
Which stroller should you buy?

Two moms pushing their babies in strollers through the park
Photo credit: Thinkstock

What is the best stroller for you?

Which stroller is the best for you and your family? Deciding which stroller to buy is one of the most important, yet confusing purchases a new parent can make.

Types of strollers

A wide selection of different strollers are available. Most of them fit into the following five categories:

  • Basic strollers
  • All terrain and jogging strollers (three-wheeled)
  • Travel systems (car seat with stroller combo)
  • Umbrella (lightweight) strollers
  • Double strollers
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Two factors should be considered when buying a stroller: comfort and portability. Usually, traditional bassinet-style strollers and expensive three-in-one strollers and travel systems are sturdy and comfortable, but are heavy and difficult to carry around. In contrast, lightweight strollers offer the ultimate in portability but provide a less comfortable ride for your baby. These are also not typically suitable for newborns.

Newborns need a lie-flat setting and a comfortable padded seat, which not all umbrella strollers have.

Before buying a stroller, you should think about your lifestyle and, if possible, your long-term plans. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you plan to use it for more than one baby?
  • If you're planning to have more than one baby you will need a robust model that will last.
  • Would you rather buy an inexpensive stroller and replace it when your family grows?
  • Do you use public transportation regularly? If so, you should consider a rugged, yet compact stroller that's narrow enough to fit on busy buses and trains, and can handle all kinds of weather. Having space for storing your purchases can be a useful feature, too.
  • Do you use the car regularly? Your stroller should fit easily in your car's trunk when collapsed, be easy to fold up, and should also leave you enough space for your shopping bags and groceries.
  • Will your baby be sleeping in the stroller during the day or will you just use it for short errands? If you plan to let your baby nap for long periods in the stroller, you might want to consider a pram-style stroller with a bassinet. The bassinet will let your baby lie flat while she sleeps comfortably.

All of these factors will influence the type of stroller that you eventually buy. If you are looking to buy a stroller to carry one child only, consider a basic stroller or umbrella-style model.

Basic strollers

Traditionally, single strollers are usually sturdy and are suitable for newborn babies so long as their seats can recline to make them completely flat. Newborns also need a padded, comfortable seat, which many flat-folding models provide. Depending on the price and type of stroller you buy, there are a number of extras to look out for.

More expensive models come with a folding canopy, a multi-position seat, and a good-sized shopping basket underneath the seat. Some have an adjustable handle height, which is handy if one parent is substantially taller than the other. The more you pay, the more likely your stroller is likely to have a long-lasting tough frame to allow for years of use. High-end models also tend to keep its value if you choose to sell it online after you're done with it.


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  • These strollers can provide a sturdy, comfortable ride for newborns.
  • Can be an economical purchase, compared with the cost of a travel system or three-wheeler or bassinet-style stroller.
  • Some strollers are compatible with a newborn car seat, which can be handy if you use the car often and don't want to wake your sleeping baby when transferring her to a stroller.


  • Bulkier than umbrella folding models and more difficult to collapse.
  • You may well find yourself changing to a more lightweight model when your baby is older and able to sit up (at around six months).
  • Your baby usually lies facing away from you.
  • Not as comfortable for long naps as a stroller which has a bassinet and mattress.

All-terrain strollers

These three-wheeled strollers, with their meaty tires and five-point harnesses, are a popular choice for parents as they are well-suited to trudge through unpredictable Canadian weather.


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  • Well-built and long-lasting.
  • Usually can buy adapters to snap on the car seat.
  • Easy to fold, folds flat for storage in trunk.
  • Good resale value.


  • Expensive. Many manufacturers also charge a lot for extra accessories such as cupholders, snack trays, and glider boards. You can look for these second hand, though they're usually a hot commodity.

Safety tip: If you plan on using your stroller for jogging, look for a dedicated jogging stroller.

Travel systems

These handy combos come with a stroller, car seat and base. They're usually reasonably priced, and on most models the car seat can snap onto the stroller so you don't have to worry about waking your sleeping baby.


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  • Good value.
  • No need to buy extra attachments to snap on your car seat to the stroller.


  • May be a basic model stroller, not as rugged, with no extras.
  • Child faces away from you while in stroller.
  • Stroller may not recline all the way back for newborns.

Umbrella folding strollers

Umbrella folding strollers are aptly-named because they fold up into a long thin shape like an umbrella. Umbrella strollers are usually only suitable for older babies from three or six months onwards, depending on the model. The stroller seat may or may not have a reclining feature, but is unlikely to lay fully flat, and the seat won't have much in the way of padding. Umbrella folding strollers are very popular with older babies and toddlers.


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  • Easy to collapse and reassemble: usually can be done one-handed.
  • Smaller than flat-folding models and easier to maneuver.
  • Inexpensive.


  • Its lack of suspension means that your older baby or toddler may be in for a bit of a bumpy ride.
  • Shopping basket is usually fairly small and less sturdy than other strollers, so not suitable for carrying large loads of groceries.
  • The simplest and cheapest models lack features such as swivel wheels and padded handles.

Double strollers

Some families may choose to buy a double stroller off the bat, so they don't have to worry about buying several strollers as their family grows. Some models are side by side, while others are tandem, with children positioned one in front of the other.


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  • Some single strollers can turn into a double stroller later, and some models allow seats to be positioned toward or away from you.
  • Ample storage.
  • Long lasting from infant to toddler and beyond, especially with extra attachments such as a snack tray or glider board for your older child to ride on the back.
  • Good resale value, if the wear and tear isn't too significant.


  • Heavy and difficult to steer.
  • Large and may not fit in vehicle, on public transit or in the store aisles.

Parents' tips: Do ask for a full demonstration before you buy your stroller, and don't be shy to take it for a test drive around the store as some models are better suited for taller or shorter people. Some can be tricky to assemble and collapse before you get used to them. Check that the stroller will fit easily in the back of your car, and is narrow enough to fit though an average-sized door as some models are surprisingly wide.

Check out this video on how to find the best stroller for you and your family.

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Read more about buying your newborn a car seat.

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Emma Woolfenden
Emma Woolfenden is a freelance copywriter and editor who creates parenting, health and lifestyle content.