How to get chocolate out of clothes and other fabrics around your home

With so many different types of chocolate – and surfaces it can fall on – our simple steps to remove a chocolate stain will come in handy. Read on for our guide for how to get chocolate out of clothes and other fabrics.

Updated 8 August 2023


Author By Cleanipedia Team

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Knowing how to get chocolate out of clothes and other fabrics is a genuine life skill. No, really – if you or your family are chocolate lovers, you absolutely need to know how to remove a chocolate stain when the inevitable drips and spills happen. So, from your favourite skirt to your new sofa or that lovely cream carpet, we’ve put together some simple steps to show you how to get chocolate out of fabric like a pro.

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  • How to remove chocolate stains from bed sheets and clothing

    From a sneaky snack to a warm cup of cocoa before bed, there are a few reasons you could end up with a chocolate stain, so knowing how to get chocolate out of clothes and other fabrics is key. Read on for our seven-step guide for how to get hot chocolate out of fabric you can remove and launder.

    1. 1

      Remove the chocolate

      Remove any solid chocolate with a blunt edge, such as a spoon.

    2. 2

      Soak the item

      Soak the sheet, shirt, or another garment in cold water for 10 minutes.

    3. 3

      Apply washing-up liquid

      Add a drop or two of washing-up liquid to the stain. Work the washing-up liquid into the stain using your fingertips, until the stain is removed.

    4. 4


      Use cold water to rinse the stained area, ensuring all traces of washing-up liquid are removed.

    5. 5

      Wash as normal

      Launder your fabric as normal, double-checking the care label for the advised temperature and cycle. Always use a good quality laundry detergent and wash on a low temperature to avoid setting in any stains. Consider using Persil Bio Liquid or, if you have sensitive skin, Persil Ultimate Non-Bio.

    6. 6


      Dry your items outside. If you can't hang them outside, check out our guide for drying your laundry indoors.

      If you've stained a white sheet, top or another item, try to dry them in the sun. The UV will help to work as an all-natural bonus step to remove the chocolate stain.

How to remove chocolate stains from carpet

The steps to remove a chocolate stain from carpets are simple once you know how. Read on for our guide to removing chocolate stains from carpets in just five steps.

  1. 1

    Get up the excess as quickly as possible. Use a spoon to scoop up any solid bits of chocolate, and blot any excess liquid with a paper towel. Try to do this before it sets, or you may need to use a scraping tool to remove the excess.

  2. 2

    Apply a stain remover. We recommend you test the product on an inconspicuous area first to ensure you do not have any unwanted adverse results.

  3. 3

    Leave the stain remover for the specified time. Always follow the instructions on the label.

  4. 4

    Use a clean, damp cloth to 'rinse' the area. Ensure you have removed all traces of stain remover from your carpet.

  5. 5

    Check the stain is fully removed, then allow your carpet to dry.

Now that you have our simple guide to melted chocolate and hot chocolate stain removal, clothing and other fabrics which have fallen foul of these sweet treats will be good as new in no time.

Frequently asked questions about how to get chocolate out of clothes and other fabrics

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