in the final result, rub various areas of the painted piece with a candle, including the spots on the edges and corners. The second coat of paint won't adhere to the wax, making it easy to remove. Paint over the entire piece, including the waxed areas, with the second color.

4. Distress the Piece with Sandpaper and Steel Wool

Once the piece is fully dry, you can begin to remove some of the paint and distress the piece with steel wool and sandpaper. If you painted two coats, use the steel wool to go over the waxed areas and reveal the base color. You can use the sandpaper to add additional damage. For pieces with just one color, use the steel wool and sandpaper to remove the paint and show the bare wood beneath. Concentrate on the edges and corners and gradually distress the piece, adding more damage until you're happy with the result. Wipe away any paint dust or chips with a rag or tack cloth before applying the finish.

5. Apply a Stain (Optional)

If you want to give the piece an antiqued look, you can apply a stain to the piece. Apply one coat of the stain and then use a rag to wipe off the excess. Use a straight motion, rather than rubbing in a circle. Allow the stain to dry.

6. Protect the Finished Piece with Polyurethane

Apply a clear polyurethane to seal the piece and protect the color or colors. Once the finish has dried completely, reinstall any hardware and knobs.