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Customer-First Companies Are The Future Of Business

Forbes Technology Council
Kostas Mallios
Updated May 23, 2018, 09:00am EDT

We live in the age of invention capital, where a single person can have an idea that will be valued for millions of dollars within months. Ideas are the currency of the 21st century, and everyone's competing for the next one.

Historical returns don’t mean much in this age of economic Darwinism. Kodak, Sears, Myspace, Barnes and Noble: all large, well-known companies that went from thriving to being on life support at warp speed.

The rise and fall of companies often happens precisely because of growth. Whether it's a long-established behemoth or a small business that experiences a meteoric rise, growth can mean losing touch with the very people who helped generate your success in the first place -- your customers.

Building customer-centered culture is the key to surviving the modern business environment. The customer’s voice must be built into every meeting, business review and decision. Maintaining a relationship with your customers and monitoring their current needs and concerns through social media as well as more traditional forms of communication is key.

Unsurprisingly, the top five most valuable U.S. brands for 2018 are technology leaders -- Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. These companies engage their customers through built-in feedback loops in their products and services, making them informed and highly reactive to customer sentiment.   

So, why should your aim be to always put the customer first?

Better Overall Returns

According to Watermark Consulting, customer experience leaders outperform in the market by 107.5%. More importantly, those that lacked in customer experience fell significantly behind the average. Where do these returns come from? Per Watermark Consulting:

Higher revenues: Due to better retention, less price sensitivity, greater wallet share, and positive word-of-mouth advertising.

Lower expenses: Due to reduced customer acquisition costs, fewer complaints, customer created marketing content through reviews and social media, and the less intense service requirements of happy, loyal customers.

And you can add relevance to those two points: Fewer mistakes with customers, more products that delight and a better brand reputation that pays big dividends with a bigger customer lifetime value.  

Customer-Led Innovation Puts You Ahead Of The Curve

Closed-door innovation is no longer practical, scalable or effective. The hive mind of the internet allows a company to move quickly in response to the changing needs of its clients. Customer feedback, both positive and negative, is one of your greatest assets. It will tell you where you are leading the way and where you need to work harder.  

Customers almost always have more boots on the ground than we do. Through social media and other platforms, businesses can seek input earlier than ever -- during the idea generation and even design stages. Customer collaboration means the development of products/services that speak directly to consumers -- this lowers the risk of products being met with a lukewarm reception or failing outright.

How To Put The Customer First

1. Develop communication from the bottom up. Management of a company comes from the top down, and innovation comes from the bottom up. Customers and lower-level employees will be closer to the challenges, and the potential problem-solving solutions, that will put your company ahead of the competition. By creating communication opportunities that flow from customers, through day-to-day employees and eventually move to upper management, you will be able to hear and take action on thought-leading ideas as they come up.

2. Actively listen to your social media. Not everyone needs to be on all platforms. Unless you have the money and the means to run a full-scale social media team, choose the platform that fits with your demographic and run it properly. Respond to complaints when they come in and listen to the ideas that bubble up. Don’t post for the sake of posting. Make sure you are putting in the effort. Don’t use stock photos and overused memes. Social media is your most personal way to communicate with your clients. An engaged community of loyal customers is better than any Salesforce or marketing campaign I have ever seen.

3. Implement customer ideas and changes, and give credit where it’s due. Engagement has become a throwaway word these days, but giving your customers a chance to authentically interact with your company isn’t trite. If you are asking for feedback on an innovation or change, allow people the chance to win recognition for their ideas. People who are immersed in your field or product will feel valuable and validated if their ideas are taken to heart. Let them know that you are listening -- tell them when a change has been customer-led, or if a new product was developed due to customer demand. Many top companies like Amazon and Apple do this very well.

4. Strive for more than customer satisfaction -- build relationships and feedback loops. Satisfaction is not enough to drive long-term customer loyalty. Offering a product that is executed well is only the first step. No tech company is born perfect, and changes in strategy, employees or even a website can bring new challenges. Listen to feedback from your front-line employees and customers, and do your best to acknowledge issues and address them. Embracing negative feedback from an unhappy customer can pave the way to a better experience for everyone. You can use the insight from customer complaints and feedback to anticipate needs and overdeliver.

Final Thoughts

Putting your customers first is not only financially more rewarding, but it allows you to stay ahead of the curve through real-time innovation created by those who are firmly embedded in the field -- the consumers themselves. Creating a social media space where customers are heard can foster a fertile idea space for new and groundbreaking developments. Use social media and other tools to “know” your customers and deliver products and services that have not even been requested yet.  

Moving into a customer-first business model ultimately means not needing to find the million-dollar idea -- because you will have access to hundreds of customer-generated ideas instead.

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