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ENTITY shares that expired yogurt can be OK to eat

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Expiration dates can be a pain, and we often don’t buy what we want because we’re afraid it will expire before it’s eaten.

They can become even more frustrating when we realize some foods should be thrown out after they expire, while others tend to be safe for weeks after. 

You’re probably here because you’re wondering if you have to throw out the yogurt in your fridge that’s past its expiration date.

Well, you’re in luck.

According Mary Wilson, M.S., a nutritionist expert from the University of Nevada, yogurt is generally fine after the expiration date. She recommends trusting your best judgment based on what you taste and smell. If anything seems off to you, ditch it immediately.

If you’ve checked your expired yogurt and know that it’s fine, but are worried about how you’re going to eat it all before it really goes bad, save yourself a bad stomach ache and check out these fun ways to put yogurt into your diet.

1. Put it in some delicious coffee.

ENTITY explains that expired yogurt can be used in coffee

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If you’ve run out of your regular coffee creamer, have no fear. Mixing yogurt with hot coffee is a delicious and money-saving way to start your morning. In fact, people who live in Hanoi, Vietnam are known to treat themselves with it every once in a while.

2. Make whipped cream.

ENTITY explains that expired yogurt can be used to make whipped cream

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I don’t think I’ve met a single person who doesn’t like whipped cream. It’s fluffy, light and can go on pretty much any dessert. What’s not to love?

Put your dairy to good use and give a friend some homemade whipped cream, made with heavy cream, love and expired yogurt (but you don’t have to tell them that last bit).

3. Bake it.

ENTITY explains expired yogurt can be used in baking

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Fun fact: yogurt makes a great substitute for butter.

The fat ratios are the same, so if a recipe calls for 1/2 cup butter, using 1/2 yogurt is perfect.

Check out this lemon yogurt cake while you’re here.

4. Make some killer pasta.

ENTITY shows that expired yogurt can be used in pasta

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It may seem weird, but Italians actually use yogurt in their pasta. Make the Pope proud by following this delicious recipe.

5. Spread it on bread.

ENTITY explains expired yogurt can spread on bread

Photo via Pixabay

If you ever get bored of plain old butter on your toast, try mixing it up by spreading some yogurt on it instead. Besides, butter takes forever to expire anyway.

6. Concoct the best chip dip ever.

ENTITY explains expired yogurt can be used to make dip

Photo via Pixabay

Ditch the salsa and make a yogurt-based dip instead.

Bonus: bring it to a Super Bowl party and tell everyone you used expired yogurt to make it after they’ve taken a bite.

Optional: tell them that expired yogurt is still safe to eat.

7. Toss it in a salad.

ENTITY explains expired yogurt can be used for salad dressing

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Salad dressing from the store can be gross and the fats from the dressing may not even be healthy because of the amount of time it sits on the shelf.

Save some money and treat yourself to some homemade yogurt dressing.

8. Marinate your meat in yogurt.

ENTITY shows that expired yogurt can be used to marinate meat

Photo via Pixabay

For you meat eaters out there turns out yogurt is the best-kept secret to marinating meat.

Yogurt actually breaks down the muscle fiber in meet due to its high level of calcium. This gives it a more tender consistency than its more acidic sibling, lemon juice, which damages the texture of the meat.

9. Stuff it in some veggies.

ENTITY explains expired yogurt can be used in stuffed veggies

GIF via Giphy

If you’re not into meat, make sure to check out these delicious yogurt-stuffed veggies.

Final Thoughts

Before you go throwing away your expired yogurt, know that its best to trust your senses before running to the store for more.

Hopefully, these recipes will give you some creative ideas to use your yogurt up before you need to toss it.


  • Chandler Atkins

    Chandler studied English literature at San Diego State University. He went in as a psychology major hoping to help people, but soon realized he could help them more by immersing in the diverse literature of the world. Each story he reads gives him new realizations about people and refreshes his world view. During his free time, you can find him scuba diving, reading 10 novels at a time and brewing up way too much coffee in his French press.

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