
11 Things to Avoid Doing Right Before Getting a Spray Tan

Be wary of these common spray tan slip-ups.
woman getting a spray tan
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You might wonder what’s the point of paying for a spray-on tan when you could go outside and soak up some vitamin D for free. While it’s true that spray tans will cost you much more financially, they’ll cost you far less in terms of potential sun damage: premature aging, dark spots, sun spots, and even skin cancer. Spray tanning, on the other hand, offers you a safe, sunless glow.

And unlike the sun damage wrought by UV rays, spray tans are temporary. “DHA, the active ingredient in sunless tanners, is derived from sugar—mainly from beets—and reacts with the amino acids on top of the epidermis, turning it brown,” Kristyn Pradas, celebrity tanning artist whose clients include Ariana Grande and Ashley Graham, tells SELF. “So as your skin cells shed themselves, your sunless tan sheds itself, this is why a sunless tan only lasts between 7 and 10 days.”

The other main ingredient in spray tans is bronzer, which you might notice just minutes—sometimes seconds—after getting spritzed. (The DHA goes on clear and doesn’t brown until later.) “This bronzer serves as a color guide, showing you where the tan has been applied and giving you an idea of what you will look like when the DHA is fully developed,” explains Pradas. “It takes about 12 hours to set for a traditional spray tan, but it can take much less for an accelerated tan (anywhere from one to five hours), and 24 hours for both tans to fully develop.”

With all this effort and cost, you’ll want to make sure your spray tan goes on evenly and lasts as long as possible. That’s why we turned to the spray tan pros to find out what you should resist doing in the days and hours leading up to your appointment.

1. Don’t use self-tanner.

It’s not easy being pasty, especially when you’re used to a bronze glow, but resist the temptation to use self-tanner and even tinted moisturizer. These products can leave your spray tan looking uneven and patchy as it fades, warns Pradas.

Save your self-tanner for after your spray tan. “You can use a self-tanner a few days after a spray tan application in order to prolong the longevity of the tan,” she says. “If you choose to add a self-tanner over a spray tan, be sure to lightly exfoliate some of your dead skin cells off, as this will give you a more even color.”

2. Don’t take a hot shower.

A hot shower might feel relaxing, but the steam will open all your pores and allow your spray tan to settle into your skin unevenly. This will leave you with brown dots all over your body for about a week—not exactly the look you were hoping for! If you absolutely must shower prior to getting your spray tan on, Pradas recommends finishing it up with an ice-cold rinse for as long as you can stand to close and tighten your pores. If you can’t handle a cold shower, you can also run an ice cube over your skin to close and tighten pores.

3. Don’t wax or shave.

While both hair removal techniques might seem like a harmless part of your grooming routine, they should be done at least 24 hours before you get a spray tan, and ideally one to two days after. When it comes to waxing, you risk leftover wax being left on your skin, which, if not properly removed, can leave untanned lighter spots on the skin, Klaudia Suszczynska, a New York–based airbrush tanning artist, tells SELF.

Additionally, she points out, the heat from the wax opens up your pores, which makes it easier for the self-tanner to seep in and leave blotchy spots on the skin. “You run the risk of irritation, too, as any existing nicks, cuts or rashes—caused by the wax or not—may be aggravated by the tanner depending on the product used, and may also result in an uneven color even if no additional irritation occurs,” she adds.

The same goes for shaving, since your skin needs time to heal from any cuts or scrapes from the razor. Pradas suggests shaving a day before your spray tan, and using a washcloth or exfoliating mitt with a non-moisturizing soap or body wash after you shave to get rid of any residue. “Witch hazel can also help to remove moisturizer residue,” she adds.

4. Don’t get a facial.

If you’re having a total TLC day, choose whether you want to have a facial or a spray tan—just don’t have both. “Facials should be avoided right before a spray tan because the tanner will go into the open pores on the skin and create blackhead-looking spots on the skin,” says Suszczynska. For this reason, she recommends waiting at least a day after getting your facial, and until any irritation has gone down, to ensure an even spray. Alternately, you can just have your body sprayed and cover your face, although this might make for an uneven look.

5. Don’t wear tight clothing.

Wear loose, flowy clothes (or an outfit you don’t care if it gets stained with bronzer) to your spray tan appointment. It takes up to 15 minutes—longer than most people realize—for the DHA and bronzer to dry, so you not only run the risk of rubbing off your tan, but also staining your clothing if it’s too tight. Skip your bra if you can help it and definitely leave your skinny jeans and yoga pants at home.

6. Don’t get a laser treatment.

A spray tan should never be done after a skin-care treatment that uses lasers, like Fraxel. This is because as the top few layers of the skin peels off, the tan will go with it, according to Suszczynska. “Lasers may also leave dry areas or spots on the skin and the tanner will get darker in these areas,” she adds. For these reasons, she recommends waiting until your skin has completely stopped peeling post–laser treatment before getting your spray tan. Alternatively, if your laser treatment was only done on your face, you can have just your body sprayed.

7. Don’t tan outdoors or in a tanning booth.

Whether intentional or a mere result of spending too much time outside in the sun (sans sunscreen), having a real tan can cause your spray tan to look unnatural. This is especially a no-no if you’re sunburned, as a spray tan will only give your tan a reddish or orange hue. Plus, if your sunburned skin peels, your spray tan will peel off as well, leaving you multicolored, warns Pradas.

Tanning beds are no safe bet, either. While you might think creating a base tan will make your spray tan results last longer, the only thing you’re really achieving is burning the top layer of your skin. No matter what, if your skin is peeling from any sort of burn, wait until the peeling stops before getting a spray tan.

8. Don’t apply acne medication.

It might be part of your skin-care ritual, but it’s not a smart idea to use topical acne meds of any kind on your face or body prior to getting a spray tan. “Most acne medication, including face washes containing salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide, will dry out the skin, which will affect the results of the tan,” Suszczynska tells SELF. “It may make the tan too dark in certain areas and peel off in others, resulting in uneven results.”

If possible, she recommends stopping use of these products a few days before your tan is completely faded. If your acne medication is unavoidable, she suggests simply not spraying your face and just having your body done. But it isn’t just topical acne medication that you should avoid. "Oral acne medications, such as Accutane, may also cause severe drying of the skin, which can also affect the tan," she adds. "So it’s recommended to not get a spray tan when using these medications."

9. Don’t overexfoliate your skin.

Exfoliating before your spray tan helps prepare the skin for an optimal tan, sheds dead skin cells, and reveals a fresh new slate. That said, don’t go haywire. “Overexfoliating can cause irritation on the skin, little scratches, and excessive dryness,” says Suszczynska. “The tanner will develop darker in these areas, resulting in an uneven tan.” Instead, she suggests gently exfoliating the night before using a loofah or an oil-free scrub, such as Neutrogena Deep Clean Gentle Oil-Free Scrub, $8.

10. Don’t wear deodorant containing aluminum.

Postpone putting on deodorant until after your spray tan. “The aluminum makes your underarms turn green with a spray tan, which will definitely stay for a few days—not pretty, believe me,” says Pradas. If you really need help battling B.O., she suggests using a deodorant without aluminum, such as Tom's of Maine Long Lasting Lavender Natural Deodorant Stick, $4.

11. Don’t get a lash extension.

Experts agree that it is best to wait a day or two after getting lash extensions to have a spray tan, because you’re not supposed to get your new lashes wet for 24 to 48 hours. “Although a spray tan should not wet [the lashes] enough to cause any problems, washing your face to properly remove the spray tan may,” says Suszczynska. “Some clients may wish to cover their lashes while getting sprayed, but it’s worth noting that this will likely leave some undesirable tan lines around the eyes.”

And lastly, one thing you should do before a spray tan:

12. Do gently exfoliate.

If there’s one thing you should do before stepping into the spray tan booth, it’s gently exfoliate your body. “This creates an even skin surface upon which the tan can be applied, which results in a uniform final color that fades all at the same time,” explains Jules Von Hep, celebrity spray tanner and cofounder of vegan self-tanner line Isle of Paradise. For the best exfoliation, use a non-oil based scrub—ideally, one day before your scheduled appointment.