It's time to get started on building a deck, so you'll have it ready in time to enjoy spring and summer weather. There are a few steps that every homeowner, contractor, and designer need to ensure they build a safe and beautiful deck. Licensed contractor Robert Robillard of A Concord Carpenter has many years of experience building decks, stairs, and balconies on a variety of homes. Here, he offers his expert advice for building a deck.

Deck Safety

Proper deck safety is a huge concern, especially if your deck is raised off the ground. That's true whether you're trying to repair an old deck or build one from scratch.

Fixing up an old deck may sound like the less expensive option, but after close inspection you may discover rotted deck footings or some other type of structural damage. If that is the case, then any new deck you place on top will be compromised, which can be a major hazard. Designing a new deck to proper code is many times the wisest choice when it comes to safety. It may cost a bit more upfront, but you can't put a price on safety.

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Robert Robillard

In addition to inspecting the deck below your feet, it's also important to check out the deck railings and stairs for any damage. Loose railings have led to many a preventable accident.

Plan Your Deck

Be honest with yourself about how you'll be using your deck, now and in the future. Budget is always a concern, and sometimes it's best to start with a smaller deck but plan for a second phase in the future. Having a plan to expand on an existing deck is better than replacing one that was already built.

Do you enjoy entertaining? Having backyard BBQ's? Having a larger deck that can accommodate more people allows for a livelier party, but a larger deck is more expensive, requires more upkeep, and often won't fit within the confines of your yard. Smaller decks create a more intimate space, and if you don't have a large family or entertain very often, you won't need a full dining table outdoors.

The size of your deck is also determined by the makeup of your yard and home. A sloped yard will require grading or installing posts, which is more time-consuming and can involve a bit more engineering. A raised deck must have the proper structural support beneath it as well as the railings around it, which can double the price of an on-grade deck (which is just one step above the ground).

Natural obstacles such as trees, can impact your deck design and plan. You can choose to build around a large tree, which will require more hours of labor but can make for an interesting natural seating area, or simply remove a tree which depending on the size can be a costly endeavor.

A larger deck is more expensive, requires more upkeep, and often won't fit within the confines of your yard.

Even if you are planning on building your own deck, it doesn't hurt to have a conversation with a landscape architect who can work with you to finalize your plans and assist in determining the amount of materials needed. A professional can offer design ideas that you may not have considered, and can often times save you money based on making smart construction decisions.

Every deck is custom-built to the specifications and needs of the homeowner. The biggest consideration is what material to use for your deck surface. There is nothing quite like the look and feel of a real wood deck, but the maintenance required is often more than what most homeowners want to invest in. In addition to regular cleanings, a wood deck will require sanding, painting, sealing throughout it's life. Popular natural wood deck options include pressure treated wood, IPE, cedar, and redwood. Look for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label when purchasing wood products, which helps protect the forest and means the wood was harvested from a verified source.

A composite deck still requires seasonal cleaning, but they are much less likely to crack or warp. Trex and Fiberon are popular composite deck manufacturers that have deck materials available for a variety of budgets and styles. Composite decks are also available in many more colors and textures than you'll find in natural wood, so if you desire to match your deck to your outdoor furniture or your home's exterior you can do that. Many composite decks are constructed of recycled wood or plastic, so your deck has little impact on the environment.

Visit a showroom or lumber yard to get a visual and tactile sense of the deck material you are choosing. Imagine walking across the deck with bare feet or how it might look in your own yard. If you are considering a composite deck, make an appointment to see a home with their deck installed. There's nothing better than viewing a deck in person.

Additional deck construction choices include:

  • Freestanding vs. securing to the house
  • Piers vs. blocks
  • Wood vs. alternative materials (See: 5 Modern Decks and High-Tech Deck Materials)
  • Face-fasten vs. hidden fasteners
  • Railings vs. no railings
  • Hiring a contractor vs. DIY

Your local code will dictate some of these decisions, so going through the permit process with a well laid-out plan is crucial before you start building your deck. If you need help deciding between a wood and plastic deck, check out our guide.

Build a Basic Deck

The easiest deck to build is an on-grade deck. It doesn't require railings, stairs, or posts, but the essential elements of the deck—including the ledger, beams, piers, and joists—remain the same for all types of decks. The subfloor assembly of this shed is very similar to how a deck is built, except a plywood floor is put down instead of decking.

You'll need to buy all tools and materials before you begin construction. Always buy a bit more in lumber and screws and make sure you have all the tools required, which include a circular saw, jigsaw, miter saw, drill, impact driver, router, tape measure, speed square, framing square, long level, nail gun, and sander. You'll also need a full complement of hand tools such as a hammer, pry bar, shovel.

Install a Ledger Board

A ledger board attaches the deck to the home, and is the most important connection for the deck. Flashing should be installed first to prevent water damage, and the ledger should attach directly into the house rim joist for the strongest connection. Use a impact wrench to drive 1/2" lag screws through the ledge into the rim joist.

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Robert Robillard

Install another layer of flashing in the L-shaped area where the side of the house meets the ledger board. This will prevent water from getting between the ledger board and the house, and possibly damaging your home's foundation and the edge of the deck.

Dig Footings and Install Piers or Posts

Use mason's strings to determine footings along the decks outside corners. This should follow your layout plan. These should be spaced at eight foot intervals along the front rim joist.

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A footing hole should be dug below the frost line and be large enough to hold the footing form. Drop the pier form into the footing hole and secure it with dirt around the edges. Fill the piers with concrete and allow them to cure for a week. You can install post hardware into the concrete before it dries, or attach a post base once the pier cures.

Install Rim Joists, Beams, and Interior Joists

Once you've got the footing hardware setup, it's time to frame the deck by attaching the rim joists, beams, and interior joists.

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Robert Robillard

Follow your building codes for proper spacing between joists. You'll need to gather your brackets, ties, and joist hanging nails, to assemble the wood pieces.

Install Decking

Now comes the fun part of installing the actual decking that you so painstakingly selected. Depending on what type of deck material you select, marine sealant and deck screws are many times all that is needed to install your deck. For composite materials, check with your deck manufacturer for best installing practice.

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MadJalapeno - Flickr CC

Once the main deck floor is installed you can attach railing and stairs if needed.

Maintaining a Deck

Natural wood decks require more regular maintenance, but that doesn't mean decks constructed of plastic or composite materials can be neglected. Wood decks should be scrubbed and sanded when needed, and stained or painted regularly. Plastic decks should be washed and any warping or twisting boards should be repaired immediately.

To make your deck as comfortable as your home, consider upgrading your outdoor furniture, adding a sound system, and building a cover or awning. You can also add these 10 gadgets to make your deck nicer than your home.

Headshot of Timothy Dahl
Timothy Dahl
DIY Editor

Timothy is a lifelong DIY enthusiast who is fixated on smart home tech, beautiful tools, and wrenching on his FJ62 Land Cruiser.  He’s the DIY editor at Popular Mechanics and also the founder of the home improvement site, Charles & Hudson, the Webby-nominated family site, Built by Kids, and Tool Crave. When not working, you’ll find him on his board or bike enjoying the LA weather with his family and friends. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter.