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Olympic Riches: Raise Your Kids for Superstardom

Updated Aug 8, 2012, 01:57pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Chemmy Alcott British Olympian

If your children are photogenic or athletic, you may be wondering just how far their looks and talents can take them. The London Olympics are inspiring families everywhere to launch a professional career for their kids. There are important financial, educational and family plans to consider  to experience the win-win. These are explored in the new book The Seven Pearls of Financial Wisdom.

The book provides expert guidance and includes the intimate experience of British Olympian Chemmy Alcott as well as other stars in popular childhood professions. It’s part of a series of sections focusing on nurturing your prosperity during parenthood in today’s new competitive landscape. As your child tugs at your trouser leg to begin a great adventure into superstardom, here is some good information to consider first as you move forward.

The Seven Pearls of Financial Wisdom: Excerpt from Chapter III:

Your children may be advancing at the local level in sports, or they may be approached about modeling, or they may be begging you to help them become a superstar in the world of acting, music, or chess. This can be an exciting time for the family as your child receives more attention and fame.

Your child may become famous and wealthy or may use the skills learned in the spotlight to forge a successful career later as an adult. However, parents are challenged to help a child navigate the path of celebrity. This road can ruin the lives of their siblings, wreck the family finances, and rob them of their innocence. The road to superstardom is also expensive. With your guidance and protection, you can help your child and your family to travel this road in an intelligent and financially responsible way.

Understand the Impact on Your Marriage and Family

When you commit to raising a superstar child in sports, modeling, or entertainment, the investment of time you must make is enormous. If you are a mother with a career, it will be challenging, to say the least, to find time to take children to auditions and on trips for performances and competitions. Another responsible adult must be added to the mix, and this will require paying a caregiver to accompany the child. If you have other children, then you can expect to pay even more for additional caregiving sup- port at home.

Be prepared for your other children to feel the impact of having a “star” in the home. If your financial resources are being invested disproportionately in one child, your other children may experience jealousy or feel your lack of attention. The bottom line is that child superstardom is a family commitment both financially and emotionally, and it should be addressed in family meetings.

It’s very important to have regular strategic conversations with your partner or husband about the direction of your child’s career and the family unit. When a sports star is injured, for example, the entire family is affected. Chemmy Alcott, Britain’s number one alpine ski racer, has referred to being concerned about the selfishness of her passion. In her last major accident, which occurred in 2010, when she was twenty-eight, she recognized that her dangerous career impacts the entire family, as her brothers and their families cared for her until she recovered.

When a child in the modeling or entertainment field commits to a major motion picture or photo shoot, he or she needs to be uprooted from school for months at a time. It’s not uncommon for such a child to live overseas with a parent on location. When Sasha Eden, a former child model who now runs an award-winning theater company called WET (Women’s Expressive Theater), was slated to play a role in a film in Italy, her parents made the difficult decision that their marriage, Sasha’s schooling, and the family unit were more important than a movie role for Sasha at that point in their lives.

There are amazing opportunities for children and young adults in many fields, but it’s key to understand the choices you are making ahead of time.

Make Sure Your Children Love What They Are Doing

First and foremost, make sure that your child is really doing what he or she wants to do—rather than what you want him or her to do. Otherwise, your child won’t stand a chance.

Chemmy Alcott began skiing at the age of eighteen months and competed in her first race at the age of three. She went on to represent Great Britain in three Olympics as a downhill skier. To facilitate her training, she spent every summer between the time she was eleven and the time she was nineteen in New Zealand because of the lack of snow in Great Britain. She also suffered a broken neck when she was twelve, the first of many injuries. In December of 2010, a fall at eighty miles per hour caused her to shatter her right leg, which put her out of World Cup competition; she immediately started rehab and plans to ski again in the Winter Olympics of 2014, despite the presence of nine screws and a metal plate in her leg from the injury. Her personal drive and passion have been key elements of her success in a very difficult sport. Regarding parental influence, Chemmy says:

I think there is a really fine line between being a pushy parent who wants your child to be good in a sport and being an enthusiastic parent who just lets your child learn to love it. Ski racing is a tough sport, and if you don’t have the greatest will to do it, then you won’t become world-class in it. A lot of parents think, “Oh, I’d love my kids to be skiers,” and the kids are skiing for their parents and not for themselves. There’s such a thin line between perfection and tragedy. . . . It’s about making a passion, a hobby, and a love first and foremost, and making a career second.

 Child Stardom in the World of Sports

 Although you may wish to support your child’s passion for a particular sport, it pays to be realistic about his or her talent. Listen to coaches and observe how your child performs in competitions before you take on major additional expenses that should perhaps be going toward funding other goals. On the other hand, if your child really does have a major, unique talent, athletic scholarships can support a dedicated young person through college as he or she rises in the sport.

Whatever your financial circumstances, we recommend keeping your child athlete focused on academics even as he or she excels in sports. A severe injury, such as Chemmy’s fall, can quickly derail a promising career, and if a child has not kept up his or her grades, it will be very difficult to find an alternative career. In an article titled “Parents Raising Superstars,” Tonya Shockley, mother of D. J. Shockley, formerly a quarterback with the Atlanta Falcons, stresses the importance of making academics your child’s priority. She writes: “Our philosophy was school comes first, not sports. No grades, no play. We believed if you excelled in school, there would still be times for friends and fun. The goal was always to do your best and aim high.”

If it really looks like your child has the talent to make it on the world stage, has the personal desire for a professional athletic career, and keeps up with schoolwork, then you should make sure you hire the best advisers possible to manage his or her career. Once offers for endorsements start coming in (and this is now starting at very young ages), a great sports and entertainment lawyer can help you negotiate the best possible arrangements. Terms keep changing, and generally the money that top athletes can earn only keeps getting bigger. For example, the number one choice in the 2010 NBA draft, John Wall, started with a $4 million salary from the Washington Wizards, and then announced that he had signed a $25 million endorsement deal with Reebok for his own signature basketball shoes before he had played even one professional game.

In the fashion industry, Teresa Pollman, a top model scout and talent developer, agrees that you need professional management. She is president of IMD Image and Modeling Development, based in Medford, Oregon. A former model herself, Teresa signs promising child models and actors and grooms them for success. She strongly advises parents to turn the management of their children’s careers over to professionals for several reasons. First, children tend to take direction better from another adult. Second, professionals have the contacts to get maximum visibility for their children. Third, professionals know how to negotiate and are able to stay on top of the latest innovations in contracts and pay packages. She says:

It’s like a parent sitting on the sidelines watching their child play soccer and constantly telling the coach what to do . . . you can’t manage your child without having a personal conflict. No matter what, you’re always going to think your child is the best. Which is completely natural. Sometimes children don’t listen to constructive criticism from parents, because they don’t trust that their parents know what they’re talking about.

Teresa warns that as a parent, you can ruin your child’s career by having an overly aggressive style. “I would say that fifty percent of the time the reason a child doesn’t make it is because of the parents, who are so over- bearing, they crush their kid’s career. A good parent sits back, lets her child do what he needs to do, and supports him by giving him a hug and then allowing him to perform on his own. That’s what we need from the parents: be really supportive, trusting, and responsible. That means bring your children to castings and jobs on time.”

 Succeed in Child Modeling

 If your very young children are especially photogenic, you may be thinking about child modeling or acting. “I do what we call street scouting, which is the same thing as going into a mall. I like to go to outdoor areas that just have stores,” says Teresa Pollman. “There is a place in Santa Monica that I love walking around, and there are beautiful people in every direction. I found this beautiful twenty-year-old plus-size model, which means she was a size ten to fourteen. She is absolutely gorgeous. She works almost every day in L.A. for us now. She was just in there shopping and I walked up and talked to her for a little while. You can literally be discovered anywhere.”

Teresa recommends when you are approached by someone to get a business card and then do your research on that company. Find out what they’re all about and how long they’ve been in business. Discover how long the person who is scouting has worked at the company. She also recommends calling the Better Business Bureau.

We spoke with Kristen Smith, a teen model discovered by Teresa. “I always get nervous before doing a photo shoot or fashion show. Mainly before a fashion show, but I think that’s what makes it fun,” she says. “You’re nervous because you’re excited, then there is the adrenaline rush, but the energy onstage is just, it’s amazing. I just love going onstage and doing fashion shows.”

Kristen went to the annual IMTA (International Modeling and Talent Association) competition in 2010. She won overall model of the year and got the most callbacks of any young woman there, according to Teresa. She won two thousand dollars at IMTA and she’s on hold for Seventeen magazine and Abercrombie and Fitch. “I was discovered when I was twelve,” says Kristen. “I was playing basketball and Teresa came to my game with a friend, and she saw me so she talked with my mom. We came in and met with Teresa and then IMTA came up and so we went to that. It’s all been a great experience.”

As part of the process, Kristen is taking modeling classes, which she says is teaching her “never to be disrespectful. Even if you don’t agree with the client, always keep a smile on your face. Always be yourself, but never rude or loud. Never chew gum when you’re meeting people and things like that.”

Modeling has been an opportunity for Kristen to overcome some of her greatest fears. “The toughest thing is probably being so young and meeting people. I’m really shy and it’s been hard for me. I’m not used to talking to people and being outgoing. So I have to put myself out there and get to know people, even if I don’t want to. Going to IMTA really helped me.”

At this time, Kristin is working mostly during the summer and just a few days during the school year. She says she is going to finish high school and then really go ahead with her modeling ambitions and is considering acting. Kristen’s mother, Cindy Smith, accompanies her most of the time. “Anywhere that I travel, she’ll come with me because of my age. I don’t like going places alone,” says Kristen. “I haven’t traveled much. She’s always coming with me and she’s been a part of it, the whole way. My mother works, and that make it kind of hard. Sometimes my sister will go with me because she’s twenty-one. My goal would be to walk in Fashion Week. I was just asked to go to Miami for Fashion Week in a few weeks, so hopefully that all works and if I got to walk the show that would be one of my big dreams.”

Teresa sees modeling as a great stepping-stone to so many other careers. Many young women will go into fields such as fashion merchandizing, photography, or become a makeup artist or stylist. “There are so many things you can do inside this industry. Look at people like Christy Turlington. She has her degree from NYU, is incredibly intelligent, and a successful businesswoman. Cindy Crawford has a great skin-care line. A lot of people go on to do these great things, and it’s their modeling or their acting careers that gave them the confidence to accomplish their goals.”

Approach Child Modeling and Acting with Caution

Although modeling and acting can be exciting for you and your child, the entire experience may have a deep psychological impact on a child, and you must be vigilant and monitor how your child is being affected. Marilyn Weiss, mother of Sasha Eden and Piper Weiss, was approached by a friend in an elevator in New York City about bringing Sasha to an audition for a toy commercial. Although her daughter didn’t want to do it at the time, two years later, around the age of eight, she told her mother she wanted to do a commercial. Marilyn called a friend in advertising, interviewed two top talent agencies, and got her daughter an agent. She notes, “We always worked through experts, so that my children weren’t victims and we didn’t get drawn in by our enthusiasm for our child’s talents alone.”

From there, Sasha began to audition, and quickly began working. Marilyn’s second daughter, Piper, who is five years younger, would accompany her mother to Sasha’s auditions. People on the set would see Piper and request that she audition, too, and soon both girls were working. Although both girls initially liked child modeling and acting in commercials, there were difficult moments. Marilyn notes that children get tremendous attention when they are making it through rounds of casting calls, and can be very disappointed when they are rejected. This can be more difficult when

siblings like Sasha and Piper go on casting calls and one is chosen while the other is rejected. Marilyn says, “It was so complicated when I brought my eleven-year-old to audition and the casting person took my six-year-old, who wasn’t even there to audition. That creates tension between the sisters and the mother.”

Success in childhood modeling and acting can seem extremely arbitrary— a child may be fantastic but just not right for a particular situation, and it can be disappointing to be rejected. You are truly at the mercy of however the people at the audition want to deliver the news. This can lead to extreme people-pleasing behavior in your child. Sasha says, your child can become almost addicted to people pleasing. That can be very unhealthy. You live for someone’s applause. . . . You know if you get a job as a kid, you are worshipped on set. You’re taken such good care of—assuming it’s union—and your agent loves you and your mom is thrilled because you’re finally making some money after fifty auditions. You get praised . . . and then when this doesn’t happen, you think, I’m no good. I need to please. So it’s just something to be careful of, especially under the age of two. You see this with a lot of child actors, especially the really young ones, who are so precocious—it’s connected to the need to please.

Child acting can cause other problems. Piper recalls developing separation anxiety, because as a very small child she was required to go into audition rooms while her mother waited outside. She says, “When I was in second or third grade, I started to develop extreme separation anxiety be- cause when I went into the audition room . . . I was convinced that when I came out, my mother wouldn’t be there. This may have been caused by some of the scenes I read in the auditions. I am really glad my mom identified the problems and stopped my auditioning instead of pushing me toward it more.”

Parents also need to look at the content of roles their children are auditioning for, to assess if they want their children exposed to adult subjects. Piper recalls being cast in a made-for-TV movie about a little girl who is molested. Her mother pulled her out when she saw the subject matter of the script, which she was not given to review in advance.

As in the world of sports, parents whose children want to act and model must assess the costs responsibly. Don’t get sucked in by the many scams that abound, which prey on children and parents alike. Beware of being approached in the mall by a “talent scout” and being asked to fork over thou- sands of dollars for headshots. A reputable agent charges no money to look at simple photos of your child. Teresa Pollman notes, however, that you will need to make a considerable financial investment in photographs once you are under the wing of an agent. “Can you model with no pictures? No. It’s like asking whether you can go on a job interview with no résumé. However, you don’t want to be charged eight hundred dollars for photos that look horrible and don’t include the services of someone to style your child’s hair, makeup, and clothing. You must do research on the photographer to make sure he is reputable before you spend money.”

Also assess whether you can reasonably travel to a distant audition site. Most auditions are held in New York or Los Angeles, and if you don’t live in these cities, you will be spending thousands of dollars traveling to casting calls. You must determine how this will affect your child’s education and school schedule.

Sasha was frustrated because her mother put the brakes on her acting career once she hit seventh grade, since she could not continue to attend her private school and also audition during the day. Marilyn wanted her daughter to have normal teenage years and to attend a top school, but Sasha wanted to attend a school for professional child actors and continue acting. Marilyn won the battle. Sasha says, “I was devastated when my mom said, ‘I don’t think I want you to be doing this professionally anymore.’ It was really very painful. You have to be prepared for that as a parent. . . . In retrospect I get it and I appreciate her for doing that. I had the most amazing education [at Chapin, a private girls’ school in New York City] and I’m much healthier now than I would have been if I had continued acting at that age. But it’s hard for your relationship [with your mother].”

In addition, keep in mind that many acting and modeling jobs barely cover the cost of getting to the shoot. As Sasha says, “You have to be honest with yourself about the kind of hours you could potentially spend on a sound stage, in a studio without any light, just so your child can appear for one second in a commercial.”

Teresa Pollman notes that a young person who wants a modeling career needs to be prepared to invest three years of time before it is possible to determine whether or not success is going to happen. You also have to be pre- pared to invest a minimum of three thousand dollars during each of those years to cover the costs of traveling to auditions, photos, and so forth, before your child begins to earn a living. That ten-thousand-dollar investment could earn nothing in return, or it could suddenly turn into a major ad campaign for which your child earns $250,000 plus residuals when the commercials air. “There is no other industry out there where you can make this kind of money at a young age,” Pollman says.

 Open a Coogan Account If You Live in California

If you live in the state of California, income earned by your child as an actor or athlete is subject to the Coogan Act, a law enacted in 1939 and named for the child actor Jackie Coogan, whose father and stepmother squandered his earnings. Whenever a child actor or athlete works under contract, employers are required to deposit 15 percent of his or her gross earnings directly into a blocked trust account, also called a Coogan account, set up in the minor’s name. The earnings are the legal property of the child, but cannot be touched until he or she reaches the age of eighteen. Parents or legal guardians are required to establish a Coogan account no later than seven business days after a minor’s employment contract is signed, and to furnish the minor’s employer with a copy of a trustee’s statement proving the existence of the account within ten business days of the start of employment.

 Manage Your Child’s Earnings Wisely

 If your child does make it big in the entertainment industry, there will be earnings to manage and expenses to pay. In 2010, the top child earner in television was Angus T. Jones from the show Two and a Half Men, who earned $250,000 per episode. Mile Cyrus earned only fifteen thousand dollars per episode on Hannah Montana, but she made many times that on her concert tours. Other top TV child stars earned between seven thou- sand and twenty thousand dollars per episode. In a New York Post article, Hollywood talent agent Jackie Lewis, who represents many child stars, notes, “People think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for young TV stars, but let’s think about the commissions given out once they get the pot of gold: 10 percent goes to the agent, 10 to 15 percent goes to the manager, 15 percent goes to the Coogan account, and then there’s taxes. So even if a kid is making $25,000 a week, he or she may only see 30 or 40 percent of the money.”

Sasha Eden suggests that if you plan to act as your child’s manager, you should take a straight 10 percent or 15 percent commission, as a professional manager would, and then put all other earnings into accounts or trusts for the child’s future benefit. The tabloids are full of stories of children suing their parents for mismanagement of their entertainment or athletic fortunes. If you don’t have the skills and experience to successfully manage your child’s career, it is wiser to pay a professional to make sure the funds are properly handled.

Keep in mind that although your child may be earning a great deal of money, these earnings may be short-lived and you will still need to save money for college down the road. Assume that you will need to invest your child’s earnings until he or she turns eighteen—at that point your child will be a legal adult and college tuition must be paid. Meet with your financial planner and an attorney to determine if you can create trusts to protect your child’s income until she turns, say, twenty-five or thirty.

Invite Your Children to Participate in the Management of Their Careers

Whenever possible, allow your children to understand the business side of their careers. As they grow older, they can become even more involved. Chemmy Alcott, for example, is very involved in the business and management side of her career. Like many actors and sports figures, she makes more money from endorsements than she does from her primary career, and she has always participated in the meetings regarding sponsorships and endorsements. She notes, “A lot of athletes don’t want to know all the nitty-gritty, but I think I’m my own best salesperson. I don’t understand how someone else can go into a meeting for me, representing me when I’m not there, and get a better deal for me than I can get for myself. In fact, it’s gotten to the stage now where I just set up my own management firm.”

Life After Child Stardom

It is quite rare for child stars to transition into stardom as adults, so make sure that you prepare your child for life after the limelight. In particular, give your child a solid academic background so that he or she can pursue other interests if show business or sports is no longer an option. Sasha Eden went on to study acting at many drama schools and in college; she continues to work as an actress as well as a producer. She has created and runs WET Productions, a nonprofit production company that produces media that challenges female stereotypes and advocates for equality. Through WET, Sasha has acted in and produced numerous plays written by women, developed screenplays and plays written by women, and created a media literacy and leadership program for teenage girls. Sasha was recently selected by the Utne Reader as one of “25 Visionaries You Should Know.” Piper Weiss is a senior features editor and writer at Yahoo! Shine, Yahoo’s site for women, and most recently appeared in the movie Without, which has made all the rounds at the major film festivals. She is also pursuing a career as an author—her book, My Mom, Style Icon, has been featured in media all over the world. Chemmy Alcott is one of the London torchbearers for the Summer Olympics in 2012 and has started working as a sports commentator and adventurer in between training for her comeback at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.