How to Wash Cashmere and Keep It in Great Shape

Be gentle with your cashmere sweaters to help them last.


Iryna Veklich/Getty Images

Cashmere's super-soft feel and luxe vibe make it an in-demand knit for sweaters, scarves, blankets—and basically anything cozy. But despite its soft feel, it can be a surprisingly sturdy knit that can sometimes even stand up to machine washing (though hand washing is the safest way to go).

Learn how to wash cashmere safely, so it keeps looking gorgeous for years to come.

Before you wash cashmere, check out the care instructions on the tag. Some cashmere sweaters and clothes require hand washing, while others will allow machine washing. The manufacturer's recommendations are the safest for your garment.

How Often Should You Wash Cashmere?

The good news is that you don't have to wash cashmere after every wear. You can wear your cashmere at least twice before washing it, depending on how much you sweat and whether you wear it with something underneath it—and how comfortable you are with letting your sweater sit between wears.

But there's one time when you absolutely have to wash your cashmere: when you're packing it up for the season. Any body oils or invisible spills on your cashmere can help attract pests—and could mean you have holes that need repair when you bring your sweaters out in the fall.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Clean sink or washing machine
  • Washing bag
  • Clean towel


  • Gentle laundry detergent (especially one specifically for cashmere)


How to Hand-Wash Cashmere

Hand-washing works for all cashmere—even the most delicate knits. And fortunately, it doesn't require a lot of work to get it done.

  1. Turn your garment inside out

    That helps reduce any pilling or other damage that can happen when you're washing your cashmere.

  2. Prep the washing water

    Add a gentle detergent (preferably one meant for cashmere) to a sink or basin filled with cold water.

  3. Soak your sweater

    Put your cashmere sweater into the bath, and let it soak for up to 30 minutes.

    You can put a few cashmere items in the same bath, as long as they're a similar color. (You definitely don't want to throw your red sweater in with your cream one!)

  4. Give it a good rinse

    Rinse the detergent thoroughly out of your sweater with fresh cold water.

How to Wash Cashmere in a Washing Machine

Many cashmere sweaters can handle gentle machine washing—just keep it in its own load, away from jeans, bras, and other rough fabrics that could cause damage to your knits.

  1. Prep your cashmere for washing

    Again, turn your clothing inside out, and place it in a mesh washing bag to help protect it.

  2. Use a gentle wash setting and detergent

    Run your cashmere through on a delicate cycle, using cold water, low or no spin, and a cashmere-friendly detergent. Again, you'll want to run your knits in a separate load to avoid damage from other laundry.

How to Dry Cashmere

Just say no to clothes dryers or other heat sources, which can shrink or damage the knit. Instead, follow these tips to help you get your cashmere dried quickly (and in tip-top shape).

  1. Be gentle with your cashmere

    Don't twist or wring out your cashmere, as that can make it misshapen. Instead, gently squeeze out water by rolling your sweater into a ball.

    Lay the damp sweater flat onto a fresh dry towel to finish drying.

  2. Use clean towels

    Flatten your cashmere out on a dry towel, reshape it, and roll it gently in the towel to remove more excess water.

  3. Lay flat to dry

    Place a fresh clean towel on top of a drying rack or another waterproof flat surface, and lay your damp cashmere on it to dry.

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