Description & Prevention

The fungi that cause trouble (there are about six of them) are organisms whose idea of a great place to hang out is in the damp skin between toes and on the bottom and sides of feet. These fungi can get around and possibly give you a vaginal infection, says Teresa G. Conroy, DPM, a podiatrist in private practice in Philadelphia. Taking a bath instead of a shower can increase your risk of developing this problem. What to Do To prevent athlete's foot, wear flip-flops in public showers and locker rooms. Also wear cotton as often as you can. "When it comes to the proliferation of athlete's foot, nylon panty hose are the biggest offenders," says Cheryl Weiner, DPM, a podiatrist in Columbus, Ohio. "Wear cotton socks or all-cotton tights instead." If your job dictates that you wear stockings and pumps during work hours, Dr. Weiner suggests wearing cotton socks instead of stockings to and from work. Or buy polypro socks and tights. Wicking fibers like polypropylene and Capilene that draw moisture away from the skin and release it into the air also keep the feet dry, even more so than cotton, says Phyllis Ragley, DPM, vice president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine who practices in Lawrence, Kansas. "And unlike cotton, these fabrics air-dry quickly." Look for polypropylene socks and other foot-friendly fiber socks at sporting goods stores.
Change your socks. It's important to change your socks once a day, says Dr. Conroy. Otherwise, you re-expose your feet to trapped moisture and fungus. [pagebreak]


You pick up athlete's foot in swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers -- even in your own bathroom if a family member has it. The unsightly white flakes, cracked and peeling skin, and stubborn itch can drive you crazy. It calls for an all-out effort to eradicate the fungus on your feet and banish it from your footwear and house permanently. Here's what to do. Powder up and dry out. Athlete's foot fungi can't survive without moisture, so the best thing that you can do is keep your feet desert-dry, says Dr. Weiner. She recommends an over-the-counter medicated powder, Zeasorb-AF, applied twice daily directly to your feet. "This is the most absorbent foot powder available without a prescription." Cream the germs, and don't quit. Used properly, over-the-counter fungus-killing creams such as tolnaftate (Aftate or Tinactin) and miconazole nitrate (in Micatin products) can work, says Dr. Weiner. "But to permanently eradicate fungus, you must continue using the cream for 50 percent longer than it took to clear up the problem." If it takes a month to knock out an entrenched fungus, for example, use the cream faithfully for an additional 2 weeks to really get the last of it. The drier, the better. Fungus-ridden feet may crack, peel, and look dry. But you'll want to avoid using moisturizing creams or petroleum jelly on your feet, since these products trap moisture and can actually promote fungus growth, says Dr. Weiner. Stick with antifungal creams. Wash socks with disinfectant. When laundering socks and hose, add a capful of liquid Lysol disinfectant to the final rinse to help destroy fungus, says Dr. Conroy. Or soak them in a disinfectant solution for a few minutes before drying them. Crank up the heat. Drying your socks on a hot setting will also help destroy fungus, says Dr. Conroy. Socks first, then underwear. "If your feet are actively infected, pulling your undies on over your bare feet is a sure way to transfer the fungus to your groin," says Dr. Conroy. Avoid this potentially maddening problem by getting dressed socks-first. If you wear pantyhose: (1) Shield your feet with socks, (2) pull on your panties, (3) remove the socks, and (4) put on your hose. Fumigate your footwear. The same fungi that enjoy nibbling away at your toes also find refuge in your footwear. Blast the insides of your shoes with a disinfectant spray such as Lysol, Dr. Conroy says. Let your shoes dry overnight before wearing them. If you have an active infection, do this every day with whatever shoes you wear. Don't forget to treat your bedroom slippers too. Air out your shoes. "If it's a nice sunny day, I tell people to loosen the laces and put their shoes out to air-dry," Dr. Conroy says. If it's not a sunny day, stuff your shoes with newspaper, which will absorb moisture, and let them dry indoors, says Dr. Weiner. She also recommends alternating shoes so that at no time would you be wearing wet ones.[pagebreak]

When to See a Doctor

If your feet still itch and burn after 10 to 14 days of at-home treatment, see a podiatrist or your family physician. A skin culture can determine the type of fungus and the proper antifungal medication to use. You may not have a fungus at all, but a bacterial infection that can only be beaten with an antibiotic cream. Sometimes, say doctors, allergic skin reactions are mistaken for athlete's foot.