What is a Menstrual Cup? How to Use It, Remove It, and More 

Everything you need to know, including where to buy menstrual cups and how to sterilize them. 
What is a menstrual cup How do I use it Here's everything you need to know.
Photo taken in Moscow, RussiaTatiana Magoyan / EyeEm

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When you think of your period, two options typically come to mind: tampons or pads. But a third option exists: menstrual cups. If you ever wondered "What is a menstrual cup?" or how the heck to use it, we're here to fill you in.

We're answering all your questions about menstrual cups with the help of Dr. Vanessa Cullins, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist and vice president of external medical affairs at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Let's dive in.

1. What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is exactly what it sounds like: a flexible cup that women can insert into their vaginas in order to collect their menstrual flow. They're made of latex rubber or silicone, and they come in reusable or disposable varieties.

2. How do you use a menstrual cup?

Wash your hands and get into the position that’s most comfortable for you. "Many women squat, put one leg up, or sit on the toilet with their knees apart," Dr. Cullins says. "To insert a cup, you usually fold or squeeze it so it’s easier to put in your vagina. Follow the directions that came with your cup and practice when you are not bleeding to find the best way to put the cup in.”

You'll know you're inserting it correctly and using the right sized cup "if you don’t feel it in your vagina and when there is no leakage and the cup is only partially full when you remove it," Dr. Cullins says. "If the cup is very full and you have leakage, you probably just need to remove and empty the cup more often."

"It may take a couple of periods to get it right. You can wear a pad as a backup while you’re learning to correctly place the cup," she suggests. (Note that you cannot wear a tampon and menstrual cup at the same time.)

3. Where do I buy a menstrual cup? And which menstrual cup do I choose?

All menstrual cups are not created equally. "In general, younger women (usually aged 30 or younger) and women who have never given birth vaginally are recommended a smaller cup," Dr. Cullins says.

If you're 18-30, try using DivaCup Model 1.

DivaCup Model 1

Want options? Try the Dutchess Cup.

This reusable cup comes in red, pink, purple, white, and blue (pictured). Duchess Cup offers two sizes: pre-childbirth and post-childbirth.

Dutchess Cup

If you're under 18, try using DivaCup Model 0.

Size matters. These menstrual cups are specially designed for smaller vaginas.

DivaCup Model 0

Have a heavy period? Try DivaCup Model 2.

Age, of course, is just one part of the equation when it comes to finding the best menstrual cup for your body. Regardless of age, if you're using a small cup and have heavy a menstrual flow or experience leakage, you may want to consider a larger cup (as long as it's comfortable during insertion, and you don't feel it once it's inside your body).

DivaCup Model 2

Don't want to mess with cleaning a reusable menstrual cup? Try a disposable Softdisc.


4. Why use a menstrual cup (instead of tampons or pads)?

There are a few reasons someone might want to switch to a menstrual cup. One obvious reason is that it’s better for the environment, since a single menstrual cup is reusable for many years and therefore drastically reduces waste. Some women find menstrual cups more comfortable than pad or tampons. And, from an economic standpoint, reusable menstrual cups save you money in the long-term since they last for years.

5. Do menstrual cups hurt or feel uncomfortable?

Many people can't feel their cups at all once they’re inserted, Dr. Cullins says, and it shouldn't be painful when you insert it, either (though it might take more practice to use than a tampon or pad). In fact, most people are able to forget they have it in, thanks to the flexible silicone that warms up to match your body heat.

6. How do you remove a menstrual cup?

"Some menstrual cups have a 'stem' that can be pulled for removal; others are removed by hooking a finger around the rim," Dr. Cullins explains. "Sometimes the menstrual cup causes a suction seal that makes it more difficult to remove. Try not to get nervous if this happens."

If the cup has a stem, you can pull or rock the stem from side to side, then pull downward on the rim to remove it. Fortunately, menstrual cups cannot move to another part of your body — "they are very large compared to the cervical entrance to the uterus," Dr. Cullins says — so the cup will stay inside your vagina until you remove it.

7. Can a menstrual cup get stuck or lost in your vagina?

Your vaginal canal is, on average, only three to six inches long — it’s not an endless, dark tunnel in which things can get permanently lost. So if you have trouble removing your cup, don't freak out. Relax, breathe, and don’t force it. You can also use a water-based (not silicone-based) lube for help.

8. How long can you leave a menstrual cup inside your vagina?

You can leave your menstrual cup in for up to 12 hours, at which point you should take it out (with clean, washed hands), empty it into the toilet, and wash it with a mild, fragrance-free soap before re-inserting. This means you only need to remove and empty your cup twice a day.

Yes, you can keep it in overnight. You can also wear it during exercise and swimming (but most cups cannot be used during sex). It feels pretty great to be able to sleep all night and do downward dog without any worries of leakage.

9. Do menstrual cups leak?

Usually menstrual cups only leak if they’re not positioned properly — for example, if it hasn’t “popped open” fully or if it’s crooked. In that regard, some leaking might be expected when you’re first getting the hang of it so you might want to wear a back-up pad.

Once it’s inserted properly, however, leakage because of overflow is very rare. For most women, a menstrual cup can actually hold an entire cycle’s worth of period blood! If you have a heavy flow and you’re concerned about it, simply remove the cup more often during your first time using it; you’ll quickly become familiar with how much you bleed and how often you need to empty the cup. That’s another great benefit of menstrual cups: they allow women to be more aware of what’s normal for their bodies, and therefore more attuned to any changes in their health.

10. What’s the best way to clean a menstrual cup? And how the heck do you clean one discreetly when you’re in a public bathroom?

Some menstrual cups can be emptied, washed, and then used again, while other cups are thrown away. But either way, you should empty or change your cup a few times a day, Dr. Cullins says. To remove and empty a menstrual cup, put your fingers in your vagina, then gently squeeze the cup and pull it out. Empty the menstrual fluid in a toilet, sink, or shower drain. Then, wash the cup with warm water and mild, unscented soap (or if you are in a situation that is not discreet or clean, just wipe the inside and the outside of the cup with toilet paper), and then put it back in.

"If you’re out in public, you can bring a water bottle, feminine wipes, or hypoallergenic baby wipes to clean your cup while you’re out," Dr. Cullins suggests. Always follow the cleaning directions that came with your cup, and don't douche or use vaginal deodorants with your cup — this can lead to irritation or infection.

Worried about smells? "If you’re worried about body odor, empty your cup more often," she adds. "If you are worried about cup odor, wash it well with a mild soap and water and if the instructions say the cup can be cleaned in boiling water, do that too.”

You can also buy a dedicated menstrual cup sterilizer, like this one from iNeibo. It sterilizes the cup in two cycles and kills 99.9% of germs in ten minutes. Plus, you can store your reusable menstrual cup in the sterilizer until you're ready to use it again.

Menstrual Cup Sterilizer

11. Is it OK to have sex while using a menstrual cup?

“Some of the soft disposable menstrual cups (like Softdisc) can be worn during sex, though you should check the instructions on any cup you use first," Dr. Cullins notes. "Remember, though, menstrual cups are not birth control, so if you’re trying to prevent pregnancy, make sure you use the birth control method of your choice. If you use a diaphragm and spermicide, remove the cup and use your diaphragm (which will collect the blood) in preparation for, during, and after sex. Then go back to using the menstrual cup.”

12. What is toxic shock syndrome, and can a menstrual cup cause it?

Toxic shock syndrome (or TSS) is a serious and potentially fatal result of bacterial infections that can occur when the material used in tampons, in addition to tiny cuts from chafing, creates a breeding ground for bacteria. This is why you should never use a tampon overnight or longer than eight hours, and always watch out for the flu-like symptoms of TSS when using tampons.

The risk of TSS occurring due to the use of menstrual cups, however, is small to none.

Related: I Understand My Period, But What's Coming Out Of Me The Other Three Weeks of the Month?

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