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Top 5 leaflet marketing distribution tips

Leaflet marketing can be an easy and effective way to promote your small business. While it is by no means the holy grail, nor should it completely replace your online marketing efforts, if used in the correct way it can prove to be a cost effective medium for startup businesses looking to promote their services.

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Leaflet marketing can be an easy and effective way to promote your small business. While it is by no means the holy grail, nor should it completely replace your online marketing efforts, if used in the correct way it can prove to be a cost effective medium for startup businesses looking to promote their services.

As with all types of marketing or promotion, there are many factors to consider before starting the design process, which will be the foundation of your success.

  • Who are your leaflets or flyers targeted at?
  • How will you find your target audience?
  • What kind of leaflet / messaging will your audience expect?
  • What is your goal with leaflet marketing?
  • Will your flyers be time sensitive?

All of the above points will influence the design, tone, number of leaflets you print, and the distribution methods and timeline. By answering all of these questions you will be able to set yourself a clear action plan, whilst refining your efforts and reducing costs.

With a clear plan in place, now it’s time to design and distribute your leaflets. Here are my top 10 tips to ensure you don’t end up with boxes of wasted leaflets clogging up your office space.

  1. Go small or go home

If you’re going to be handing out leaflets in the street, at trade shows, exhibitions, or events, then it’s important to think about the size. You will want to make sure people can easily fit them into their pockets, wallets, or bags, so as to reduce the potential drop-rate. If credit card size leaflets are too small for the messaging you want to convey, then think about A5 leaflets, which are a great all-purpose size, or even A6 if you want to go a little smaller. While A3 size might grab people’s attention, the last thing you want is for your leaflets to be dropped and left on the floor.

  1. Collaborate with a complimentary business

Finding a complimentary business is one of the best ways of distributing your leaflets, especially if they already have their own distribution methods. Whether it’s inside carrier bags in shops, or beside the tills, it’s a great way to advertise your business locally. This method will involve building good relationships with potential partners, to ensure you don’t get rejected, and your flyers don’t go to waste.

  1. Create and distribute leaflet inserts

Having your leaflets inserted into an influential publication can a great strategy, especially if they already distribute across your target area. Although this will most likely come at a cost, securing a leaflet insert in a local newspaper, magazine, or other publication could land your business quite literally on the doorstep of your exact target audience.

  1. Sponsor an event

If sponsoring an event, you may be able to negotiate the opportunity to distribute your own leaflet to attendees. Whether as part of a branded ‘goodie bag’, hand to hand delivery on the door or elsewhere, or via a display table for attendees to pick up at their leisure. Make sure the event is relevant to your business and culture so that, not only can you clearly show an incentive, but you can also maximize your return from sponsorship.

  1. Timing is everything

Make sure you plan the timing of your leaflet distribution appropriately. Think about whether it makes sense to distribute in phases, pre- or post- event, coinciding with seasons or holidays etc. The more you plan the timing of your distribution methods, the more likely you are to reduce wastage.

These are only 5 tips for maximizing your leaflet promotion and offline marketing efforts, there are certainly many more. However, hopefully they have given you some food for thought and inspiration for planning your own promotional campaigns. For some creative inspiration, have a look at these 40 eye-catching flyer designs.